Chapter 6: Practice Gone Wrong

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A/n: Thank you all for 400+ reads! And also for the wonderful feedback! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Rhys' POV:

We just arrived at the practice studio.
The walls were mirrored and one wall displayed the BigHit logo.
The seemingly wooden floor made is easy to slide for one's dance, all this shocked me to see.
My eyes were still slightly puffy from the car ride.
They'd become less irritated eventually, so it was nothing to worry about.
"Ooooo! Let's do Go Go!" Hoseok cheered.
Great....the one song I can't get locked and packed.
It may be embarrassing to say...but I can't floss.
That weird hip thing. Yeah. Can't do it.
No matter how hard I try, I either end up with a sore thigh or a bruise on my stomach.
We hopped into place, the camera now filming because Namjoon thought the ARMY would enjoy seeing us practice.
Then the song began.
It went smoothly. Till 'you know what' came up.
I me I did.
But I somehow managed to trip myself and faceplant.
How the frickin' heck did I trip myself?!?!
It's a simple hip thrust, into parallel arms!
How the heck does a person trip!
I groaned, rolling over to my back.
Holding my hurt nose, I look up and am met with Jin hovering over me.
"Aish! Such a clumsy kid." He gripped my arm and tugged me upward.
Teetering on my feet, I bowed my head. "Sorry...I just can't get this dance right."


As time passed the movement came up again.
Tripping or hitting myself or hitting someone else, I simply couldn't perfect the subtle movement.
"It's time for lunch children!" Jin cheered.
He always was attracted by food.
Dare I say, even more than he's attracted to himself?
The video Namjoon was taking had ended quite a bit ago.
I slid down from my position against the wall to the floor.
Sitting my brain to a realization.
The ARMY was going to see my mess up.
I slapped my cheek as punishment, flinching at how it kind of stung.
"Are you going to come eat Rhys?" Taehyung asked.
I shook my head.
Taehyung's POV:

Rhys shook his head. "No, I think I'm going to practice more."
I was confused.
Who doesn't want to eat after practicing for 3 hours?
I pressed on. "Why? Your dancing is good."
Once again he shook his head. "I keep messing up this one part. I'm going to keep practicing till I get it right."
I sighed giving up.
There was no use. Our maknae wasn't going to budge.
"Just don't work yourself too hard."
He nodded.
And I left to the other members.
They were in a different room outside of the dance studio.
"Hey V! Wait, where's Rhys?" Jimin asked.
I ran a hand through my hair. "He said he was going to keep practicing. Wouldn't take no for an answer."
I could see Jungkook's eyes waver in worry, along all the other members.
"Jin-hyung...Rhys ate breakfast right?" Jungkook questioned.
Jin's eyes widened. "No...he didn't."  Rubbing his eyes, Jin groaned. "I didn't think about it, I was too worried about getting here on time."
"After his episode in the car, you think he'd stop working himself so hard..." Namjoon mumbled.
"I'm honestly surprised at how much backlash he's getting too." Suga spoke. "They seemed so happy during the concert."
We all let out breaths, as if to relieve the stress we felt for our member.
Rhys' POV:

My stomach growled having not been fed.
I was now on the floor.
Slightly gasping for breath.
I had gone over the dance 10 times since the others went for lunch.
Each time failing with no prosperity.
The ARMY may want me dead, but I'm going to work to achieve their kindness.
And so far...nothing.
I keep messing up this move, and it's driving me insane.
Balling up my hands, I slammed them against the floor. Screaming in frustration.
My knuckles now red and slightly bleeding from hitting the hard surface, I rubbed them slightly.
This was gonna be a while.
Yoongi's POV:

