mirror mirror

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Mirror mirror on the wall
can i stand strong, stand tall
mirror mirror if i style my hair
will the popular one notice i'm here
mirror mirror if i change how i act
will they see me as less a mess
mirror mirror i hide away
will i ever come out
mirror mirror why can't you see
what you show me, is tearing me apart
for far too long the mirror watched tears fall
so one day the mirror replyed
what you think you see in me 
it is not true, it's the misery found in you
don't lock yourself away
don't become a broken soul
or i promise that one day
you'll lose all control
so take what you think you see
and think the oppisite
for who you were before
is who you'll always be
be true to who you are
no matter what this old mirror shows
mirror mirror on the wall
i will stand strong, stand tall
mirror mirror on the wall
thanks for showing me
who i am

So I guess I would say hi since it has been awhile. I just don't have much time.And my tablet hasn't been working up till yesterday.So if anyone is actually reading this.Thanks for reading it and I love you guys.

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