Chapter 37: Noona (Pt. 2)

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A/n: Continuation of Chapter 36. Some stuff certainly went down last chapter, stuff we really didn't want to happen. I know a lot of people loved Tsu when she appeared in the first few chapters, I saw her as the perfect opportunity for Rhys' backstory. So all in all, most have said they're worried for Tsu in a way. What'll happen to her? Read to find out. Also, I'm changing the double chapter to a triple. This'll take more than I expected.

3rd Person POV:

BTS drove up to the hospital in full distress.
The place smelled of disinfectant and was doused in a white atmosphere.
Rhys' eyes stained in red, hands more fidgety than they ever could be. But, that didn't really show too much.
The members, being celebrities, had to dress to make sure they did not get followed by any press or fans. Especially those who were at, or worked at, Shin Hospital.
So right now everyone was decked out in face masks, sunglasses, hats, etc.
Shakily strolling up to the admittance desk, Rhys Spoke: "I was told to request Lee Yoori when getting here, she was treating a family member of ours."
Aegis always considered Tsu family, and since the boys were so close to him, he'd say she was their family too.
The lady at the desk nodded with a sad smile, one could assume she knew about the situation. "Of course sweetheart, let me call her down. She'll be here in a minute or so."
Aegis gave a weak thumbs up not knowing how else to respond to that, and walked to a corner with the rest of the members to get out of the way.
A few moments later two voices could be heard.
"Is that BTS?" A person in the background asked.
Another responded: "Yeah! I think it's them! Let's go-!"
"You will not do anything of the sort young ladies." Called a mature one, who'd probably just arrived.
"But Miss Lee-!"


Rhys' POV:

Hearing the new vocals sound throughout the hall, I decided to lay more attention to it.
From what I'm listening to...That had to have been the nurse treating Tsu.
"Stop and think why it's not best to swarm people who're visiting a hospital. Do you really want to make the media notice them here? It'll be very inconsiderate if you acted upon your fan girl needs."
The two girls who were dressed in hospital scrubs sighed and left without another word.
Thank god.
The sound of flats padded toward us, as our eyes were soon met with a maroon uniform that read 'Emergency Medicine' in white embroidery.
"I'm sorry we have to meet on these circumstances Mr. Oeun." The woman in front of me said.
"Likewise." I started. "How's her condition?"
"From what I last checked, fair. It could be better. And I'm aware you'd like your other group members with you?"
I moved my head up and down in response, to which Yoori gave a curt nod.
"Let's go to the patient's room. However, I do have to warn may not recognize her."
I sucked on my teeth in utter dismay.
I could see the others do something similar.
"Lead the way Miss Lee." Motioned Namjoon who had regained composure faster than us rest.
"Follow me."
And with that, we were on our way to visit what might be a mangle of the mother figure I used to know well.


Jin's POV:

