Chapter 3: A Day Off For Comfort

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Rhys' POV:

I awoke to knocking on my door.
"Rhys, Manager-nim is giving us a day off so you can get used to us. Do you want coffee or anything?" Jin's motherly voice spoke.
I yawned, my voice becoming high pitched for a second or so. "Coffee please."
"Do you want cream and sugar?"
I nodded.
It's surprising that he can see my head move. I'm still laying down.
Once he left, I sat up and stretched my arms.
Eventually I got my legs to move, contradicting my pure laziness right now.
Slipping off my pajamas, and putting on day clothes.
They were mainly comfy clothes, it was a day off after all.
I dressed in a soft purple hoodie accompanied by black sweatpants and plain white socks.
Of course after the struggle of placing on my tight binder. Ooof is that rough.
Once that was over with, I turned to my table and grabbed my phone.
Turning it off of nighttime mode, I looked and saw a spam of text messages.
It was Tsu.
I unlocked it and read through them all.
-I hope you aren't crying Rhys.
-If you are dry those tears!
-I know you must miss me...
-I miss you too. But stay strong! I'm sure Bangtan will take care of you!
I chuckled at her all knowing mind.
I was crying a lot yesterday.
But what shocked me most was the last message.
-I talked to Jin. He promised to watch over you as if you were his kid. I'm happy to say he's my replacement. Please let him help you Rhys. I have to go, remember to eat well!
I smiled.
Jin really does remind of Tsu in ways.
How he takes care of the members and knows how to cook.
Maybe it won't be so bad.
I pocketed my phone and walked out of my room.
Stepping quietly into the bathroom across the hall, I took my tooth brush out of the cabinet and applied toothpaste to it. Thus I began to brush my teeth.
Once I had brushed enough cycles in my mouth, I spit out the foamy excess and rinsed my mouth out with water.
My nimble feet strutted across the floor until I was close to the end of the hallway.
I turned to my side and saw Jin holding a light pink cup of coffee.
He handed it to me with a smile.
I grinned back. "Thank you, Jin-hyung."
This earned me a ruffle on the head.
"There's fruit on the table in case you get hungry."
And with that he walked to go wake up everyone else.
I walked into the kitchen and sat criss-cross in a chair.
I brought the mug up to my lips and took a sip.
Sighing content with the sweet drink warming my system, I drank some more.
I heard a groan approach, as I looked up expectantly.
Hoseok strolled across the floor tiredly and sat down in a chair.
I giggled at the sight, as he looked up at me.
"Yah! You shouldn't laugh at your hyung." He scolded, as he gave me a noogie.
I scrunched my face up and the playful contact.
"What's with all this noise?" Jin walked back in with the rest of the members trailing behind in a zombie-like manner.
Hoseok let go of my head and leaned back in his seat. "Sorry..."
I chuckled as he pouted like a child, setting my mug of coffee down.
Turning to where I could see everyone, I greeted them. "Good morning guys-" but I shut my mouth quickly, as I replayed the scene of last night in my head.
"S-Sorry about yesterday. I don't know what came over me..."
They all shook their heads.
I tilted my head in confusion. "What?"
Jungkook stepped up and spoke. "It wasn't your fault."
Yoongi too. "I'm sorry I was harsh, but you need to let us help you."
I sighed and looked down. "I get that but-"
"Tsu thinks so too, Rhys." Jin cut in. "You might not know us too well yet...but we're here for you."
That's when I broke.
Not the crying broke. Just frustrated.
"Hyung I can't!" I yelled standing up from my chair with a screech, startling everyone in the room. "You all have high reputations you need to look out for! I don't want you all sitting here helping some kid whose brain decided to fuck up being normal!"
I breathed a small intake of air, lowering my voice a tad. "Don't put your social lives on hold just because I'm taking a snippet away. I don't want to be that burden."
"Rhys..." Jin mumbled in shock.
I stared at his surprised figure. "I've been on my own for quite a bit now."
The rest of the members looked up interested.
"Tsu doesn't even know what I do. But I can surely take care of myself."
"Rhys you can't just talk to Jin like tha-" Namjoon started.
"You all have had the luxury of family, friends, business....I've never had that. Aside from Tsu I've had no one. My own parents kicked me out for being me." My lip quivered. "Have you felt that pain?"
