Chapter 39: Best of Me! (Ep. 3)

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A/n: After those past upsetting chapters, let's get onto something more lighthearted! I'm thankful for the feedback on the past three chapters involving Tsu, a character I often forget to mention exists, who'd recently just passed via car wreck. Now then, onto the story! This chapter is kind of short because class just started back up for me and my schedule has become very busy. I also wrote this at 12:43 am KST, therefore it was just about Sept. 1 there, so Happy Birthday Jeon Jungkook!

(Who's most likely to.)
Who's most likely to cry during an emotional scene in a movie?

3rd Person POV:

The eight members were all sat on comfy blankets, dressed in onesies.
Rhys had on a peculiar Baymax themed one for some reason. The stylists thought it'd work best with his freshly dyed silver hair.
This time Rhys' series, Best of Me, was being filmed by the cameramen who aided him in his previous Rhys reacts to Burn The Stage video.
The latter started of with a scripted conversation.
"KIM NAMJOON, KIM SEOKJIN, MIN YOONGI, JUNG HOSEOK, PARK JIMIN, KIM TAEHYUNG, JEON JUNGKOOK, BTS!" Screamed the youngest who ran around the set like Naruto.
"Aegis what're you doing?" Questioned Namjoon, who was being 'totally confused.'
"Yeah, you're sprinting like an anime character!" Commented Jungkook.
Yoongi cut in. "Plus you forgot your name in the fan chant."
"What is wrong with you, kid?" Finally Asked Jin.
Rhys stopped running once he reached the front of the first camera.
"Sorry hyungs, something evil must've gotten the Best of Me~!"
After finishing the small pun about the title, Aegis turned to the recording device and winked.
And thus, the show started.
"Welcome back to another episode of Best of Me!" Cheered the youngest as he waved from his blanket next to Jungkook. "Today's going to be a special episode! As it is not in vlog format! BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!"
The members sitting along the floor gave a drumroll against their legs.
"And what would that be Aegis?" Prompted Jin.
The youngest stood up and pulled out a notebook, flashing it toward the screen.
"The 'Who's Most Likely To' Game! A game where you're asked who is more likely to do some thing, and those playing write down the name on their whiteboard! Person with the most points will be crowned the biggest loser!"
Okay, now the acting lines the boys had were over.
"What do you mean: 'biggest loser?' Shouldn't we be winning if we have the most points?" Questioned Taehyung who fiddle with his onesie feet.
Rhys hummed and sat back down. "Well, most of these questions can be embarrassing in a sense. So whoever's voted the most for them has done the most embarrassing stuff."
Jimin choked on air. "Embarrassing? You never said we'd be—!"
"Hush now Jiminie-hyung, this show makes us money! Play by my rules!"
Realizing what he said, Aegis looked at the cameraman. "Please cut that out. I may not be wrong about this making us cash, but it wasn't polite to say what I said."
"Since when have you ever been polite as of late, Rhys?" Laughed Yoongi who was huddled into a burrito like state.
"Let's forget this ever happened. Now then!" The maknae got back into his groove. "How about we read some of these questions?"


Rhys' POV:

