Chapter 28: Best of Me~Episode 1 (pt.2)

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A/n: Hi. So in the process of writing this, my grandmother passed. I had to drop everything and go travel to where my father's side of the family lives. In turn, I'm missing the first week of class, missing our homecoming, and missing various other things. That's why this chapter took so long to write and publish. I'm sorry, but I'm extremely busy with personal problems right now. And I don't have time to stop and write a chapter for Wattpad. I actually don't have time to be on Wattpad right now. But as I'm typing the author portion of this chapter driving through who knows where, I smile a bit in appreciation for the people who deal with my crap on this app. Thank you for your understanding. I'm sorry that this chapter is also a bit shorter than expected...everything is chaotic, My family's been crying their hearts out, and I have to be a bring of hope that everything's okay. I haven't shed a single tear, I've had to set an example for my younger cousins, I've been numb, and in other ways too strong than I should be. I pray that my Grandmother was happy when she lived and happy wherever she may be now....I can only hope everything was alright and that I was a good grandchild....Anyway...This is the second portion of the chapter that EnderBlack requested, so let's get right to it.

Rhys' POV:

The van halted to a stop, jostling me from slumber.
Peeking one eye open, I could see immediately that cameras were still on me.
Internally groaning at the unwanted attention, I opened my other eye and yawned.
The action of fatigue only got me coos of admiration, sometimes I wish the others didn't see me as 'cute.'
So much for having a little man cred.
"WE'RE HERE!" Screeched Taehyung with glee, basically jumping out of the vehicle a few seconds later.
Rolling my eyes at his childish behavior, I got out of the van.
The park looked cool, some rollercoasters slightly dangerous looking, but overall pretty chill.
The atmosphere was blank, seeing as though there weren't any people in the amusement park.
Our manager must've rented it for the day....damn he's got a lot of money...
Hands gripped my arms and I was soon dragged away.
I was freaked out because I wasn't paying attention, but calmed when I found out it was Jungkook and Jimin.
"Hurry up! Let's go!" They yelled.
"You don't need to drag meeeeeeeeee!" I scolded, my last word drawled out due to them yanking me toward the rides.
The hyung line was still recording the scene, not bothering to help me, which kinda ticked me off.
But, the footage would be funny at least.
Everything went by in a blur as I arrived at the first amusement machine.
It was a tumbler.
Or better know as, a cyclone.
The ride was circular, and people were meant to stand firmly against the inside walls.
It would spin faster and faster until it soon ended, and more often than not, children would either vomit or cry whilst riding it.
I on the other hand, enjoyed this stuff.
The rush of adrenaline was nice.
Hoseok however, hated this with a passion.
And guess who pushed him onto the ride?
Yoongi forced Hobi-hyung onto his long awaited demise...and the embodiment of 'sugar' giggled while doing it.
I gazed in horror, my mouth agape.
Suga lazily turned to me. "Shush or you'll be next."
I just backed into the walls of the ride, not saying a word.
Jesus Christ, Yoongi scared me some times.
Then a funny wording came to mind. "YOU ARE LITERALLY KILLING OUR HOPE AND ANGEL."
This got everyone to laugh, the cameras had definitely got that.
"Are you all ready?" The person who manned the machine asked.
"YES!" "NO!"
You can guess who said 'no.' It was pretty obvious.
And with that note, the cyclone started.
How the members managed to hold their selfie sticks was beyond me, but they did.
I felt the air pressure push down on me as the ride accelerated.
My stomach was full of butterflies, I swear it could be jumping up and down for all I know.
But otherwise I smiled contently.
"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh~!" Screeched Hobi-hyung, who gripped Yoongi's arm beside him.
I snickered at his reaction, as did the others.
Unfortunately, he stated straight at me.
"Aish ya little shit! You're laughing at me!"
This surprised me, Hoseok must be pissed...he never swears near a camera.
"Ooooooooo, you in trouble!" Jungkook teased next to me.
If you hadn't already figured out, yes...everyone was on this ride.
And I'm aware that I may or may not have insinuated it.
Puffing our my cheeks I whined. "That's not fair! Why can everyone one else laugh, but I can't!"
Then once again, I was gushed at for cuteness.
The ride came to a stop and coos were blasting my ears as I stumbled off the amusement machine.
"I'm hungry...." mumbled Jin, of course. "I left my wallet at home..." God he had such a sullen expression.
Smiling in sympathy I pulled some money out of my pocket, out of all the things our Manager paid for...he didn't pay for the food stands.
Counting it, I had about 28,000 원 (won) which in America would be close to 25 dollars.
"I have some money Jin-hyung, let's go eat."
Immediately the eldest brightened up, jumping over to me.
Grasping my arm in a tight hold he dragged me to where he wanted to go.
Glancing back at the others, I could see almost all of them running after us.
Almost being, Yoongi and Namjoon.
Knowing Yoongi-hyung he was already exhausted, and if I understood our leader correctly....he was just lazy at the moment.
Sighing quietly, I closed my eyes.
I was still rather tired having not got any rest the night prior, so naturally I was enjoying this moment of calmness.
Well....sort of calm...seeing as though I was being dragged around an amusement park, by a hungry man in his 20s, four other men chasing after me, and this was all being recorded.
You know.......
On second thought...
I was enjoying this moment of mild chaos.
The tugging on my bicep halted.
I opened my lids to see a taiyaki stand.
