Chapter 7: Sick? No, Just My Period.

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A/n: Thank you for 500+ reads! Also, feel free to comment if you would like a chapter based on a certain member! I've gotten messages about Jungkook based ones, as well as Jimin! So if you would like something along the lines of this be sure to comment a member and a scenario! That's all! Enjoy!

Jin's POV:

It was currently 8 am.
After what had happened yesterday with Rhys, I wanted to make sure he wasn't exhausted or starving.
That whole idea was tarnished, when Jimin rushed over yelling.
"Hyung, Rhys is vomiting in the toilet!"
I dropped the spoon I was holding. "WHAT?!"
I immediately ran over to the location.
How did he get sick that fast?
I know he was bad yesterday, but this is insane!
Getting there, I see Rhys hovering over the toilet groaning, and Jungkook rubbing his back soothingly.
"Rhys, are you okay?" I questioned.
Rhys stopped groaning, and grabbed some tissue to wipe his face.
Flushing the disgusting bile that had erupted from his throat.
"Actually hyung," he started with a hoarse voice. "Can you by any chance.....get me some sanitary pads?" The last part was murmured to no end.
I couldn't hear it. "By any chance what?"
Rhys gave a breath of frustration. "Can you please purchase some sanitary pads? I have situation and I can't really move if I still want non-stained clothes by the end of the day."
I was surprised at how blunt his voice was.
Normally he was polite, but from the information he gave politeness isn't going to last long this week.
I nodded frantically. "Y-Yeah, I'll be back in 5 minutes!"
I then quickly rushed out the dorms, masked of course, and went to the nearest convenience store.
Rhys' POV:

I smiled in relief as Jin left to get me pads.
He was such a life saver.
But that smile faded to a frown as the thought of me needing woman products came mind.
It hit me hard this morning.
And it probably would the entire week.
An arm snaked around my shoulders and pulled me into the person's chest.
Jungkook continued to stroke my arm. "You looked like you needed it." He whispered softly.
His hold made me feel secure, and it's always helped in my times of stress.
I nuzzled my head against him, breathing in that faint scent of vanilla, just like the first day I met them.
"Sorry in advance." I mumbled.
I laughed. "I'm gonna be such an ass this week."
Jungkook's chest vibrates as he let out various chuckles. "I'll be here to stop that."
I glanced up at him. "And how would you do that Mr. Coconut?" A smirk playing upon my lips.
"Like this!" Jungkook exclaimed tickling me.
I squealed. "BITCH IM GOING TO BLEED ALL OVER THE FLOOR! STOP IT!" I yelled through my laughs.
He abruptly stopped the torture. "Shit! Sorry, I forgot."
I rolled my eyes. "It's okay."
That's when a herd of footsteps approached.
"We heard screams." Namjoon announced seriously.
Jungkook and I shared a look. To which we both laughed.
"Also, why are you both sitting on a towel in the bathroom?" Taehyung added.
My laughs went quiet as I turned to the others.
"My uterus is purging."
I heard Namjoon snort.
"What.....?" The others said confused.
"Signal to me not being pregnant." I tried again.
This got Yoongi to facepalm.
"Still not getting it." Hoseok pestered.
Just then Jin pushed passed them all and chucked 3 packages of pads at me, as well as a few chocolates.
"You can thank me later!" He shouted.
I found it surprising Jimin, V, and Hobi still hadn't gotten it.
I took it upon myself to open some pads and throw them in the air, making them rain.
"He's on his period." Jungkook cheered dully, knowing how much pain I'm in from just staring at me.
I giggled slightly at them.
I clapped my hands together. "So, Sorry in advance. For I am going to be an emotional wreck and a physical one too. Cussing will be frequent." My giddy look went scary. "Now all of you, leave. I have business to take care of."
All of them nodded, and Jungkook stood up to walk out with the others.
Once they left I pulled my extra briefs from my hoodie pocket, throwing away the tarnished pair from before.
Pulling on the clean ones and opening a pad, I grinned.
He got the winged ones! How thoughtful!
The winged pads meant less chance of leak, which I preached for.
Once that was placed, I pulled up my undergarments and put my sweatpants back on.
I sighed picking up the thrown pads and placing them all under the sink, as well as putting all the chocolate away in my room.
My head was pounding.
My body had no mercy.
I felt terrible.
Strolling out to the entertainment area, I plopped on the sofa with a moan of pain.
I curled myself into a little potato, not wanting to move, yet I still managed to sit upright.
Jin walked over with a bottle of water and a ibuprofen tablet. "How are you holding up?"
"Not good." I spoke through screeching.
He held up the pill. "Can you take this?"
I shook my head. "I don't want to move."
He sighed and placed the pain medication on my lips, to which I brought into my mouth.
Unscrewing the water bottle, he did the same as he had done with the pill.
Taking a sip of water, the pill went down my throat.
Setting down the bottle on the coffee table, Jin ruffled my hair. "Get some rest. Namjoon called our manager, and he said your condition matters more." And with that he left.
But as soon as he left, my eardrums were hit with a bunch of loud noise.
"NOPE!" Was the response, and this quarrel continued for what felt like hours.
I eventually gave up in waiting it out.
Standing up, I scolded them out of anger.
They both stopped, shocked.
I rubbed my temples in an attempt to aid my head.
The medicine had yet to kick in.
" head fucking hurts, so I suggest you keep the noise down. Unless you want your asses whooped."
They both gulped and apologized.
I nodded at them and left to Jin and Yoongi's room.
Knocking on the door, I called for the parental figure. "Jin-hyung, can I come in?"
The door opened. "What do you need?"
I stared into the pink infested area. It was soft on the eyes.
But one thought came to my mind.
I really needed this right now.
"Can we cuddle?" I asked like a child who was afraid of the dark.
Jin chuckled, "Come on." He ushered me in.
Laying down on his bed, I curled into his chest.
Jin smelt like a really light cologne, giving off wafts of masculinity.
Quite surprising.
I won't deny, I enjoy cuddling with Kookie a tad more.
But what I needed now was a parent type of comfort.
Jin was the only one here to provide that escape for me.
Soft tunes of the older's humming created a lullaby to my ears.
Slowly, I drifted into a small nap.
Jungkook's POV:

I was currently walking around, trying to look for Rhys.
I had heard him yell at Jimin and Tae, so I grew a bit worried.
That was until, Yoongi told everyone Rhys was with Jin.
"If you two weren't so loud, he wouldn't have gotten angry." He talked down to the 95-liners.
But then he paused. "Having a period is a thing relative to females, you could only imagine how hard Rhys is getting hit with that."
Then it clicked. "His dysphoria..." I spoke.
"Exactly, the next seven days are going to be one hell of a ride. That means-" he pointed at the earlier offenders. "Behave and don't make Rhys angry. He has enough to worry about as is."
"Yes, Yoongi-hyung sir!" The both saluted.
I rolled my eyes at them.
Let's hope they actually listen.

A/n: Thank you for reading! Quick apologies for any spelling/grammar errors, and so on. Please stayed tuned for more chapters! That's all, I'll see you in the next reading! Bye.

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