Chapter 21: BT21 character? Or are we getting too off task for that?

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A/n: (past me) I wonder what Rhys has to make...a video, a song, or perhaps....a BT21 character! Yep you heard correctly. I'm having Rhys make his own little character, because why not? Of course because of the timing of which he joined BTS, he will be doing this on his own. But whose to say the others won't lean over his shoulder? Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. (me a day later) Actually, when typing this.....I got out of hand per-say. Broke the fourth wall, made everyone realize Rhys doesn't just belong to one person....yeah that stuff. So now the BT21 character is a small foreshadow to this array of madness. Hope you don't mind!

Rhys' POV:

"Rhys! Hey Rhys!" A whispered called into my ears as I groaned awaking from slumber.
I peek an eye open to see Taehyung hovering over me.
Sighing I rolled over. "Ugh...."
Large hands shook me around. "Come on! You have to make a thingy today!"
I stopped whining. "What thingy?"
"Your BT21 character!"
I immediately sat up and slid off the mattress.
"Hyung, unless you want to see me unclothed, I suggest you exit my room."
Taehyung didn't move.
My mouth hung open like a drawbridge, a mischievous smile on V's face.
"Pervert.." I grumbled as I turned my back to him changing my clothes.
Thankfully he was quiet during the process though, he hadn't said a word or commented on my body at all.
Once changed into my oversized gray hoodie, binder, and black jeans, I ventured on to brush my teeth and comb my hair.
I had recently got it cut, because it was growing into a mullet...I cannot rock that type of hairstyle.
Though maybe Tae could.
I'll suggest it to him sometime. (A/n: yep, I'm foreshadowing that. No need to spam my comments.)
As of right now my hair was colored in a silver blue tone the stylist had picked out for me.
I enjoyed the color, so my hair was dyed.

