Chapter 77 - Day Eight

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5th February

Mel's perspective.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming! Keep your shirt on!" I call out to whoever the hell is pounding their fist against the door as I pull my dressing gown around my shoulders and make my way down the hall.

The house seems deserted, I guess Mr and Mrs Francis have gone to the hospital already, leaving me to be woken at this ungodly hour by whatever twat is trying to break down my front door.

OK, so ungodly may be an exaggeration. I think as I pass the sizeable old-fashioned clock in the hall that tells me, it's nearly ten am, but after getting next to no sleep for the last week, I was finally enjoying a lovely dream where I was given free rein to purchase whatever shoes I wanted in a high-end store.

I was just in the middle of trying on the most perfect pink stilettos when I was rudely awoken, so I am not impressed with this interruption at all.

Throwing open the door, I bite back the next nasty comment on my lips and rub my eyes stupidly as I look into the eyes of the man on the step. I must still be dreaming...

"Alright love, you must be Mel." a thin man with blue eyes and messy brown hair greets me.

I watch dumbfounded, as he takes a long drag on the cigarette between his fingers before stubbing it out on a nearby overturned plant pot.

"Reckon I can come in?" He asks in a familiar northern accent

"S-s-sure," I mumble and step back to let him cross the threshold into the flat.

"Your... Louis Tomlinson," I inform him stupidly, just in case he didn't already know.

"Last time I checked love." He drawls as he steps inside and pushes the door closed behind him.

I don't usually get starstruck, becoming speechless at the sight of a celebrity is customarily Katie's area of expertise. Still, Louis has always been my favourite, and my inner directioner has passed out cold in the back of my brain.

The other aspects of my personality are fanning her with their hands trying to rouse her, being no help to me at all as I desperately try and form a coherent thought.

"Erm, so Hi!" I squeak in an unnaturally high voice, clearing my throat, I try again

"Not that I don't enjoy having random members of One Direction turn up at my flat, but... why are you here?" I ask thankful that my voice is now coming out at a normal pitch.

"Get a lot of us, do ya? Must be annoying.
Especially when it's that tall, green-eyed git, who incidentally, is the reason I'm here, sort of. I've been calling him for days, but the idiot won't pick up. I just wanted to know how Katie's doing, so I thought fuck it, and came round."

Giggling slightly at his jibes at Harry, I lead him through to the kitchen.

"Well, that kind of creates more questions than it answers to be honest, Tea?" I ask, and he nods in assent.

"Why didn't you just go to the hospital? Not that it's not great to meet you and all but, to be honest, I'd have rather have done it when I'm dressed," I say gesturing down to my fluffy blue robe and Lilo and Stitch slippers

"Shit, not done it. I'm not suggesting we are doing it. I have a boyfriend... I meant meeting you would be better when I'm dressed. Excuse me. I'm just going to stick my head in the oven... Stop talking Mel..." I ramble like a complete crazy person, turning my back on him to flick the kettle on and hide my reddening face.

Quick as a flash Louis' well known smart mouth fires back at me

"Katie said you were funny, didn't mention you were crazy though, would have been handy to know that before turning up at your door without security." He teases.

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