Chapter 38

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"Mel? Mel? You home?" I call out as I drag my suitcase through the front door and close it behind me.

As no one responds, I guess Mel's not back yet. It's December twenty-seventh. Nearly a week has passed since that horrible day at Harry's, and we've not seen each other since the day after the article came out.

Harry headed home to his mums in Holmes Chapel for Christmas, he asked me to go with him, but after everything that had happened, I wasn't up to meeting his family. So I decided to disappear down to the tiny Isle of Wight off the South coast of England to stay with my own family and avoid the fall out as much as possible.

I can't say it was the most delightful Christmas, my family, of course, all saw the article and were understandably upset. Still, I couldn't bring myself to explain the truth to them, not after how hard it was to go through with Mel and Harry, and I'm nowhere near as close to them, so we didn't talk about it much.

I spent most of the time I was there walking along the long sandy beaches with my headphones blaring music into my ears trying to block out the thoughts in my head. It worked for the most part, but now that I am home, there are a lot of realities I have to face.

Harry and I have spoken daily, he quickly fell back into his old routine of sending me 'Good morning' and 'Sleep sweet' texts, but something feels different between us.

Now that my past has been exposed, I can't help but feel, even more strongly than ever, that there is no reason for someone like him to want to be with someone like me.

All I have done since I came into his life is cause him problem after problem, and I'm starting to wonder if I should have stuck to my guns after our first disastrous date and kept running.

I don't have time to think about that right now, though. Harry is due home tomorrow afternoon, and we have arranged to have our own private Christmas at his house in London.

It was our compromise when I declined joining him and his family. He wouldn't complain, so long as we could celebrate properly together on his return. Toby is picking me up first thing to take me to Harry's so that I can start preparing the Turkey and trimmings that I have bought for our dinner, having decided that if we're going to have a proper Christmas, we are going to need a proper Christmas dinner.

I reach my bedroom and prop my suitcase up in a corner, flopping down on to the bed, I check my phone, there's a text from Harry, as there usually is every time I glance at it.

Hey, baby, did you get home, OK? Can't wait to see you tomorrow. H x

I quickly type back a response,

Just got back, traffic was awful. I can't wait to see you either, now stop bothering me so I can put the finishing touches to your gift 😜 xx.

An hour later as I am trying desperately to find the end of the sellotape which has disappeared for the tenth time since I started trying to wrap Harry's present, I hear the front door open, and a familiar voice call out

"Hey honey I'm home!!"

"Mel!" I call back happily, jumping up to give her a big hug, of course, I've missed Harry this last week, but I've missed my best friend too. I dropped several bombshells on her before vanishing off to the Island, and we haven't had time to talk very much as she's been with her family for the festive season too.

"How was your Christmas?" I ask her as she collapses on to the sofa.

"Ahh, you know the usual, lots of fighting, drinking, swearing and general family craziness!" she laughs "Yours?"

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