Having heard that Rhys hadn't eaten today.
Everyone became slightly worried.
Especially when a thud came from the other room.
All of us dashed out from where we were to the dance studio.
Jin immediately ran over and examined his hands. "What is this?" He asked.
Rhys laughed awkwardly. "I-I kind punched the floor...."
The eldest smacked Rhys' head. "Why would you do that? What did we tell you? Was all that in the car for noth-!"
"Jin-hyung, let me be stressed for once. Remember that promise we had?"
Jin paused a moment before nodding.
"Then you should know to let me deal with my mess ups."
With a sigh of defeat, our oldest member stood up pulling Rhys with him.
"You need to stop being so self destructive."
Rhys gave a laugh.
To which confused me. "What the hell?" I said quietly.
Rhys glanced at me. "You have to break yourself to build yourself up again. I've been doing it all my life, it's become a habit really."
"Still Rhys, you shouldn't 'break yourself.'" Jin scolded.
Rhys gazed back at him. " can't be helped."
The phrase 'break yourself' stuck with my mind for a bit.
Then the words hit me like a truck. "What context?" I asked.
It seemed Namjoon had the same idea as I.
"Rhys, no one can simply break themselves and not have damage." He commented adding to my point.
The maknae flashed a sad smile. "That's true."
Silence filled the room. Then he continued.
Fixated on the threads coming off his pants, the teen told. "You become numb eventually. Endurance becomes very high, and though your mentality wavers between fine and despair, you make it out a better person."
Words of experience flowed out of his pink lips, like he had felt a million versions of this.
"Stop it." V's voice shakily spoke. "You talk like this monster is your friend!"
Rhys' POV:

Taehyung's words struck me like an arrow would an apple.
But I couldn't help but continue to grin.
In a way this monster I created has become my friend.
"There's not much to do when I am the monster, hyung."
This creature was apart of me.
That red figure dripping black in the back of my dreams, always telling me to cut it all away.
"No you're not." His voice now venomous.
All the others agreed with V, giving 'he's right Rhys.'
I gave up then and there.
I knew Tae was a stubborn person, and right now I barely had the energy to argue anymore than I had.
Hoseok quickly stepped in. "Let's all drop this and get the mood happy again."
Everyone giggled at his bright demeanor, even after what just occurred.
But, I still felt off.
Then suddenly, my eyes began straining.
I could feel my head pound in order with my heartbeat.
What was this all of a sudden?
A red shade made its way to my ears.
I felt nauseous.
"You alright? You seem a bit pale." Jin said in pure concern.
I nodded, but I really wasn't alright.
My vision became slightly fuzzy.
Then before I knew it,
I started to fall.
The last things that reached my ears was my name began screamed out.
Jin's POV:

Holy shit.
I caught Rhys before he hit the ground.
Kneeling on the ground, still holding his small figure, I brought my hand to touch his forehead.
I flinched back at the heat radiating off of it.
"He has a fever." I stated.
Thinking back, he hadn't eaten breakfast or drank anything all day.
He must've been dehydrated, but a person can last longer than this usually. And Rhys was a toughy.
"Jimin did Rhys drink any water last night?"
Jimin has started to sleep with Rhys ever since his debut.
It calmed our youngest down, so none of us saw any harm.
Jimin thought a moment, before shaking his head. "He kept waking up during the night too."
That's why.
Rhys was dehydrated and had lack of sleep.
Author, why is this child so difficult?
(A/n: Because I'm the devil and want to make them suffer, because it's what almost every writer does)
"Grab your stuff everyone." I called. "We're going to the dorms so Rhys can rest comfortably."
I see Jungkook going to grab his bag.
"Set that down Mr. Coconut, you've already got Rhys in your hands."
Jungkook dropped the luggage, walked over and lifted Rhys piggyback with no effort.
"Why didn't he tell me..." I heard Jungkook mumble.
My eyes softened.
He had really gotten close with Rhys.
It's no surprise, Rhys feels the same way.
I picked up Jungkook's stuff and exited the studio behind him.
I knew from this day on...
Rhys was going to get his priorities straight whether he like it or not.

A/n: Thank you for reading this chapter! I have noticed 'Rhys' is becoming a Mary Sue/Gary Stue character so I'll try to be better at not having the attention dead set on him. Apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors! And yeah.....I hope you stay tuned for the next chapter!

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