For those who don't know what taiyaki is, taiyaki is a treat that normally had an outer shell similar to pancake batter usually filled with either red bean paste, custard, or matcha cream. The snack was shaped and pressed into a tai, or better known as a traditional Japanese sea bream.
The author grew up eating this as a child, they really enjoyed going to the markets with their aunties. (A/n: Ahhhh~ Nostalgia..).
"You want taiyaki, Jinnie-hyung?" I asked. "Which flavor?"
Jin glances up at the menu. "Hmm...I don't know."
My gaze shifted to the board with letters.
My eyes landing on a specific flavor of cream.
Strawberry, natural non-artificial strawberry.
"They have strawberries n' cream! The actual fruit kind, not the artificial...I know how you don't like that."
Yeah, Jin likes strawberries but hates strawberry flavored things.
Jungkook puts milk before cereal....
The list could go on.
I have a few personal quirks as well...
Like the fact that sometimes I dip French fries into ice's not least not to me.
Jin nodded his head once I told him the suggestion.
And I ordered him what he wanted, along with a matcha cream one for me.
"Here you are cutie, have a nice day." The taiyaki stand owner said.
I smiled as a thanks and walked off with Jin, the others still behind us.
In the near distance you could see Namjoon and Yoongi trailing on, so we decided to stop and wait for them.
The taiyaki had wrappers to use when you held them.
Glancing at mine, I could see a faint message written on it.
You got a nice ass. Maybe you could come to my place and show me how it works ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Call me (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
My cheeks went red with embarrassment.
"Whatcha lookin at Rhys?" Jimin asked softly, moving behind my shoulder to see.
Within a second the mochi flipped his happiness switch.
And boy, angry Jimin was scary Jimin.
"Turn the cameras off." He growled.
The others were confused. "What?" They asked in unison.
In a flash everyone's obeyed, and I was left standing there not knowing how to go about the situation.
"What's wrong Jimin? Yoongi and I heard screaming." Namjoon asked arriving at the scene.
The angry 95-liner ripped the paper from my hands to reveal it to the rest of Bangtan.
Everyone's behavior went raging at the sight.
Namjoon narrowed his eyes.
Yoongi crossed his arms.
Hoseok's playful look faded.
Jimin still held his scary stare.
Taehyung was muttering curses under his breath.
Jungkook tore the paper to pieces, practically burning each piece with his pupils.
And Jin...Jin was the worst.
He huffed, jaw clenched in madness, feet getting ready to storm off into the direction of thee taiyaki stand.
Before he could, I grabbed him from behind.
My arms gripping tightly around his waist.
Face against his back.
"You don't need to start anything, it's fine. It's not like I'll be calling him back." I spoke against the fabric of Jin's shirt.
He tried struggling against me. "No. He's a perverted asshole who's trying to get after our Rhys. I'm punching that bitch whether you like it or not."
"No you're not. Take a breath and calm down." I consulted.
Eventually the older puffed out a breath of defeat giving into my side of the argument. "Fine. But we're throwing away that taiyaki. He might've put his sperm in it or some shit."
I made a face of disgust at the notion, internally rolling my eyes at his skepticism.
"If it makes you happy hyung."
I let go of Jin and turned back to my other hyungs.
They all had a possessive look in their eyes.
Majority of them harshly glaring at my lips.
"My lips are gonna be swollen tomorrow aren't they?" I asked them.
To which they gave me a firm nod.
I laughed sarcastically. "Great.." Then paused. "Okay, some turn a camera on so I can do the outro and we'll be done with this mess."
Tae was quick to turn his on a face it at me.
Putting on a fake smile I waved at the phone. "I guess the park got the Best of Me! With the snacks and rides, I don't think I could physically keep up with all that was happening! Thank you for watching, and we'll be back with another episode soon! Bye~!"
And then Tae stopped recording.
Dropping my false look I frowned.
If it weren't for the stupid vender, we wouldn't have had this issue, and my lips would be fine tomorrow...but no.
My overprotective band mates are gonna kiss the hell outta me, to a point of which you think it might be exorcism.
We all began our journey back to the van.
My tired eyes couldn't last the ride home.
And I was out like a light.
It had been about fifteen minutes since we got back.
I had made my cycle through the shower and into my room in pajamas.
Making sure there was as much chapstick as I could find near my desk, a knock hit my door.
It wasn't too long before it opened to reveal Taehyung.
"I take it you won the rock-paper-scissors," I chuckled, knowing for a fact the members were probably still doing that in the living to decide who would come see me in what order.
The alien loving member grinned. "Yep."
"And I take it you won't be giving me enough time to put on chapstick before kissing me."
His beam went to a devious smirk. "Nope."
With that last word Tae pulled me close and placed his mouth upon mine.
His lips were soft, and he was careful not to be too strong.
You could tell he wanted more, almost yearning to let me allow tongue.
But he respected me and knew I wasn't ready for that just yet.
Tae brought a hand to hold the side of my left cheek, while I brought my hands to lightly run through his hair.
My lips shifted in sync with his as he backed me onto my bed.
As air began growing short, we separated.
Taehyung's forehead resting on mine as we smiled with pure glee.
Our panting, the only sound going between us.
The intake of air was replaced with small giggles from the both of us.
It was a good way to end a bad day.

A/n: Sorry this took so long to publish. Apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors. I hope you stay tuned for the chapters to come.

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