Chapter 4: Debut and Tired Nights

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A/n: Really quick, I'd like to thank you all for 100+ reads! I'm so grateful for all of you tuning in! It's honestly surprising to see people enjoying my 'work.' Anyway, on with the chapter!

Rhys' POV:

I swallowed the saliva in my mouth with a gulp.
Today was the day I debut.
I was currently behind stage, hearing the loud cheers from fans as they screamed watching the other members perform.
My brain was going haywire.
What will they think?
What if I mess up?
What if the fans hate me?
Will I get booed of stage?
Frantic thoughts plagued my brain, sweat accumulating on my forehead.
The screaming turned to clapping, and I was hit with a rush of adrenaline.
It was my turn.
The small amount of makeup applied to my face felt like little snakes slithering across my cheeks.
My fingers drummed against my leg as I prepared myself.
I was not only afraid about the fans....I was afraid about being judged by my group.
They have yet to hear me sing.
They have yet to see me dance.
I was scared.
But it was now time.
All or nothing.
I gave my face a harsh poke.
It's time to suck it up.
I let out a huff of carbon dioxide, and walked on stage.
"Tonight we'd like to introduce you all to our new member, Rhys!" Namjoon spoke.
Once I was close enough to the others I gave a bow to the audience.
Who had gone from cheers, to silence.
"It's a pleasure to be here in front of you all."
I stood up straight. "As you know my name is Oeun Rhys. It was only two weeks ago that I have become apart of this group."
I paused. "But I already feel so welcomed."
Cheers could be heard, quiet cheers.
"I plead that you all give your undying support to them, even though I'm taking a bit away. Thank you." I bowed once more.
I expected booing, or screams, or something hurtful.
But it never came.
Claps and voices of glee filled the space.
My eyes lit up like fireworks, as I lifted my head with a grin.
"Well, on with your performance Rhys!" My leader chided while they exited the stage.
I gave a firm nod and walked to the center.
A staff member handed me my acoustic guitar.
I took in a breath and began to perform.

And though the lyrics were Japanese, the fans liked it.
Once I finished, I slid my guitar to my back.
"I hope you all enjoyed my part in this. And if you didn't, I hope you at least got a great experience out of it."
Clapping hit my ears like a firecracker would a sidewalk.
"He's so professional!" Cheered some, while others just kept to giving smiles.
I chuckled at the words. "Have a good night everyone! Get some rest! We wouldn't want to falling asleep during our concerts now." I lifted my index finger like a scolding mother.
That only brought more squeals as the lights shifted off.
The audience left to their homes, and eventually the place was quiet.
I sighed and turned to see the rest of Bangtan grinning at me like fools.
It wasn't even a second till I was tackled.
"OH MY GOD YOU WERE AMAZING!" Screamed them in unison.
It took a few minutes for us to get up.
Jimin patted my cheek. "That last thing you did there was great!"
I blushed and averted my eyes. "I guess..."
Taehyung yelled. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU ACTED LIKE SUCH A PLAYER!" Gripping my arms and shaking me back and forth.
"He's not wrong. I swear I saw some nosebleeds." Hoseok chirped.
I pushed V off and rolled my eyes. "I'm surprised my voice didn't crack..."
"Why didn't you tell us you could sing like that, young man?" Jin remarked with a joking tone.
I sheepishly laughed. " was for...the surprise factor?"
This resulted in a pinch which I giggled at.
"Rhys!" I heard a call from the edge of the stage.
Jin let go of me and let me turn my head.
There standing in front of me.....
Was Tsu.
I gasped and placed my palm over my lips.
She smiled and ran over to engulf me in an embrace. "Your performance was lovely!"
I hugged back tightly, happy tears filling my eye sockets.
This entire thing was hectic.
But....I felt good about it.

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