Chapter 30

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As Mel and I pull up outside the Ex Theatre Roppongi, I can't seem to stop my hands from shaking. There's a massive queue of girls outside and, even though we are being taken in through the back door in a large car with tinted windows, my anxiety is getting the better of me.

Harry is already inside, as he has a meet and greet scheduled before the show, so at least I don't have to worry about anyone seeing us together. But I can't seem to convince my overactive brain that there is nothing to worry about.

When we finally join Harry backstage, he is just saying goodbye to the last of the fans, one girl has her arms wrapped around him in a tight bear hug and all of a sudden, my anxiety morphs into jealousy, and I ball my hands into fists.

"Jealous much?" Mel whispers in my ear and takes one of my hands in hers.

"You try watching your boyfriend being groped by strangers.. see how you feel." I huff back at her.

"Groped? Haha! She was only hugging him, poor thing. Calm yourself down, Katie." Mel reasons with me just as Harry disentangles himself from the fan and heads towards us as she is lead out by security.

"Hey, pretty girl," Harry says, glancing behind him to make sure that the fans have all left before he leans to kiss me, I return his kiss half-heartedly and turn my head

"Hey," I grumble sulkily.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, don't mind her." Mel interrupts as she hugs him hello. "She's just got her knickers in a twist cos we saw that girl hugging you. Apparently, the green-eyed monster has reared its ugly head."

I watch as a smirk tugs at the edge of Harry's lips, he tries to fight it, but its clear he's finding this hilarious.

He steps towards me and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me against his chest as he gazes down into my eyes.

"Jealous baby?" He teases me

"No." I huff

"Aww, aren't you adorable. You know you're my only girl. I'd have thought that flying you halfway around the world might have drummed that into that pretty head of yours." He says, tapping my forehead gently with his index finger.

"However, I have got to get ready for the show." He turns and calls, "Ben? Can I put you on usher duty again mate?"

Seemingly out of nowhere, Ben appears and nods to Harry.

"Sure H. Ladies? " He says and extends both his arms to each of us.

"Have a great show, Harry!" Mel says and takes one of Ben's outstretched arms

I lightly press my lips to Harry's, wanting just quickly to wish him luck, but the moment I do, his arm snakes around me again, and he pulls me tightly against his muscled torso, one hand reaching up to cup my face as the kiss deepens.

"Erm, H. Put her down mate." Ben's voice interrupts us with a laugh. And Harry steps back from me.

"Only you." He whispers.

"Have a great show. " I tell him quietly.

I know I have a stupid grin on my face, and I am slightly dazed as turn to leave, grateful for Ben's arm for support as I'm not entirely convinced I can walk in a straight line right now.

As usual, Harry's performance is outstanding. He wows the crowd by speaking a bit of Japanese here and there and looks gorgeous in his well-tailored red Gucci suit.

Mel and I are situated on a small balcony, which seems to be full of various people from Harry's team. Ben is here as well as Jeff, who thankfully, keeps his distance from Mel and me after Mel shoots him a few dirty looks and several others that I don't know.

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