Just a girl

32 4 1

I'm just a girl

who wants to be free

but how can that be when society

is twisted and filled with hate

i'm just a girl

who wants to be expressive

how can that be true when hate is around

i'm just a girl

who wants to be free

yet when the world is mocking

it makes me turn my back and hide

i'm just a girl

who wants to know i'm beautiful anyway

but when society is judgementle it's hard

i'm just a girl

who wants to be seen as me

but when the world is mutated

and warped how can that be

i'm just a girl

who wants to defy the ways given

i don't care about their view of me

i know who i am

i will express

i will be seen as me

i will be free

why cause that is me

and i will show myself

so if i can defy them

then so can you

cause I'm just a girl

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