Chapter 40: Approval (Pt. 1)

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A/n Just wanted to start off by saying, I began writing this on Namjoon's birthday. So happy birthday you wonderful man! Also, on another note, PLEASE LEAVE REQUESTS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS IN THE COMMENT SECTION OF THIS ONE! It'd be splendid if you did, so that way I'd know what readers are looking forward to see! GET READY FOR ANOTHER DOUBLE CHAPPY! The main conflict of the next two chapters was inspired by squishy_yoongles ! With that said, please enjoy the chapter! Let's get into it!

3rd Person POV:

Rhys yawned as he maneuvered from set to set.
The time was 10 pm, which wasn't really late for him, but he'd been up since 3 in the morning.
"Song-Mi Noona, how much longer?" Rhys whined toward his usual makeup artist.
He and Song-Mi has gotten closer to one and other after having worked together since his debut video.
Said person gave a hearty sigh as she applied eyeliner to the youngest member's eyes. "I'll tell you if you stop moving Rhys-ah."
Knowing he wouldn't get an answer despite his efforts, Aegis pouted and let the woman do her thing.
The reason all this was happening, was because it was time for Rhys to make another solo production.
With Jimin, Jungkook, Tae, and Jin's out of the was his turn.
Originally they were going to include his in Love Yourself: Tear's arsenal, however, Namjoon and Aegis decided it'd be best excluded from the other tracks.
Now introducing...
"There, all done! Now stop whining." Announced Song-Mi, who removed her hands from Rhys' eyelids.
With a small beam, Rhys hopped out of his seat. "Care to tell me how much longer we'll be here?"
"However long it takes to finish shooting. But I may be wrong....I did hear one of the cameramen talking about finishing up tomorrow night."
As if on cue, Rhys' phone buzzed in his pocket.
"Hm?" The eighteen year old hummed and he pulled the device out.

Mochim 🍡: U need to come home RIGHT NOW.
Rhys huffed and began typing.

Rhyses Pieces🍫: I'm in the middle of a shoot , hyung. I thought you guys knew that.

Mochim🍡: We know. But there's a crisis over here, and we need you home.

Rhyses Pieces 🍫: What's so important that I have to cancel this video for the day?

Mochim🍡: Jungkook had a bdnskakdm

Rhyses Pieces🍫: What happened to Jungkook?
Rhyses Pieces🍫: Hyung?
Rhyses Pieces🍫: Hyung?

Mochim🍡: My phone was smacked out of my hands. I can't talk rn, just get home.

Aegis emitted concerned energy. "What exactly did they do....." He mumbled.
"What is it?" The elder woman Prodded in confusion, when the boy suddenly changed his demeanor.
With a sheepish laugh and a scratch behind his neck, Rhys asked: "Can I request that we wrap up this scene really quick? The hyungs need me back at the dorms."
"Let me check with the producer. I'll be back in a second." Was the makeup artist's answer before she left to check if Rhys was allowed to leave soon.


Rhys' POV:

I bit my lip as I pondered on what could've happened at the dorms.
Why did it involve Jungkook?
And why did they need me there to fix this?
They knew I had to work, they know I've been working since 3 am....
So why I they taking me away from something that needs to get done?
"Rhys-ah, the producer said you're free to leave whenever you'd like. I quote: 'The camera crew is getting tired, so I see no reason as to why we can end it here for now.'" Song-Mi spoke, ripping me from my thoughts. "It's a shame, I just did your makeup too...."
Putting on a 'totally real' closed-eye grin, I gave a thumbs up and told her I'd be taking my departure now.
"Do you want someone to drive you back?" Song-Mi inquires.
I shook my head. "No, I can walk back. I wouldn't want to bother anyone."
"Kid, you've been an idol for how long now? You're not bothering anyone by asking for a ride home."
I still protested. "The walk's only twenty minutes, I'll be fine."
With a low growl, Song-Mi nodded. "Fine. Have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye!" I yelled, dashing away.
What would await me at the dorms?
Probably not anything good....