The area was silent.
I smirked, still shaky. "That's where our lines end, Namjoon-hyung." Giving a weak laugh, I held my stomach. "I may only be 17, but I've felt more than a million types of suffering. All on my own."
"We were just trying to-"
I shook my head. "I don't want anyone else to get caught in my life."
Straight at the stop of my sentence, a stinging sensation made its way to my cheek.
Jin had slapped me.
I glanced at him, placing a hand on my now sore face.
"Shut up! Just shut up!" He yelled.
I gulped.
"You're being selfish! I swear boy you need to accept your option here. And you've only got one."
I let my hand fall. "Sorry, Jin-hyung."
Feet tapped quickly toward me.
Jin hugged me like there was no tomorrow.
"Tsu entrusted me with you....I'm not breaking my promise." Caressing my head.
I stood stiff with a defeated expression painted on my looks.
I let out a huff and nodded. "I guess...that's okay for now. But the minute I mess up, you have to let me deal with it alone."
Jin let go, his hands still placed on my shoulders. "Sounds like a plan to me."
I turned to everyone else. "Can we forget this ever happened?"
They all nodded.
I grinned. "Sweet."
Then I sat back down and sipped the now cool liquid in my mug.
Even though the drink was caffeinated, my eyes took no time to drop again.
My outbursts take a lot of energy for me, that shouldn't be hard to tell.
"I think as a group we should try to understand Rhys more, since it's our day off we won't have any interruptions." Namjoon ordered.
Jungkook nodded. "Yeah. Speaking of never did explain how your stuff works Rhys. Like the binder and stuff."
"Oh yeah....." I paused. "Why don't we go sit down in the entertainment area? You all are tired and I doubt you'd wanna sit here half awake."
Everyone agreed, and before I knew it I was sitting next to Jungkook huddled in the corner of the sofa.
"Okay. So binders are made to compress the upper female assets. They push whatever's there down, while also holding the breasts away from each other."
"Does it hurt?" Taehyung questioned.
I waved my hand side to side, giving the iffy motion. "Kind of. It's a hassle getting it on and off, but for the most part they're a blessing. But nobody can wear a binder for more than eight hours."
"It would damage your ribs, correct?" Yoongi answered.
I nodded. "That's why at night I have to take it off, and put on a sports bra."
"There's a lot more that goes into this stuff than you think..." Jimin mumbled.
I laughed. "It's odd, but it's what keeps me away from dysphoria at the end of the day."
"Dysphoria...?" The group aside from Yoongi and Namjoon asked.
"It's the feeling of not fitting in with who you are physically and emotionally. Like you aren't supposed to be the way you are."
"Oh." The interjection resonates throughout the area.
I gave a small yawn and rubbed my droopy eyes. "Any other things to talk about?"
"Where were you born?"
Dropping my hands from my face, I answered. "I was born in Osaka, Japan."
"So you can speak Japanese!" Taehyung exclaimed excitedly.
I gave a thumbs up, not wanting to move my lips.
"Did manager tell you your debut date?" Jin spoke.
I nodded. "I was told, two weeks from now."
"Speaking of which, we haven't gotten to hear your singing yet." Yoongi mentioned.
I fiddled with my sleeves.
Just the mention of that scares me.
Jungkook must've took notice to this, as he rubbed his hand along my back.
"We don't have to listen to it now, if you're stressed."
I simply gave a bow of my head and twiddled my thumbs.
"Any other things to ask?"
This time Jimin stepped up to plate. "Sexuality?"
Everyone else seemed taken aback by how bold Jimin was.
I shrugged. "I've never really cared for giving a label on my preferences of that. I like who I like. Plain and simple."
The rest seemed to smile at that notion.
Which left me confused, but I didn't dwell on it.
Jimin's POV:

I grinned as Rhys said he didn't care about who his preferences were like.
I had to admit...he was cute.
The rest of Bangtan thinks so too.
Especially Jungkook.
You can tell by the way he cuddles up to Rhys.
I couldn't help but snicker on the inside.
This was great.

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I realize it is somewhat repetitive but next chapter new topics will be brought about. Thank you for reading, and I hope you stay tuned.

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