Chapter 2: Dinner and Explanations

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Rhys' POV:

I walked into the kitchen with Jimin, biting my cheek.
I didn't want to eat.
I didn't need to eat.
But I was going to do it so Jin wouldn't feel bad, about me not eating his food.
I gulped, and clenched my clammy palms.
That being passed, before I could react to anything....I was shoved into a chair next to Jungkook.
In front of me was an arrange of side dishes and a plateful of rice.
Don't get me wrong. It looked good....but I can't eat it.
"Is something wrong Rhys? You seem shaky." Jungkook commented bringing everyone's attention towards me.
I quickly shook my head. "N-no, everything's fine."
They didn't seem to believe me.
I gazed at the plate, using my chopsticks to lift a small piece of radish into my mouth.
My eyes softened at the nice flavor filling my mouth, but soon turned disappointing when I realized I shouldn't be eating this.
What felt like hours of me picking at the dish passed, until eventually everyone else was done.
"Did you not like it?" Jin questioned.
Once again I shook my head. "It was good, I just.....can't eat it..." mumbling the last part.
"Are you allergic?"
I opened my mouth to say something, but Namjoon cut in.
"The paper Tsu gave me says he's not allergic to anything."
Jin was now really concerned, judging by the stare he was giving me.
I shriveled back in my chair, not wanting to be confronted.
"Rhys, when was the last time you ate?" Jin pestered.
I was afraid to meet his eyes, so I looked down into my lap.
The truth was that I forgot when I had last eaten.
"You don't remember do you..." Jimin read my mind.
"Do you even eat?" Hoseok commented the hard hitting question.
I covered my shameful face with my sleeves.
I didn't want to deal with this.
"I'm sorry" I began to repeat over and over.
That was until Suga yelled out aggravated. "Yah! Shut up! There's nothing to be sorry for!"
I immediately shut my mouth, intimidated by his harsh voice.
"Yoongi that was a little har-" Jin tried to calm him, but he wasn't done talking.
"Can somebody bring the scale out here?"
"Hyung, isn't that a little-"
"If we are going to help him, we need to know what our starting point is." His voice now calm.
Yoongi turned to look at me. "I've dealt with something similar to what you're going through."
I was surprised, lifting my head I saw a pleading look on his face.
"Let us help you, you're already going through so much as it is."
I've had my fair share of crying today, too much even.
My waterworks were out.
So I simply, uncomfortably nodded still not sure of what to say.
Jungkook's hand placed itself on my back as he stroked it slowly.
A warm feeling filled me.
I was being cared for.
A clank of metal hit the floor next to my chair.
The scale.
I looked at the seven men with unsure eyes.
Some gave a look of sympathy, others seemed curious. Which didn't really make my mood any better.
I stood up from my chair, pushing it in slightly and stepped onto the scale.
It took a couple of seconds before the number was displaying in bright blue lights.
42.1 kilograms. (about 93 lbs.)
I stared hatefully at the number.
I was fat.
I could do better.
While my mind was thinking that the others thought otherwise.
All of which gasped in shock.
"Rhys! That's too light!" Hoseok yelled.
I scowled at the words, and jumped off the scale.
It wasn't light.
It was heavy.
A dark shadow placed itself over my eyes.
I didn't want to be here right now.
I made up my mind and dashed off to my room, ignoring the cries from my fellow members.
I shut the door with a slam and curled into a ball behind it.
Pounding of wood thudded against my back.
"I'm gonna break down this door if you don't open up!" Namjoon threatened.
That got me up.
I don't want anyone paying to replace a piece of painted wood.
I stood up, and turned the knob a tad so only a small sliver of the door would open.
A sigh of relief resonated from Namjoon.
"Rhys, we didn't mean to make you angry we just-"
I held up and hand to give off a stop.
I was currently quaking in my oversized hoodie. The fabric scrunching together as it wrinkled.
"I-I just want to be left alone."
His eyes softened and gave me and sympathetic smile. "Look, I know you and us haven't known each other very long..but we want to look out for you."
I took that into consideration. But right now, I just wanted to lay down and calm myself.
I was honestly getting tired too.
My eyes creased as I let out a quiet yawn.
My leader gave a chuckle despite the situation we were in prior.
"You need sleep, we'll wake you up in the morning."
I nodded and turned, about to close the door once more.
"Think about what I said, okay? You have to let us help you whether you like it or not Rhys."
I complied and eventually closed the door.
Taking off my clothes, and stripping off the terror known as a tight binder, I put on my pajamas.
They weren't much. Just some sweatpants and a t-shirt.
Once I was properly clothed, I took out a pair of headphones and opened my laptop.
Scrolling over to my playlist, I hit play and slid underneath the covers.
And with that my eyes closed.
Yoongi's POV:

I let out a grumble as I rubbed my palms against my eyes.
Rhys needs help.
I think we all know that by now.
I'm afraid for his health and his performance in our group if he continues on like this.
We've only know him for a few hours....but the way he's been affecting's like he's a little brother we must all care for.
I don't want to see him in this pain.
Pain similar to what I've been through, what Jimin's been's too hard to see him do this alone.
By now, everyone had finished cleaning up the table and kitchen and had gone to go relax and go to sleep for the night.
Well...that's what should've happened, but now everyone was in the entertainment area waiting for Namjoon to come back with feedback.
His steps patterned the hall as he got to us.
We were met with a slightly disappointed but satisfied face.
"What happened hyung?" Jungkook questioned with pure concern.
He has gotten close with Rhys, it's no wonder why he's scared for him.
Namjoon sighed and rubbed his neck. "He's sleeping now...but what we all know is that he needs help and that's what matters now."
I nodded. "We can't rush into force feeding him."
Everyone's attention turned to me.
"We need to take it slow. So let's go with protein shakes and soup for now."
Jin seemed okay with what I had devised.
"I'll have to get more groceries, but if it'll help Rhys I'm good."
I flicked my eyes to Jungkook, he was still out of it.
His eyes in an immobile daze.
"You alright Jungkook?"
He shook his head. "I just want Rhys to get better."
All our members expressions went soft.
"I've only just met him but....I'd feel really lonely with him gone." He paused. "I just want my little brother at the end of the day, you know?"
I gave a smile.
I couldn't help but feel the same way.
"He still is homesick." Jimin added.
I glanced at him. "What?"
"Rhys was crying before dinner, I calmed him down but...he still misses Tsu-noona."
I'm determined now.
"We're going to change that soon enough. Just you wait."

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