Chapter 14: A Fansign? I AM NOT PREPARED.

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A/n: Oh yes, the drama continues. But doesn't that make for a great story? Hehe, I know you all enjoy it. So why not continue? This chapter will satisfy that hunger for drama and terror! Now then, enjoy this piece of writing.

Rhys' POV:

It was freezing.
I swear to god, my breath would appear in front of me like smoke would fire.
Winter had arrived.
Lord have mercy on my small little behind....
I don't deal well with frigid temperatures.
As of right now, I was huddle up against Jimin...trying to steal as much of his body heat as I could.
"How are you still cold? You're wearing like three layers!" Namjoon commented gazing at my shivering figure.
I narrowed my eyes. "Magic." I spoke childishly, still clutching Jimin.
Jin maneuvered over and placed his palm to my forehead. "Your head isn't warm so you don't have a fever...How are you still shivering?"
"He just doesn't deal with the cold well, hyung." Jimin defended.
"It didn't say anything about that on his synopsis form." The leader explained. "It should've been there in either the allergy bio or dislikes portion."
I sneeze escape me, as I covered my face.
"Awwww, you sneeze like a kitten." Jimin laughed.
Pouting I curled back up to him. "I would slap you if you weren't so warm."
This got a chuckle from the older, who brought his arm around me, pulling my body into his lap.
As reflex I snuggled against Jimin, sighing contently at the greater warmth provided by his core.
"It's almost time to go, we got like half an hour before we have to leave for the fansign." Yoongi called from the hallway beyond.
My form became rigid. "Fansign?" I asked.
Jimin nodded. "Yeah, you didn't know?"
I shook my head, fear plain as day on my face. "D-Do I have to go?"
"Yep." Namjoon countered.
I groaned and nuzzled my head into Jimin's sweater.
"Don't worry, Jungkook will be sitting right next to you. I'm sure he'll protect you."
"It's not that. I just don't want the fans to be displeased..."
"Rhys, if they can't accept a new member...they're not real fans. Don't dwell to much on it."
"Okay...." I spoke defeated.
I couldn't lie that I wasn't anxious, having never done this shit before.
Jimin's hand ran through my hair, "You're gonna be great, I promise you."
I wish I could believe that.


I seated myself at the end of the table on the right side of Jungkook.
One hand fidgeting with the hem of my sleeve, the other clenching the black pen I held as if it were my life source.
Turning my head, I glance at the oncoming fans.
Albums and posters held I their palms.
I gulped, afraid of what they'd think of me.
  It took a few minutes, but eventually the first fan was in front me grinning.
She set her album in front of me with the sweetest smile.
That instantly made my mood better.
Quickly I signed it, making a small conversation.
"It's nice to meet you, what's your name?"
The fam seemed surprised I even spoke to them.
"E-Eunji," The shy girl spoke.
I chuckled at her shy demeanor. "That's a pretty name, thank you for supporting Bangtan."
I raised my hand at an attempt for a high five which she returned.
Eunji's smile grew large. "Thank you!" She then left.
I felt extremely overjoyed.
However, it only took 15 minutes for that giddy mood to fade from me.
A girl had just finished getting Jungkook's signature and approached me.
Her smile shifted to a scowl of disgust as she looked me up and down.
Carefully I lifted my pen. "Would you like me to sign?" I asked, not knowing what her actions would be.
The girl gave me an irritated sigh and nodded.
Obeying her wish I scribbled down my signature.
Whilst I was writing, she began to ask me questions.
"How did a guy as ugly as you get into Bangtan?" Was the first, to which I flinched.
"I-I um, I worked hard...and my work payed off."
She growled distastefully. "No wonder your so thin and frail."
I was about to respond to her, only to be interrupted by Mr. Coconut himself.
"Leave him alone." Jungkook's voice came in sharp and low.
The girl's attitude soon switched to an 'innocent' one. "Oh, but oppa~!" She whined. "He's only trying to hurt your group! I thought I'd save you all the trouble of telling Aegis what you actually think of him~!"
I cringed at her childish speech, taking note she used my stage name instead of my real one.
Jungkook seemed unfazed. "Aegis has sacrificed all his free time to this. He watches over all of us to make sure we don't hurt ourselves! I am sick and tired of all you people who-" I smacked his arm lightly, turning his attention towards me.
"Hyung, let me fight my own battles."
"But you-" I shook my head, moving to face the 'fan.'
"You don't like me, but you like the others correct?"
She nodded.
I replaced my frantic display with one of tranquility.
A calm beam on my lips.
"Good." The fan seemed confused, to which I continued. "I may not be enjoyable to you, but I'm glad you support BTS despite that."
A state of shock froze the girl.
It didn't even take a second for it to transfer to guilt.
"Aegis..." The teen still didn't use honorifics, but I could see she wanted to apologize.
"I-I'm sorry..." A new found sincerity found in her voice.
Softly, I pat her head. "It's okay...but may I know your name?"
The girl's eyes watered a tad. "Mina."
"Well Mina, I'm thankful you've had a change of heart. Have a good day."
Mina wiped her eyes and nodded leaving the area.
"That was very professional of you Rhys." Namjoon's voice called from the other end of the table.
I gave a thumbs up in his direction and went back to signing things from other fans.
One even gave me a fricken flower crown!
A flower crown!
"You look cute like that." Jungkook commented, his earlier offensive mood gone.
I let out a whine. "Hyung..."
Pinching my cheek, he giggled. "It's true~!"
Sudden clicks of cameras reached my eardrums.
Squeals reached the highest note of the music staff.
Okay, one: ooooffff. Two: I'm somewhat amazed voices can go that high.
I shaking of my hyung's hand, I sighed.
This had been quite the morning.

A/n: Thank you all for allowing me to have a break last week, and also for 2k reads....and for reading this chapter. Apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors. And as always, I hope you stay tuned for the next chapter! COMMENT IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE A CERTAIN SCENARIO!

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