"As a quick explanation, we got these questions from fans as well as other frequent posts online! So some of these will include a handle of sorts!" I cheered before glancing down at the notebook in my hands. "Hyungs are you ready?"
Everyone else gave an enthusiastic "YEAH!"
Well, everyone except Yoongi. He merely threw his arm in the arm from his laying down position.
I rolled my eyes at the 93-liner and proceeded to state the first inquiry.
"Okay. squishy_yoongles asks: 'Who is most likely to cry during an emotional scene in a movie?'"
I quickly traded my notebook for a whiteboard and black marker. Scribbling down my answer in the neatest handwriting I could and flipping it over at the camera.
I had written Jungkook.
And to no surprise, three of the others did as well. The four who didn't had written my name down.
"Huh? Why me?" I blurted in confusion.
I never really did have a big reaction to films.
Hoseok seemed to agree with me, "Yeah, at least Jungkook's understandable. I've never seen Rhys cry at a movie."
Jimin snickered as he held a board with my name scrawled across it. "One word. Ponyo."
Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jin gawked at me.
"You cried at Ponyo? That Studio Ghibli film?" Taehyung laughed. "That's a kid movie!"
I gave a disgruntled huff. "That was one time."
"No, it's every time we watch it. Ive seen you cry at least five times because of that one scene where Ponyo is missing and Sosuke puts that green pail outside his house." Insisted the evil rabbit himself, as his reached over and pinched my unprotected cheek.
I quickly smacked the ex-maknae's hand away.
"I'm pretty sure he was also bawling his eyes out over this one Spongebob—!" I launched my marker at Yoongi who was about to expose me to death.
"Shush. Shush your mouth."
"Yah! Respect your hyung you little shit!"
I gasped at him. "Yoongi-hyung we're gonna have to bleep that out now!" Throwing my arms up in exasperation. "You're making it harder for the editors!"
"I don't care."
"Fine." I fake pouted. "I guess I won't let you use me as a pillow anymore."
"What? Pft, you can't do that." Suga whined.
I smirked. "I can and I will. Now then let's get onto the next question."
"@  NamtiddiesEnthusiast asks: 'Who is more likely to talk to random objects as if they were living?'"
Writing down Jin's name, I turned my writing over.
"Yesterday I watched him argue with the door he stubbed his toe on. Jin-hyung literally squared up to the bathroom entrance like it stole his food."
Namjoon cackled. "I remember that! Plus the other day, he starting yelling at 1 am for no reason, so we all ran to the kitchen to see if we were in trouble. Turns out an apple fell out of the fridge and hit his arm!"
Snorting at the memory, I notice Seokjin had put his own name down as well.
"I admit I do get into fights with inanimate objects. Often tables and spoon that are being washed in the sink." He claimed.
The producers appeared to be chuckling behind the recording devices. I wouldn't blame them hehe.
After a little more stories of Jin struggling with walls, faucets, etc. we switched to the next assessment.
"@ 3DollarChain wonders: 'Who is most likely to stay up the longest?'"
I put a big, fat question mark as my answer. I never really tracked when the others went to bed.
Someone always happened to be awake when I was.
When staring around the room, it turned out that everyone had 'Aegis' or 'Rhys' on their board.
"This kid does amazing work for Bangtan and the company in general....but the times at which he is the most productive are questionable." Revealed Hoseok.
"Yeah, the last time I checked, the longest Rhys had stayed up was for about 48 hours straight. You could only imagine the amount of coffee he had gone through..." Added on Jimin.
I tapped my chin on thought. "I think I had about four, twelve ounce coffees. So around six cups I think."
"We need to get you on a schedule..." Murmured Jin, very motherly.
Giggling at his mutters, I went on to the last question of this episode since we were running short on time before we had to go to a photo shoot.
"Okay, last question of the episode is from @ Jibooty95 who asks: 'Who is mostly likely to give the best hugs?'"
I bit my lip pondering.
All of the members gave good who has given me the most....Ah! Jimin.
Jimin is always hugging me when he can and sleeping with me at night. So this makes the most sense.
I flashed my board forward and looked at what the others wrote.
The answers varied, my name was shown on Yoongi and Namjoon's boards. Considering they were always in their studios or doing work all day, I tend to venture to them and forcefully cuddle them away from overworking themselves.
"Why did you put me down?" Wondered Jimin ask he glanced at me.
I raised an eyebrow, "Do I really need to explain this? You're like a personal beater at this point, and that's a good thing since I'm often cold."
"Wait does that mean I suck at hugs? Ugh! I'm offended!" Gasped Jin holding a hand to his chest dramatically.
"Yeah same here! I thought you liked me holding you!" Spoke Taehyung childishly.
"I agree, I can't believe you just pick and chose so easily." Grumbled Jungkook at my side, clearly irritated.
Thankfully Hobi, Namjoon, and Yoongi understood that I had to choose just one member. And that this was not the end of the world.
However, those who were annoyed by what I responded with, began to lock themselves onto me in  a fierce rage.
The bunny had me in a chokehold, Jin had snaked himself around my waist as tight as he could, and Tae had wrapped himself along one of my legs like a sad puppy.
Jimin and the rest merely watched the scene unfold in front of them. Not caring for my safety as they knew they'd end up making the situation worse.
Hastily I got out: "Th-Thank you for watching another episode of Best of Me! Hopefully these guys haven't killed by next time."
"NO PROMISES!" Screamed the three clutching my form.

A/n: Not my best work. I will probably edit the chapter in the future. Thank you for reading. I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors. And as always: I hope you stay tuned for the chapters to come!

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