live life

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listen for the story that's always telling

strive for the song that's always beating

hear the screams with anguish

you don't know my pain because you're not me

you don't know what it's like being me

i can't say how much this life hurts

though i know we all have struggles and pain

no one will ever know my pain

so listen for the tune that is always playing

sing so you can let it out

remember the good times in your life

but never forget the bad times

for it takes both black and white keys to play a beautiful piece

your time is nearing but not here

so keep living each day to the fullest

your tears are ever falling yet they don't control you

but you control them

so listen for the song that moves your soul

strive for the thing that keeps you moving

hear the laughter that rings through the air

and remember to live each and every day

one day at a time you'll grow

i know for a fact that one one will know my pain

and in return i will never know theirs

we may have similar pains and can guide though

but our pain and tears will always be different

but we still have our similarities

so i love my differences because they make me who i a

just like yours make you who you are

a beautiful and amazing person

so i listen for the joy

i strive for to be who i am at all times

i hear the sound of mocking yet i turn away

because i know that while we are different then everyone 

we are also similar

never judge someone for what they are outside

because you don't know who they really are

so never assume

and live for who you are and never change someone else

and your life will become a beautiful piece

with both bad times and good times

it take both good memories and memories to make real memories

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