Chapter 26: The (Rap) monster that resides in the studio

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A/n: This chapter was requested by WinnieITheIPooh ! Anyone down for some chill time with Rapmon? I sure am! What do you think? Will it just be some chill time? Or is Rhys gonna go all mother on him for something? Read to find out! .....Jesus fucking Christ that was cringey. Anyway, as always I hope you enjoy the chapter! Let's get to it!

Rhys' POV:

The time read 10 pm, and majority of the hyungs had left to their rooms.
Only Namjoon and I were up and about.
I was sitting in my studio working on concepts for a new comeback trailer.

I was sitting in my studio working on concepts for a new comeback trailer

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(A/n: ignore the boxes)
Yes, I have a studio now. Someone had put a request in for me, and eventually I got one.
It was nice and all, but I don't really write lyrics.
I just write scripts and scenes, occasionally listening to old videos....I could've used my room for this.
But I won't complain, after all I sound pretty bratty at this point.
I had just got word that this needed to be done a flippin week ago, so I'm adamant about getting this shit done.
This was the work I was trying to do during the time the boys were getting those hate comments.
Of course all that passed during the fansign.
Things were okay now.
Anyway, the concept writing was going smoothly.
I typed away at my computer as I listened to Taehyung's recording over and over.
Yes, I was sick of listening to it by now...but I have to, to get this right.
The song being played a million times over was named 'Singularity.'
As a trailer for our new coming up album 'Love Yourself: Tear.'
The entire album was made to show realization and questioning, yet still showing the skepticism that comes with it.
Personally, I enjoyed the foundation of it.
With 'Love Yourself: Her' the meaning behind it showed how eager you are to love someone, that you would give them the world.
And in Jungkook's solo for the small song of 'Love Yourself: Wonder,' Euphoria was made to show that loving that person never gave you anything back. That it was just a moment that drove you to feel happy, and in a flash you felt nothing at all.
Kind of cool if you ask me.
The others practically poured their soul into these albums.
And it was my job to give those souls a visual perspective.
Unfortunately, that meant I was working almost 24/7 to get things ready to shoot...but it was worth it knowing how much comfort people find in our music.
So far, I knew that Singularity needed dark yet regal tones.
Red and purple would work perfectly for that.
The focus in the music video for me would probably be the mask portion,
Like Euphoria one ends up with nothing after the sense of it is gone.
In Singularity we plan to have masks, showing we often put up a mask to be loved, and in return we are still left alone.
This would transition gracefully into the 'special' song on the album, which we want to be called: Fake Love.
If one is fake and pretending to be this person of radiance, you won't ever find the true thing you seek.
You need to be honest with yourself in order to find your real happiness.
And this album will show the struggle in giving up that fake person.
Shifting my eyes to my clock, I see that it's around 1 in the morning now.
It was time to take my leave.
Saving my files and shutting off my computer, I exit my studio.
Though everything was off in my area, the pound of music still hit my ears.
Namjoon must still be awake... I thought.
Walking to his area, I could feel the vibrations of the song he was listening to.
Good god, his ears must be bleeding.
Knocking softly on the door, the tune went to a halt.
Namjoon sauntered out of his chair, and opened the door.
"Oh, it's you Rhys. What are doing here? It's past midnight." He questioned.
I simply replied. "I could ask you the same thing."
Rapmon didn't say anything, but gave a shrug as he let me in and sat back down in his seat.
I gave him a worried look. "You need to sleep Namjoon-hyung. We have stuff to do tomorrow."
Then I noticed his phone on.
Sitting on his desk with the V-Live app open and streaming.
"I can't Rhys, I'm recording."
I frowned at that excuse.
Sure the ARMY was important to us, but sometimes we need rest and relaxation.
"You really need to sleep though, I'm sure the ARMY understands. Right ARMY?" I gazed to the phone.
Comments flew up in agreement with me.
Some scolding Namjoon for not resting, while others complying with a 'I don't mind!'
I turned to my leader. "See?"
He nodded and sighed.
And with that we waved bye to our fans and turned the stream off.
"You didn't need to do that Rhys, I'm not tired you know."
"I know, but as a leader you need to recuperate." I pulled the taller male up from his chair.
"Here, how about we go to my room and listen to some sleepy music."
"You act like a mother..." he mumbled exiting his studio with me.
I laughed at the comment. "Is that a good or bad thing?"
And with that we vacated to my sleeping area.
Namjoon's POV:

Rhys and I made it to his room, which was in a clean condition.
Unlike before, he had no mugs littering his table, his bed was made, and there were no papers scattered on the floor.
As if he read my mind he spoke: "If you're wondering where my mess went, it has transferred over to my studio."
I couldn't help but snicker at that comment.
After getting that studio, Rhys had been working a lot.
Not just because it was easily accessible, but because we had so much stuff being produced.
I wish the demand for me to sleep was given to him for a change, but Rhys was already conscious of how much he works and works, so it wouldn't do anything really.
Soft sounds of guitar touched my eardrums as our maknae hit play on what I assumed was his sleep playlist.
Unlike most of us, Rhys couldn't sleep in silence.
There had to be something tying him to reality, or he'd get panicky in his sleep.
Which was never good if you were near his room, because you could wind up getting strangled to death.
He wasn't violent, don't get me wrong, but he was desperate.
This occurrence has only happened once, when Tae stole Rhys' laptop before he went to sleep.

~Flashback Time!:~
I was sitting in the living room with everyone but V and Rhys, my phone in hand scrolling through Twitter.
Tae's giggles filled my ears.
They seemed innocent.
But they weren't.
"Hey guys!" He whispered. "I took Rhys' laptop, Imma look through his search history!" The calm music of a violin still playing from the electronic.
I looked up from my device. "Tae, you shouldn't take his stuff without his permission."
He waved a dismissive hand. "Psh, it's fine. He's asleep."
Not even a minute after, we could hear a frightened yelp come from Rhys' room.
Jin, being the caretaker that he is, was the first to jump up and go to it.
I followed behind.
Seokjin opened the door to see a shaking maknae underneath his covers.
"Rhys? Rhys are you okay?"  He asked concerned.
"Stop....No get away from me..." The youngest said, clearly having a nightmare.
Jin walked over to him. Shaking him, Rhys woke up in a panic.
Quickly he clung to Jin, like a scared baby almost.
"Shh, it's okay. Listening to my breathing." The older directed.
I watched the scene, trying to figure out how he had gotten that scared.
The nightmare was a portion, but Rhys hasn't been getting nightmares recently...
Then it hit me.
"Namjoon-hyung, is Rhys okay?" Said person asked down the hall.
I shook my head. "Next time, don't take his computer."
~Back to Reality!:~

Just thinking about that gives me chills.
"Namjoon-hyung, are you alright? You've been spacing out for the past five minutes..." Aegis called, taking me out of my thoughts.
Quickly I nodded. "Yeah, sorry about that."
He giggled cutely, "It's fine. Come over here and lay down."
I did as told.
Rhys having already been laying down turned to me. "It's better than sitting in your computer chair, isn't it?" He said with a smirk.
Rolling my eyes, I smiled. "Yeah, it is."

A/n: YEET. Another chapter finished! Apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors, I was hella sleepy typing this. Thank you for reading! And as always, I hope you stay tuned for the chapters to come!

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