I could practically feel the slight stiffness to my hair

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I could practically feel the slight stiffness to my hair.
Ugh, I wish dye didn't do that.
Anyway, I finished brushing my teeth.
A minty aftertaste still reveling in my mouth.
My hair brushed, yet still somewhat frizzy.
And on that note, I exited the bathroom.
Then like most people on the morning, I went to the kitchen.
I could feel my eyes droop with the little sleep I got.
This is what happens when you stay up all night reading.
No it wasn't a book.
I found out about this app called "Wattpad."
Curiosity led me to searching our group name.
I had no idea a vast majority of our fans fantasized about that eyes can't unsee what I read.
Getting those disturbing thoughts out of my brain, I opened a cabinet.
Clutching onto a granola bar and taking a nibble out of it.
I had gotten better with my eating habits, but eating a big breakfast was never my thing.
I had put breakfast off even in elementary school.
So Jin-hyung and I agreed I could have a small morning snack, in exchange for a bigger dinner.
The food plan was easy to get used to.
"Rhys, do you have an idea on what you want your character to look like?" Namjoon wondered, in his morning look.
I swear he looked like such a dad sometimes, his glasses on and hair somewhat combed was attractive believe it or not...but still extremely father-like.
Shaking my head I spoke, "No...but the fact I have no idea makes for better video content."
The leader laughed. "You're right on that." He paused. "Oh! And I'm very proud of you, your "No Cry" counter is up to two weeks!"
I poured remembering why we had that.
I'm such a crybaby,
I literally cry over the dumbest or worst shit over and over!
Even freaking Dai knows that! And they're typing this crap!
(A/n: Hey, hey, hey! I'm more weary now after my friends commented on that. Chill.)
Doing an unenthusiastic jazz hand motion, I felt cold hands press themselves against my neck.
I knew exactly who it was.
"Yoongi-hyung!" I yelped. "You know my neck is sensitive!"
A smirk playing on his mouth as he chuckled at my misery. "My point exactly."
"Did someone just touch my Rhys' neck?" A somber voice came from the hall.
Wait since when was I his?
Oh wait....yeah I remember now.
Dai has made me kiss Jungkook twice and almost everyone who reads this story ships him and I the most.....makes sense.
(A/n: Breaking the fourth wall again I see...HOW FUN!)
Gazing at Jungkook, I could see his protective expression.
My heart putter a tad faster as my mind felt joy from his protectiveness.
"Only I'm allowed to mess with him like that!"
There it goes, hehe.
"Actually, all of us have messed with Rhys in some way." Namjoon pointed out blatantly.
Soon enough everyone was in the room.
"We taking about messing with Rhys?" Taehyung asked.
"Yep..." I mumbled.
"So who's confessing on what they did first?"
"I will I guess." Yoongi cut in. "2 am coffee and later dragging him into cuddling."
I smiled at the memory. It was a sweet one.
"Ah! That's why I saw you two in Yoongi's bed...." Jin realized.
We both nodded in confirmation.
"Welp, while I'm at it I'll go." Jin continued. "Cuddles during period, sleeping together on the couch while watching a movie."
Once again another smile in my lips.
"That's a pretty sane one."
"My turn!" Hoseok cheered entering. "Emotional comfort and hugging while crying."
My smile faltered a tad, thinking back to Hoseok's depressive state.
"Hey, it's okay. You didn't fail on me, we talked about this." J-Hope reassured seeing my change in attitude
"I'll say mine now." Namjoon added. "Panic attack aid, helping with my cut, cuddling on his bed."
I scrunched up my nose. "Don't forget those suggestive comments."
He gaped. "Oh! How could I forget those!"
The others snorted.
Now all that was left, were the maknae line.
"Hugs after fighting and crying, and I watched him change his clothes this morning." V said slyly.
Jin gasped and smacked him on the head. "You're more of a pervert than Namjoon!"
I laughed at my impractical mom's reaction.
Wow, who knew this would be so interesting?
"Sleeping in his bed with him almost every night, cuddling, and we kissed a few days ago."
The others seemed to be happy with Jimin's answer.
"Wait, but get this." Jimin grinned. "Rhys was the one who made the move."
That made everyone, aside from Jimin, turn to  me surprised.
"Since when were you dominant?!"
I blushed beet red. "Jimin just brings something out of me.."
The 95-liner's cheeks soon started to change color like mine.
I smirked, like I said..Jimin brought a beast out of me.
  "Rhys and I have cuddled, hugged, and kissed twice." Jungkook ended.
I sighed, now the tension in the air finally left.
"So what do we do about that....." Taehyung asked.
"Well I think we all know we love him. We all share a common interest." Namjoon said as-a-matter-of-factly.
I contemplated what was going on.
I loved them all too.
Sure, I've gotten farther with some than others...but I seek comfort and love in all of them.
Why don't we just-
"Share." I took a breath. "I love each and every one of you...I know I've experienced more with some than others...but I want to experience things with everyone."
The others stared at me for a second processing my words, then a glow shines upon them.
"That sounds like a plan."
My thinking face switched to a gleeful one.
Then suddenly,
"Oh shit." Commented Jin.
I was confused. "What?"
"We missed your appointment to make the character thing."
My confusion faded as my eyes rolled circles in their sockets. "I don't care about that."
I brought my hand to comb through my hair.
"So long as I have you guys."

A/n: Yeah, I let my mind roam. But many readers have asked me "How is this gonna work with every member loving Rhys?" Welp, here you go. It's a little thing called polyamory. The term in which a person is involved romantically with more than one partner with permission from the partners, of course. In this case every member agrees to let this happen, a long with Rhys as well. I have many friends who are polyamorous, so I know the topic very well. Being in the LGBTQ+ community was an addition to that as well. Knowledge is power kids, hehe. But yeah, there's that explanation done an over with. The BT21 character will be made in a later chapter, to those who really want to see that done. Sorry for any spelling and grammatical errors, and as always I hope you stay tuned for the chapters to come!

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