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A/n: As requested, a Namjoon based chapter and after this one most likely a Hoseok one! I'd like to thank you all for 120+ votes, it brings a smile to my face to see you all enjoy this story. Now then, enjoy the chapter.

Rhys' POV:

I awoke to a cry of pain coming from the kitchen.
Quickly, I bolted from my bed to said area.
Only for my eyes to be met with Namjoon....trying to cut an apple.....but looks as if he failed because he cut his hand.
It had to have been around 10 pm, and yes I went to bed before midnight....sue me.
The others were still awake, lights blazing in their rooms.
I ran to the bathroom, pulled the first aid kit out of the cabinet and walked to the bleeding leader.
I wiped his hand with disinfectant, earning a hiss from Namjoon.
Ignoring the snake like noise I wrapped his hand with gauze.
Thankfully the cut wasn't really deep, it just was in a very inconvenient area.
Once done, I paused...then shrieked.
"Language!" Jin yelled dashing over.
"Pardon my French!" I countered.
The older paused. ".....I thought Dad jokes were my thing..........."
Namjoon and I snorted.
"It's ironic that the youngest is stealing your titles," Rapmon started. "Seeing Rhys, I don't think Worldwide Handsome is your's anymore Jin-hyung."
My face went beet red, a shy smile displaying.
I didn't know what to say.
My heart raced and my brain felt overwhelmed.
Then I thought back to what Jimin-hyung told me a few months ago....


"Hey, hyung? I never got to talk to Namjoon-hyung personally....can you tell me something about him?"
Jimin smirked a nodded. "Don't tell him I said this."
I agreed, still confused on why I must keep this private.
"Rapmon-hyung is a huge pervert."
I froze.
Jimin nodded once more. "Yeah, just ask everyone else. Unfortunately, since he and Tae share a room.....Taehyung has walked in on........some things..."
I was burning.
"I'm suddenly regretting what I asked."
The 95-liner chuckled and ruffled my hair.

~Flashback Over~

"Now look what you've done Namjoon! The poor boy looks like a tomato!" Jin scolded.
Still slightly shaken up from the memory, I waved and wobbled to my room.
I had completely forgotten about the work given to me by our manager.
The instant trigger hit my brain, causing me to gain my composure back and rush to my computer.
I was supposed to be analyzing previous music videos and writing concepts for our next one.
Yes, I wasn't only assigned to BTS because I can somewhat sing and dance.
I was a script writer for my high-school's drama club, it was rather fun in my least when I wasn't teased about being transgender...but no time to talk about that!
Connecting my Bluetooth headphones to my computer, I opened the files for our concepts.
At least 50 folders appeared after clicking on the file.
I looked down and checked my phone for the time.
11:50 pm it read.
I guess I should be glad I was woken up earlier, either that or this would never get done.


Namjoon's POV:

It was 2 in the morning.
The dorm was a stable quiet, the only sound you heard were either snoring or the rustling of blankets as members rolled in their beds.
At least that's would be, if not for the slight drum of music coming from Rhys' room.
I knew he slept while listening to light music, but this wasn't the usual kind Rhys fell asleep along.
Quietly walking out of V and I's room, I strolled over to Rhys'
Slowly opening his door, I am met with Rhys seated at his computer writing things down in a notebook, his headphones on, and watching our old music video files.
He hadn't heard me, seeing as though the videos were up pretty loud.
Sighing and moving to touch his shoulder, the younger flinched slightly frightened, but soon calmed down seeing it was me.
Slipping off his headphones, Rhys spoke. "What are you doing up so late Namjoon-hyung?"
I frowned. "I should be asking you that."
The boy paid no attention to those words I said, as he scribbled down more stuff in his notebook.
But soon enough, he answered me.
"I was asked to write the concept for our new music video...well, more so Jungkook-hyung's  than anything."
I stood perplexed. "Jungkook's?"
Rhys nodded firmly. "Remember that night Jungkook and I stayed back at the studio because he had to record Euphoria?"
The thought clicked. "Oh..." was I all I could say.
Then Rhys further explained. "I listened to the audio portion of him singing, and now I have to look back on all the old videos to make a slightly different idea for Euphoria."
"'s that coming along?"
The maknae yawned in response. "Slowly but surely, Serendipity played a big role for the aesthetic of it though." He paused. "Bright Calm like tones, contrasted by the soft demeanor of what we're wearing as well as the music."
I hummed in a agreement, this sounded rather good.
"And I added a the one from Fire."
Laughing, I pat his back. "I excited to see how we're gonna shoot this."
"With a camera." Rhys made another dad joke.
My laughter stopped as I glared playfully.
"You're turning into Jin."
He shrugged, glancing back at the screen soon groaning in irritated.
"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.
Slamming his head on the keyboard, Rhys told. "I was supposed to type this all in a pdf document." Referring to the fact he had written it all on paper.
I smiled sympathetically. "You can finish it tomorrow, it's like 3 in the morning now."
I could see the urgency he held for his bed, as he nodded and face planted onto it, shimmying into the covers.
"Hyung?" He asked.
"I don't want to hurting yourself again while walking in the dark, lay down next to me."
I rolled my eyes at the comment but obeyed nonetheless.
Sliding down next to Rhys, I smiled.
For a 17 year old, he sure knew how to take care of people.

A/n: Thank you for reading the chapter! Apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors, and as always I hope you all stay tuned for the chapters to come!

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