Chapter 36: Noona (Pt. 1)

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A/n: I already feel weird writing this.....But a lot of you have been questioning about Tsu, Rhys' old caretaker. We haven't heard from her in a while, ready to find out why? I know I'm not, heheh. I hope you enjoy this chapter, or at least find it decently written. This'll be a multi part chapter, as there is a lot to cover. Let's get into this mess!

Rhys' POV:

It was currently 5 am.
I hummed to myself as I sat on the sofa in the living room. My phone in hand, I was scrolling through my contacts.
Recently I decided I needed to spring clean my phone, it's not even spring right now...but whatever.
Gazing at the screen, I've come to realize that I don't talk to majority of the people on here.
I really only talk to my hyungs and two solo artists now.
Those artists would include Amber Liu and Ailee. I knew Amber because she talked to V a few times, and Ailee, I met via Amber after talking to her.
Anyway, as I was reading through the names, my eyes landed on one that read: "Noona."
"I'm assuming that's....Tsu?" I muttered to myself, knowing that I had Amber and Ailee addressed with sunbae. That's because they were older and more experienced than I in the idol field of work. Though both of them urge me to call them Noona instead.
I brought my thumbnail to my lips and lightly pressed my teeth on it. No, I wasn't biting it. Just resting my lips against it. "It's been a while since we talked, huh?"
After much thought I tapped on her number, allowing my phone to chime softly. I didn't want it too loud because the others were sleeping and I was pretty sure Namjoon was streaming.
"I'm sorry the person you are trying to call is not available at the moment. Please leave a voicemail after the beep..." My phone announced after a bunch of rings.
I knew better than to give a voicemail, and just hung up. Tsu never payed attention to be messages, whether it be text or voicemail box...she never answered written notifications.
"Must be busy I guess." I said glumly.
"What was that?" Called Namjoon's voice from the hallway. He must've still been streaming because he was carrying his recording device. I didn't really check to see if it was his phone or not.
I looked at my hyung with a face of dissatisfaction. "Tsu-noona didn't respond to my call..."
The leader's demeanor changed into one of confusion. "But she always answers your calls."
"Yeah, but that was a few months ago. I haven't gotten to talk to her recently, especially after I came out to the public."
"You haven't talked to her since then, have you?"
I sighed and shook my head. "I was so busy focusing on not paying attention to the responses I was getting from that. I guess it just slipped my mind to call her."
After a pregnant pause, I hummed. "Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Maybe Noona decided it was best to let me go."
"You know that's not true." My hyung countered walking toward me and sitting beside my legs. "She loves you like you're her own kid."
I didn't answer, just kept staring at my phone screen in deep thought.
I could feel RM slouch next to me as he signed off his livestream. "Sorry ARMY, I gotta take care of some things."
Once he ended it, I stared at him kind of upset. "You didn't have to do that, you know. ARMYs stay up late and wake up earlier to watch your V-Live."
"You seemed like you needed me to talk to you more than them. Plus, they need to sleep...Though, I have my doubts they'll actually go and do that."
"Yeah, because of you and your beautiful Namtiddies."
Namjoon cupped his pecks in shock. "Are they getting that noticeable?"
I giggled, lightly patted his chest. "Since when have they not been?"
This caused us to go into a laughing fit for a few minutes or so. Which eventually woke up some of the others.
Footsteps padded the floor, as Hoseok and Jungkook strolled our from their rooms.
"You two are being really loud, you know that?" Groaned Hobi. "I love your guys' laugh, but come on. It's like 5:40 in the morning."
"What are you even doing up this early?" Questioned Mr. Coconut groggily.
I silently debated on what I should say. Would they cause a ruckus because Tsu didn't answer me? And would they even believe me if I lied about wanting to get up and be productive?
Finally deciding, I responded: "Joonie-hyung was recording earlier and I was in here going through my old contacts."
"Ah!" RM remembered next to me. "We got distracted didn't we? We were gonna talk about Tsu-Noona?"
I'm not sure if I specified before, but Tsu was around a year or a few months older than Jin-hyung.
I sent him a pointed stare, I didn't want Kookie and Hobi to know about that yet.
Jungkook gave concerned glance, "What's wrong with her?"
"With the way you said that, you make it out like my Noona did something wrong." I mumbled.
"Tsu didn't pick up Rhys' call." Namjoon answered for me whilst I blanched at Jungkook.
Hobi clicked his tongue for a second, thinking. "It is like 6 am. Maybe she's still asleep?"
I froze. "Huh?"
The other three gazed at me in confusion.
"What is it?" Kookie prodded.
I gave a sheepish wheeze and scratched my neck. "I hadn't thought about that..."
A unanimous face palm resonated throughout the dorm.
"Sorry." I weakly commented. "I'll try calling her later, when she's awake."
"Sounds like a plan. Imma go back to-!" Hoseok yawned. "...Bed."
"Same here." Added Kookie.
And with that the two vacated the area.
I looked back at Namjoon, his eyes slightly hazy and his eyelids slowing hovering to a close.
In all honesty, the sight almost made me forget all my issues I just had.
Shifting as to not wake up our leader, I unfolded and blanket I kept on the end of the couch. Then proceeded to drape it over the older male.
I tucked a pillow under his head, lifting Namjoon's head gently. Smiling as soft snores emitted from him.
With the final touch of a peck on RM's forehead, I sat back down in my now created sofa crease.
Checking the time, it read 6:15 am.
About two more hours and everyone would be awake.
Hopefully, that would include Tsu.

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