Chapter 13: Fights Mean Tireless Nights

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A/n: A special thanks to ShyBoyAsh for the concept of this chapter! It's an honor to be bringing your ideas to a reality. Remember readers, if there is a concept you'd like to request feel free and I'll try my best to make it happen! Now then, enjoy the chapter.

Rhys' POV:

Back to practice.
Another week of hard work,
Which meant everyone would be stressed in some way shape or form.
Namjoon And Yoongi staying up for hours on end writing lyrics.
Hoseok trying to figure out choreography.
Jin freaking out over the slightest of mess.
Jungkook overworking himself physically.
Jimin slapping himself across the face over his vocals....
It was all just a mess.
But what concerned me most...was Taehyung.
He seemed out of it.
He wouldn't talk to anyone,
He wouldn't smile every time he entered a room.
And most of all he was dead focused on work.
Nothing else.
Someone would try to greet him, and Taehyung would slap their arm away as he sat down at his desk.
Bringing him food was a lost cause, as he wouldn't eat it.
Getting V's attention was the same way.
No response.
The only movement he made was to go to dance practice, where he'd get frustrated and annoyed.
I stared at him confused but also worried.
The man I had come to know when I first became apart of the group, was bubbly and joyful...he hadn't a care in the world.
And's a whole different side of him I'd never seen before.
A side full of pent up anger and rage.
How long had he kept it bottled in?
I had no clue.
Was this person I've come to know a liar?
No...he wouldn't do that.
He wouldn't lie.
Or would he?
That, I don't know.
"What are you looking at?" A low voice growled.
I snapped out of my daze realizing it was Taehyung who spoke.
"Oh, sorry hyung." I apologized vaguely, still contemplating on the way he was acting.
Sweat dribbled down his forehead and chin, his brows furrowed as he glared at me.
I felt myself shrink back inside, slightly scared by this attitude.
But, I still tried to ask. "Hyung, is something wrong?"
He didn't answer, and just went back to practicing.
Should I keep asking?
Deciding after a few minutes, I pestered again.
"Hyung, is something wrong?"
What happened shocked me into oblivion.
Taehyung put his dancing on halt.
He turned to me with the harshest gaze I've ever seen.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screamed.
Yelping at the sudden noise, I stepped back.
"T-Taehyung..." I mumbled in fear.
"Why don't you go practice? You haven't done anything have you?" His voice laced with poison.
I gulped. "What's wrong?" Constantly asking the same question.
The 95-liner stomped toward me.
Rage flaring in his eyes. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Taehyung pointed an accusing finger at my face. "Out of all of us, you haven't done shit! You haven't done anything productive! All you've done is pester me with the same question, over and over!"
Like a hunter shooting it's prey, I was shot with every single word flying out of his mouth.
My knees crumbled to the ground as I fell, numb to the world around me.
I was broken.
I knew that.
But now...hearing those words.
Those hateful words come out of one the ones I'm supposed to be protecting.
The cracks that plagued my heart, finally shattered into millions of pieces.
My brain blank,
Feelings held no meaning,
I couldn't do anything.
"Taehyung have you seen Rhy-WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE?!" Namjoon screeched in the background.
Taehyung's POV:

A wave of guilt smacked me across the face once Namjoon entered the room.
My eyes glanced at Rhys, watering at the sight.
What have I done?
The youngest's figure kneeling on the ground, defeated.
Tears didn't run down his face, but his breathing was erratic.
I tried to place a hand on Rhys' shoulder.
My failure was evident when I was shoved away.
"DONT TOUCH ME!" He screeched.
I could practically feel our leader's glare burning my back.
"Taehyung," Namjoon said strictly.
I looked back at him. "Yes?"
"You need to go, you're making it worse."
I flinched with sorrow.
I caused this.
What had I done?
Obeying my superior, I walked away.
Sadness, guilt, frustration...all radiating off of me.
"Rhys..." I whispered, a tear drop sliding down my face. "I'm sorry."
Rhys' POV:

