Chapter 8: Dysphoria Troubles

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A/n: Thank you all for 600+ reads, and 30+ votes! It's invigorating seeing the positive support on this story! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Jungkook's POV:

It had been six days in since Rhys' pronounced 'period.' And he had become more distant.
He hasn't talked to us and won't come out of his room, only to go to the bathroom.
He hasn't eaten either, and Rhys had finally gotten better with that too...
I and the hyungs were currently in the entertainment area.
Each one of us displaying looks of thought and worry.
Through the silence, a click of a knob brightened our faces.
Rhys made his way to the kitchen.
He pulled out a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water, gulping it down.
Jin was the first to spring up. "Why haven't you talked to us? We're worried about you!"
The youngest opened his mouth to speak, but closed it after hesitation.
It took a minute, but he spoke eventually.
Instead of the soft voice we were used to, a scratchy, sore one arrived instead.
"Sorry, I just need some time alone."
Just as he went to step away, Jin grabbed his arm holding him in place.
Rhys' POV:

Jin gripped my bicep tightly holding me there unable to escape.
"Are you okay?" He asked full of worry.
My eyes softened, no longer holding their stubbornness. "I hate that phrase more than you know." I shook my head chuckling softly.  The words went unheard.
"Be honest with us, please." Pleaded Jin.
I stopped my shaking and stared the pink lover dead in the eye.
My face scrunched together, as if it were trying to put up a facade.
My lips twitched, not knowing whether or not to smile or frown.
But all that soon broke.
"No." I lifted a hand to cover my facial features. "I'm not okay."
My voice cracking each word.
I wasn't going to be stubborn this time.
I needed to vent.
All my troubles.
All my agony.
I needed to let it go.
But....I shouldn't.
I know I've promised,
I know
Jin embraced my carefully, as if I would break if he held too tight.
"Do you want to talk about it?" The words came out of his mouth like a parental instinct.
I nodded for a split second, but stopped.
They didn't need to know.
It would only drag them down.
Yes, I was close with all of them.
But I care too much to let them into my terrible life.
My nod quickly shook to a no.
"Can-Can I please take some time to gather myself."
Jin sighed solemnly.
Not my intent.
"If you must...but as soon as you're feeling better, you come back over here and share it with us."
I complied and rushed back off to my room.
Closing the door, I felt my eyes sting.
Though how pleasing crying sounded now, I held it in.
Good job, for once you didn't mess up.
I grinned at the sweet compliment I provided myself.
But then a wave of crippling horror grasped my brain, sinking it into thoughts of dark.
You'll never pass you pathetic piece of garbage.
What makes you think you can suddenly just be normal?
You're not a boy, you'll never be one 100%. So why even try?
My breath caught in my throat, suffocating me to no end.
Falling to my knees and gripping my scalp, I trembled.
What's the point of continuing on, if you'll never be happy?
What's the point of living?
Why are you here?
My body halted, processing the new discovered phrase.
"Yeah..." I breathed. "Why am I here?"
Yoongi's POV:

I stood outside Rhys' door, gaping at the language that had just left his lips.
I grew angry.
Through all the moments we've shared, his depression-like state has persisted.
I placed my hand against the wooden frame and curled it into a fist.
I had no intention to knock, just to simply be there.
"Yoongi-hyung, why're you in front of Rhys' door?" Jungkook walked up beside me.
I slowly looked toward him, removing my gaze from the wall.
"Nothing...just worrying that's all."
Jungkook gave a sympathetic smile. "Rhys has always kept things in, I knew it from the moment we met him."
Jungkook talked with experience.
Like he had known Rhys his whole life.
I won't deny, Rhys has gotten really close with Jungkook.
It was somewhat obvious that our little Kookie had taken quite the liking to him as well.
"He was so happy a few days ago, like he had no care in the world. Eating chocolate, making jokes, cussing even..." the smiled he portrayed faded to a blank yet sad look. "And now he's hurting." Jungkook's voice wavered lightly.
"I can tell, hyung. No matter how hard he puts it off, no matter how much he fakes it, I see it. And it hurts."
I was shocked at how emotional our ex-maknae was getting.
I took my hand off the wall, and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay.." I said. "He will get through this."
"But-!" I cut his words off.
"Jungkook, I know you care a lot about him. That's why you're here aren't you? You weren't just gonna pass by his door." I removed my appendage.
Jungkook nodding, wiping whatever remained of his tears.
I stepped aside, and began to stroll away. "Take care of him're what he needs most."
Jungkook's POV:

Suga disappeared into his room, his last few words leaving me dumbfounded.
"You're what he needs most."
I couldn't help but hope that was true.
Gathering myself, I turned the knob of Rhys' door.
The first thing my eyes land on is the cluttered mess of a room it was.
Normally Rhys had it well kept it, nothing would be messy aside from his desk.
What happened?
My ocular body parts shifted to Rhys.
Sat in front of his bed, he expression looked blank and conflicted.
I walked toward him, kneeling down close to his slightly shivering figure.
"Rhys?" I spoke, him flinching out of his dazed phase.
He shuffled away.
I was beyond the worrying point.
I yearned to be his safe place.
I wanted to cradle him and whispered soft nothings into his ears.
Yet, those were so far from achieving so long as he acted the way he was.
I moved along with him, up into the point where he had no where left to move.
I'd probably have rub burn on my knees later, but the didn't matter now.
"Rhys, you can't keep bottling things up like this. I care about you and I'm here to listen." I begged, wanting him to stop acting so frantic.
The boy who used to be so smiley, the boy I grew to love...was curling away.
"No you don't." He started quiet. "You don't care." And slowly it grew louder. "You don't care!" And louder. "No one cares! NO ONE EVER WI-!" Until I shushed him.
Swiftly, I placed my lips on Rhys' mid-word.
Kissing him softly, I could feel him do the same back.
Thankfully none of the hyungs were here. I would either get yelled at, or teased...same for Rhys. And I didn't want him to have to deal with that.
I smiled and pulled back. "Do you believe me now?"
Rhys' face was bright red. ""
I laughed at how shy he got.
Pecking his cheek, I talked. "We care Rhys. We really do. So don't think you're a burden or a pain, we're here for you. I'm here you. I'll always be."
Surprisingly Rhys glomped me in a hug, hiding his face in my chest.
"I'm sorry."
  Rubbing his back, I simply continued to grin.
"Don't be. I'm always going to be here when you need me."
"Even for kisses?" He asked like a child.
I chuckled, "Even for kisses."

A/n: Thank you for reading! Quick apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors! I hope you all stay tuned for more to come! But I bet you didn't expect Jungkook to kiss Rhys, now did you? Muhahahaha! There's more to come, a lot more.

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