Chapter 79 - Day Ten

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Chapter 75 - Day Ten
7th February

Harry's perspective

I told you once,
And I'll tell you again
I'm a mess without you.

Yeah, that works. I think to myself, singing the lyrics aloud for the first time since I jotted them in my notepad days ago.

The verses still need some work, but I think that's the hook sorted at least. Tossing my notepad on to the sofa next to me, I stand up and stretch my aching back.

For the last couple of nights, I've taken to making up a makeshift bed on the floor out of the cushions instead of contorting myself into ever more uncomfortable positions on the tiny sofa. I swear it's actually shrunk since I've been here.

Glancing at the date on my phone, I realise today is day ten, how is that even possible? In some ways, it feels like Katie has been sleeping forever, like this has been my life for so long that I barely know anything else. But in other ways, it feels like just yesterday that I last heard her laugh, held her in my arms, made love to her.

A buzzing noise interrupts my thoughts as the phone in my hand starts to vibrate, probably a good thing, I shouldn't be daydreaming about making love to Katie right now.

"Jeff Calling" brags the screen as it flashes. I know I should answer it, I've been dodging his calls for nearly a week now. After the way he's always treated Katie and the disrespect he's shown me lately, I can't bring myself to play nice with him even after he seemed genuinely concerned the other day.

Ignoring him has seemed better than having a slanging match down the phone whilst my tempers been so high.

Since Louis' visit the other day, though, I have been feeling considerably calmer. The doctors continue to assure me daily that, physically at least, Katie is OK, and that it's just a matter of time until she wakes up now, and, although I wish she'd hurry up about it already, my heart feels lighter for their reassurance.

Sighing, I slide the answer button on my iPhone and hold the device to my ear.

"Hey Jeff," I say by way of greeting, trying to keep my tone light

"H! Dude I've been so worried, been having to bug the security team for updates as you've not been answering my calls," he says, but there is no trace of anger in his voice, only a slight tinge of regret.

"Sorry, I've not really felt up to talking," I admit "Everything OK?"

"Yeah, of course, I'm fine. How are you though? I spoke to Louis the other day. He said he'd been to see you?"Jeff questions

"Yeah, he turned up a couple of days ago and dragged me home for a shower and some Fifa. It was good. I needed the break."

"How do you feel about taking another one? I kinda wanted to talk to you about something, but I'd rather not do it over the phone."

"Er, well, I don't really want to go far..." I begin by Jeff cuts me officially

"Oh I know, Which is why I've come to you, I'm just at Paddington station now."

"Oh!" I say, surprised. I wasn't expecting him to have actually made the journey here, to be honest, I thought he was in the States this week

"I thought you were in LA?" I question, confused.

"I was, but I had some business to take care of in town, so I'm here for a couple of days. What do you say? Coffee?"

I take a moment to ponder Jeff's request, as a general rule we aren't the 'getting coffee' sort of mates, normally our social interactions are more based around an activity, like the gym or a boxing session, more often than not, a beer or two. But it's clear he wants to speak to me, and after dodging his calls for so long, it's probably the least I can do.

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