I gripped Namjoon's shirt.
No words spoken.
No drops of water falling from my face.
I was numb.
I was confused.
I was hurt.
"Rhys what happened?" The leader asked.
Shaking my head, I let go.
Standing up, I strolled to the exit.
Face blank.
"I just need some time alone." I said, voice void of any emotion.
Walking out, I kept my head down.
Not wanting to hear the questions bombarded at me.
A grip tugged at my sleeve.
"Answers. Now." Jungkook stated.
I sighed, knowing I couldn't stand up to him. "V-hyung isn't what I thought he was."
"Did he hurt you?." Kookie whined.
"You can say that." I said bitterly.
I yanked my arm back and continued walking.
I wouldn't ride the van with the others to the dorm.
I was going to walk back.
Thankfully I had my mask handy.
And with that, I was off.
About to walk 2 hours to get to the dorm.
My heart still ached.
Taehyung...should I forgive you?
I pondered making my way down the sidewalk.
"Or should I wait till I figure out what's wrong?"
Both options seemed equal.
I knew he was apologetic.
Taehyung looked sad as soon as he realized what he did....
But all was a little too late.
He had done it.
He broke me.
Taehyung's POV:

"What did you do?" Jungkook screamed behind me.
I jumped back, knowing fully what he meant.
"I-I..." Ever word known to me left my conscience.
"You what? You hurt him V!" He hadn't bothered to use honorifics.
I didn't deserve them, at least I didn't now.
"Rhys just walked out of the building! That's not something he'd do unless he was hurt!" Jungkook continued to rant.
"Jungkook, that's enough." Jin's calm voice cut in.
Jungkook sighed. "You need to apologize. It hurts all of us to see you two fight." Was his last words as he shuffled away.
"Taehyung, I know you were frustrated with work...but Rhys has his struggles too." The eldest lectured. "Just last week he was shunning us all away only to go cry alone in his room, so to him."
I nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry...I wasn't in control then..."
A hand pat my back. "It's not me you should be telling this to. Explain that to Rhys."
I gazed at Jin nervously. "I just hope he'll listen."


Rhys' POV:

I panted opening the dorm door.
Shoes were already near the front, so I knew everyone else had gotten home before me.
Slipping off my sneakers, I looked up and my eyes met with the others staring at me expectantly.
Then my pupils quickly landed on Taehyung.
His face flushed, eyes puffy.
He had been crying.
I felt bad.
I didn't want to make him cry.
I had thought over my actions as I walked home.
I know I should listen to what he has to say.
But I didn't have the guts to confront him after the incident.
I quickly darted to my room, confusion filling my veins.
I had no idea what I was doing.
Call it a reflex.
I was meant to run.
My flight instinct kicked in, and soon enough I was in my room shaking under my bed covers.
"Rhys, I wanted to talk to you." Taehyung's voice came from the entrance to my room.
I peeked my eyes out, immediately sitting up at who it was.
"Hyung, I-"
He approached and sat down at my feet.
"You did nothing wrong, It was my fault."
I shook my head in denial. "No, I overreacted! I shouldn't have left like that."
"I was stressed, and I had no reason to lash out on you. I just want to say that I'm-" V's voice choking up. "I'm sorry!" He sobbed pulling me into his chest.
My face against his neck, feeling the vibrations of each apology spurring from V's lips.
A small beam appeared on my mouth, wrapping my arms around the crying member.
"Shh," I whispered softly. "It's okay."
He shook his head. "No, it's not! I hurt you!" Taehyung wept.
I waited a bit for the cries to die down.
Now it was just V and I seated on my bed hugging one and other.
"Hyung?" I asked.
Lazily he responded. "Hm?"
"I accept your apology."

A/n: Thank you all for reading this chapter! Apologies for any spelling or grammatical errors. And as always, I hope you stay tuned for the chapters to come!

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