3rd Person POV:

As the youngest member got close to the dorms, he could hear yelling come from the building.
Becoming more and more concerned, Rhys sprinted up the stairs and busted through the entrance.
"What in the world is going on here?" He shouted, staring at the state the place was in.
The coffee table in the living room had been flipped over, whatever was on the counter had made it to the floor, and the couch pillows looked to be thrown across the room.
From the corner of his eyes, Rhys spotted a frightened Taehyung and Jimin peaking around the hallway at him.
Clearly, those two hadn't been yelling.
Standing defensively in the center of it all stood Hoseok and Jungkook, with the rest of the hyung-line trying to hold each of them back.
Hoseok gliding his pupils over to their maknae, "I thought you were in the middle of a shoot, Rhys." His voice dead and monotonous, it scared everyone to an extent actually.
Aegis gulped, but quickly recovered. "The director let me off early, and Jimin texted me to come home, so it worked out."
Jungkook let out a noise of irritation. "I told you not to fucking call him, you asshole!" This was directed at Jimin.
"B-But he's the only who—!"
Eyes slanting into a glare, Rhys made his way between Hobi and the ex-maknae.
"Don't yell at him. I was the one who chose to come home." Tongue-clicking Rhys continued. "I didn't think I'd return to this though."
"Rhys I wouldn't try to engage in any of this, especially when you haven't gotten much slee—." Namjoon started.
"No, I'm fine....But, it's obvious Jungkook-hyung isn't."
"What do you mean?" Growled said person. "I'm perfectly fine."
He brought a finger to harshly poke the younger's chest. "I wouldn't go and talk about things you don't know, Rhys. This is none of your business."
Aegis smacked his elder's hand away, a fierce gaze dancing along his features.
"If there's a problem with my hyungs, it is my business. Who're you to say what I can't partake in?"
"Guys...I think we should go." Mumbled Yoongi who could feel the tension begin to rise in the air.
"I don't them to hurt each other...." Responded Tae meekly.
"Yeah, what if it escalates?" Added Jin who glanced at Hoseok.
Namjoon thought for a moment before ushering everyone out to their separate rooms.
"We'll help them when they've blown off enough steam. It's best to let Rhys do his thing a calm Jungkook down for now."
Nodding in agreement, the other six members vacated the living room.
"And now they left! Just great! They probably hate me now!" Ranted Jungkook who threw his arms out in a rage.
"They don't hate you. They just need to calm down and think rationally."
Rhys shook his head, "No you're not."
"You know, now that I think about it, I'm only upset because I couldn't just fucking come home and relax. I need my time and these fucktards went and screwed it up!" Jungkook continued. "Why was I even working today? It was because of you!"
Aegis looked perplexed. "Me?"
"Yeah! Because of this new solo you had to make! They made me do a whole bunch of background singing, concept scripting, basically everything to get your work done quicker!"
"Hyung, I had no idea."
"WELL NOW YOU DO!" Screeched the 97-liner. "If you weren't here, I'd probably be fine right now. The hyungs wouldn't hate me. And everything would be alright."
Taking offense to this, the maknae raised a brow. "What're you trying to say? That I should leave the group?"
"EXACTLY! Go home to your Noona! Oh wait, you can't!"
"You leave Tsu out of this!" Bit Rhys.
"How about you go home to your parents then! They'd probably love to have you back, knowing their kid's an idol and you never go visit them! You're always the one to stay back when we're given visit times to see our family! How inconsiderate can you—!"
Jungkook soon felt a harsh sting settle itself on his cheek.
He cupped it and looked to his dongsaeng, shocked.
"I wouldn't talk about stuff you don't know, Jungkook."

A/n: PART ONE DONE! I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors! And I'd like for everyone to know JIN IS THE ONLY ONE IN THE GROUP WHO KNOWS ABOUT RHYS' FAMILY SITUATION! Part two will be coming out as soon as I can type it! Thank you for reading! I hope you stay for the chapters to come!

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