I felt stiff in the thick atmosphere that was being created.
The members and I had just gotten to Tsu's room, the whole process of avoiding potential fans took longer than expecting.
My eyes shifted over to the youngest when I saw twitching in my peripheral vision.
Rhys was hugging himself as he scanned the woman's unconscious figure lying in the bed.
"Now then sir, may I ask you some questions about the patient?" Miss Lee commented after closing the door to the room once we entered the, surprisingly, spacious area
Without a second to think Rhys replied with a "Yes."
"First off, what is her full name? Starting with first, then middle, and lastly Surname."
"Tsuki Anais Choi."
"Does she have any allergies?"
"Twenty six."
"Has she gone through pregnancy? Or had any intercourse within the past month?"
"Pregnancy, no. I don't know about her intimate life."
"Cases of mental illness?"
"Not that I know of."
"Any previous problems involving drug abuse?"
"Alcohol abuse?"
"Are you sure about that sir?"
"Huh? Why wouldn't I be?"
Abruptly the flow of questions and answers halted.
Yoongi spoke up. "What do you me by that? He said no."
"Yeah." Agreed Hoseok. "If Rhys said no, then she doesn't drink."
"Oh....If I may, may I explain what happened before this point?" Miss Lee now had a solemn look crossing her face.
"Please do." I said, intrigued why she had prodded Rhys if Tsu was an alcoholic.
We watched the nurse move to the edge of the bed where a clipboard was nestled in a basket.
She picked it up and maneuvered to show Rhys the file.
"See this here? That's what her Blood Alcohol Concentration was when the ambulance first got to her at the scene of the wreck."
"Why would they test for that." Aegis mumbled to the medical personnel.
Yoori shook her head, "Police said witnesses saw her car consistently swerving while she was driving."
"She was—No....that can't be..."
"I'm afraid it is Mr. Oeun."
"But Tsu-Noona wasn't like that. She never drank, she never even touched champagne on New Years....Noona couldn't have..." Rhys' voice broke
"I'm sorry you're finding out this way, but if you look at that number, she has done what you never thought she would."
"Miss, can we please see what it says?" Asked Jimin who was standing slightly behind me.
"Oh sorry, here." And she lifted the information to our eyes.
My breath hitched in shock as I saw the numbers displayed in front of me.
That was way over the legal limit....she really drove intoxicated...
"Oh my god."
"No way."
"She wouldn't—."
"She did."
I watched silently, still surprised that the well put together woman we met before did such a thing.
"What happened to the other driver?"
All of us flinched at Rhys' harsh tone.
"Sir, you're not more concerned with—."
"Miss Lee, what is the condition of the other driver?"
The nurse cleared her throat. "Oh, um, the other driver perished when the crash occurred. They were dead on scene..."
"So is she going to be arrested after her condition gets better?"
"Unfortunately, yes sir."
I was taken aback by the passive response given by our maknae. "'Ok?' What do you mean okay? You're caretaker is going to be put in jail and all you have to say is: okay?" I moved forward as to slightly dominate over him.
"Woah, Jin-hyung calm down." Said Jimin, who was holding onto my arm before I could do anything rash.
"I have nothing else to say but okay. She drove intoxicated, knowing it was illegal, and killed someone in the process! She's obviously gonna get arrested for that, so what else do I say but okay?" Countered the now, what I saw, emotionless boy.
"You know, Rhys, maybe you should be a bit more concerned for Tsu's arrest. You don't what to get her out of it?"
This earned a weak laugh from him, "Like we can still help her. She's going to jail, probably going to get sued by the family of the other be honest I see no point in trying to bail her out of an offense she is clearly guilty of!"
I shoved Jimin's arm off me and proceeded to latch onto Rhys'. "Why are you suddenly acting so cruel? You act as if she never took care of you!"
"...That's not what I was trying to—."
"Yeah and I'm not fucking Worldwide Handsome, you were definitely try—!"
"All of you need to get out of this room right now."


3rd Person POV:

"All of you need to get out of this room right now." Called our Yoori, breaking up the argument.
"If it's about our fighting we'll stop, apologies on that..." Said Rhys who was still tense from the argument.
"No. I don't think it's that." Said Namjoon who was pushing the members to the door.
Miss Lee sighed. "Her blood pressure's dropped drastically and her heart rate is slowing. I need you guys out of here so us nurses can do our job.
"We understand."
"Please wait outside the door while we try to get her back to stable condition."
With all eight of them huddled outside the door in a group, silence brewed in the air.
"Yoori what's happening?" Another nurse questioned.
"Her heart rate's slowing, bp is dropping."
"Miss Lee the patient's skin seems to be—."
"My word.....when was the last time you checked on her Yoori."
"Just now but the patient's loved ones started having an argument and—!"
Rhys and Jin stood frozen for a moment as they mentioned their conflict.
"So you forgot to check her vitals?"
Had they been the ones to...
"I was making sure the fight didn't escalate into them accidentally bumping the patient's injuries."
No they couldn't have.
"Good on that part but—."
"I think we need to call it Miss Lee."
"No I'm not stopping until her out." this couldn't be.
Rhys clasped a hand to his mouth, having been the one closest to the door he heard everything at a louder volume. "No....not Noona, she couldn't. She was just fine before, she couldn't least not this fast...."
Jungkook would was stood beside him heard it too, he wrapped an arm around Rhys and pulled the younger's face into his chest as an attempt to shield the 18 year old from what was happening behind that wall.
"Time of death—."
Everyone, except Rhys who was already sobbing, gave out a loud dismayed breath, one they'd been holding for a long time. They all hung their head in solitude.
Rhys clung to Jungkook's shirt as tight as he could, as well as soaking it in whatever quantity of slaty water flowed outside his eyelids.
"The last thing she might've heard from me....."
The others paused to listen.
"Was me hating her."

A/n: Tsu had a good run.... Thank you all for reading! Apologies for any spelling or grammatical errors. I hope you all stay tuned for the third part of the Noona writing and the chapters to come!

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