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who are you to judge me\who are you to say you understand

who are you to make me wonder

who are you to criticize me

what makes you think you can judge my actions without knowing me

how can you say you understand when you know nothing about me

why do you make me wonder if it's true

where do you expect me to go when you criticize me

you can never understand who i really am

even if you try no one has

i wonder why they stare at me

never truly understanding

the way you speak like no one cares

the way you dance like no one is watching

the way you sing like no one can hear

and no one can understand why i'm there

no one has paid attention to me before

no one has tried so hard to understand

no one has found the truth yet

no one has defended me before

why is it you seem to understand

why is it you refuse to leave

why can you understand me 

why is this time so different

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