soft feathers

3 0 0

soft feathers wrap around me

and keep me warm

they are always following my movements

but now they made a move of their own

one feather after after another

closing in surrounding me in the embrace

letting them chase away the cold of the world

dreams that have become clearer

embraced in a hug

granted it chased away painful memories to cages

for once i can be free

hold on to those soft feathers

i can only imagine who all they have changed

just wanting to move forward

moments flash by in a blur

none other than the feathers showing who i am

soft feathers reminding me

who i really am behind the pain

knowing what they want me to know

promising these feathers that i won't lose

remembering just what made me who i am now

you feathers are what keep me going

soft feathers telling me to move forward

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