Chapter 20: Rhys' Birthday!

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A/n: Ooof! I have no idea what this will turn into, but I'm giving it a shot anyway! Let's see how this turns out! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Rhys' POV:

My birthday.
Yes, I enjoyed it to an extent.
But it wasn't my favorite of all things.
I hated people buying me gifts simply because I escaped my mom's uterus.
It just makes me feel like I owe people things, when I don't.
Overall, it's complicated.
I got out of bed with a yawn.
Jimin, who usually sleeps in my bed, had gotten out of it before me....
That was odd.
I was and have been the one to wake up earlier.
But I shouldn't be thinking anything of it.
As per normal, I stretched and made my way to the closet.
I pull off my pajamas.
Don't worry, I had taken a shower the night before.
Taking my sports bra off, I placed on my binder.
Oh how it hugged me so, but it's worth it.
A change of underwear, socks, sweater and jeans deployed, and I'm dressed for the day.
Soon I was in the kitchen.
No one, and I mean no one was here.
"Did they have a shoot today?" I mumbled to myself, glumly grabbing an apple and biting into it.
This switched to me staring blankly at the floor, until my phone buzzed.
I reached my hand to grab it, reading the message I had just received.
"Where are you?! We have a photoshoot today!" I read what Jungkook has texted.
Chucking my apple across the room, I ran to the door.
Frantically yanking on my shoes.
And with that I was out the door.
Jungkook's POV:

I smirked down at my phone.
Rhys had not responded,
But he had read it.
We didn't have a shoot today.
No pictures,
No work,
No trouble.
We had Rhys' birthday.
And so far, the plan was going perfectly.
"Do you think he'll be mad at us?" Hoseok asked.
Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Assuming he's running here, what do you think?" Pure sarcasm in his voice.
I laughed at their behavior. "Rhys is gonna be so pissed."
Jin smacked my forehead. "Language." Then he move his appendage with a chuckle. "But you're right. He is gonna be pissed."
Rhys' POV:

I arrived at the building with sore feet and gasps of breath.
Pushing the door open, I was met with darkness.
Confusion raced through my brain.
"Why is it so dark in here?" I questioned out loud.
Walking down the hallway, feeling the walls for reference.
It was only a minute or two before the lights switched on.
My eyes closing at the sudden flash.
"Happy birthday to you~!" Voices began singing.
I slowly opened my eyes.
There stood the other members.
Jungkook stood in the middle holding a cake, while the others held their phones recording the scene.
I gazed with an unamused look. "So we didn't have shoot today?"
Jungkook laughed. "Nope."
I was so mad at them.
I wanted to slap Jungkook across the face.
But a good idea popped up in my head.
"Can I hold the cake?"
The ex-maknae passed it over.
And in one swift movement, I smacked the cake onto his face.
Don't fret, the candles were out.
Sniggers came from Suga, while the rest gaped at my decision.
Jungkook just stood there, cake covering him, a grin plastered on his lips.
"So, you're still mad?"
I rolled my eyes. "Thankfully, I tend to get my revenge passive aggressively."
Warm arms embraced me from behind.
I recognized this hold,
It was Jin.
"You can't stay mad at us forever~!" He spoke into my neck, tickling me as breath hit.
I giggled at the tickles. "I guess you're r-right."
The eldest let go of me. "I can't believe your officially an adult now! My baby's grown up!" He spoke in fake tears.
I choked at the thought of being an 'adult.' "I'm not really that grown up....I'm only 18 hyung."
"Yeah, it's not he could drink a beer or something yet!" Taehyung added.
Jin froze and turned to me with a hard stare. "If I ever find out that you're drinking alcohol..." he jabbed a finger toward my face. "You'll have to face my wrath."
Pausing I remembered something.
I've drank before.
I didn't really enjoy the taste of fermented liquid.
"Don't worry Jin-hyung, I don't like that stuff." I waved my hands in dismissal.
"So you have drank before!"
Sighing, I nodded. "It wasn't my best of mistakes....had to get my mind off of something, and I tried a method many use."
My stomach lurched, as I thought about the bitter taste and burning feeling apparent in my throat when I drank that yucky drink.
Jin frowned and huffed, crossing his arms. "You're grounded."
"Hyung, it's his birthday!" Jimin whined.
"I don't care. He's grounded."
My mind drifted off, as I played what just happened over and over in my head.
A soft glow evident on my face.
I'd never experienced this much commotion on my past birthdays.
I was happy about this.
Very happy.


Jimin's POV:

I lay next to Rhys on his bed.
My eyes fixated on the ceiling, the same with Rhys'.
Rhys was not allowed to use his phone or any of his electronics for the night, as Jin grounded him.
Pretty funny, scratch that, hilarious.
My gaze shifted from the cream colored ceiling, to the younger beside me.
He seemed lost in the blank upper wall, his thoughts probably occupying him.
"Rhys?" I asked.
The boy blinked once or twice before turning to me. "Yes, Jimin-hyung?"
My eyes flickered between his and his lips.
"I'm not dumb hyung." Rhys blurted.
The 18 year old gave a sly grin, before placing his mouth on my.
Our lips moving in sync (a/n: bye bye bye! Cheers to anyone who understands that reference) with one another.
Rhys pulled away, blushing from what he had just done. "I-I"
I giggled at his new nervousness, pecking Rhys' cheek.
I just hope he liked his birthday.
With the addition of my kiss of course.

A/n: Thank you for reading this chapter! Sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes! And as always, I hope you stay tuned for the next chapter!

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