Chapter 38: Noona (Pt. 3)

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A/n: Last chapter of the Noona writings...unfortunately, ending without a Tsu. I never originally planned to remove Tsu from the equation, especially when Rhys was finally getting happier and such. But, with some pondering, I found that this would be a good growth opportunity for our main protagonist. It'll be a great showing of his character development throughout the story. This may have not been the best way to go about that. However, I think with the lack of Tsu appearance in the story...her character needed an explanation as to why she wasn't showing up. With that being said, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Rhys' POV:

Today would mark the fourth day after the incident in the hospital.
The boys and I had been given a break from work after talking about the situation with our managers.
Right now, I was laid motionless on my bed. My eyes finding the wall very appealing.
I had no idea what to feel at this moment.
I wasn't balling my soul out.
I wasn't throwing things across my room.
I wasn't even comfort eating...
All I could describe my state with would be: Numb.
"Rhys, it's time for breakfast. Jin-hyung made pancakes, your favorite!" Called Hoseok softly from the door.
With what went on with our argument, I'd been avoiding my eldest hyung as much as possible. In turn, Seokjin has been doing everything he could to get on my good side.
Right now, that would be making my favorite breakfast.
"I'm not hungry." I Spoke curling into my abdomen.
A sigh of displeasure was heard on the other end of the door. "I'm not taking no for an answer, Rhys. You can't keep avoiding everyone forever."
"I'm not avoiding everyone." I responded.
"Sure you aren't. You made Jimin cry yesterday."
My brows furrowed. "I don't remember making him cry."
"He came back to our room sniffling because you snapped at him." Hoseok paused. "Jimin said you got annoyed and insulted him."
I went still on my sheets. "I didn't mean to make him upset."
"Well you did."
Out of guilt, I got up from my mattress and collected the wads of trash littering the floor.
Opening the wood on hinges, I was met with eyes filled with disdain.
"I know you're still getting over Tsu's passing but you have no right to take it out on us." Scolded my hyung.
I shrunk back and let my eyes shift to the flooring beneath my feet.
With a curt nod, I walked to the kitchen trash can where I dumped my garbage. Being sure to be quiet so Jin wouldn't notice me.
"Glad to see you out of your room." I heard behind me.
It was Namjoon.
He placed a hand on the dip of my back and pecked my head.
This gesture would normally make me react flustered...that didn't happen.
I simply looked up at our leader in confusion.
"You don't have to respond to what I just did." RM said. "You're going through a loss. But as I've said for the past three days: you can confide in us. That's what we're here for."
"Yeah." I hummed in recognition before brushing his arm away.
"Rhys! I'm so happy you're here! Look I made pancakes with fruit topping!"
It was inevitable that he'd see me...especially since Namjoon pointed out my existence.
"Since these are your favorite and you've been really down lately I thought if I made this today, maybe you'd want to come out and talk with everyone and—!"
I raised a hand to silence him. "Seokjin-hyung." I never called him that. "I only came out here because Hoseok-hyung said I made Jimin-hyung cry. I'll stay and eat, but I'm going back to my room after."
Jin gave a shaky smile and moved his gaze to his feet. "O-Oh....Well at least you're eating." His voice wavered in disappointment.
This tone made me second guess my actions.
Something about his demeanor made me feel weird....Maybe I'm being too much of a dick....
"Look...Jin-hyung." I said trying to redeem myself
"Yes?" The eldest glanced up in anticipation.
"The argument we had was stupid. We shouldn't have done that in a hospital room."
"I'm sorry I-."
"Don't apologize."
"But-!" I stopped him again.
"What's done is done. We can't change what we did. Now let's sit down and eat before the food gets cold."


Jin's POV:

Though Rhys was a little harsh with his words, I was happy he tried to diffuse our tension by telling me to forget what we fought over and when.
I sat next to Namjoon and Hoseok as I began slicing my pancakes and eating them.
My pupils wandered over to our maknae who was munching on the food at a decent pace. But it wasn't his usual one.
Having barely been a week since Tsu's passing, it was only natural he'd be shaken up for a while. I just wish he'd be more open to venting to the members and I.
Aegis heaved a long breath before finishing off his breakfast. He stood up and brought his plate to the sink where he washed it and set in on the drying rack.
"The food was great Jin-hyung." The youngest complimented before strolling quickly over to Jimin.
"And I'm sorry I made you cry hyung. Hoseok told me about it." And with that, Rhys places a kiss on the 95-liner's cheek and vanished to his safe place.
"He's getting better." Commented Yoongi.
Jungkook pouted. "How so?"
"Rhys is apologizing for things he wouldn't have if he was pissed. This is progress. Eventually he'll start being around us more instead of his room soon."
I hummed taking that into thought.
"I'm surprised he admitted fault to you, Jin-hyung." Stated Taehyung.
Jimin agreed. "He's been staying away from you recently, never expected Rhys to actually talk to you and stuff."
I huffed. "What do you mean by that?"
"Well, hyung, you were the one to start the argument in Tsu's hospital room weren't you?" Prodded Namjoon.
"....I guess so, huh...."
"Jinnie-hyung, you called him a number of things that you shouldn't have." This time it was Hoseok. "You knew how stressed he was too...and you still said it."
I shut my mouth. This kind of was my fault.
"Because of the argument you two had...he never got to say goodbye hyung." Admitted Jimin.
My eyes widened. "What?" How could I have forgotten?
Rhys had emitted a sentence right as they gave Tsu's time of death. A sentence so heart wrenching that you'd want to erase as much of it from you memory as you could.
Jungkook shifted in his chair. "He said: 'The last thing she might've heard from me, was me hating her.'" He paused. "Knowing Rhys, this has been eating at him for the past four days."
I could feel myself close to tears.
I had done so much harm, so much to lose the trust of the male whom I'd come to love.
"And all I've been doing is smothering him to forgive me..." I got out in a choked voice.
As if regret had snared me by the neck with a noose.
"You need to be the bigger person now." Said Namjoon. "Rhys has already apologized the best he can. It's your turn."
I brought a hand to rub my face anxiously. "Yeah...I figured that out..."


3rd Person POV:

Hours upon hours had passed, now making it nighttime.
Everyone was getting ready to sleep or to relax.
Everyone except for Seokjin.
He was propped up on his bed, foot thumping against the floor.
He stared at the clock.
11:37 pm.
It was now or never.
Jin got up from his blankets and carefully walked to the maknae's humble abode, being sure not to disturb Yoongi.
Seeing that Aegis' door was unlocked, he softly grabbed the knob and turned it.
"Rhys, can we-?"
Worldwide Handsome looked shocked at the mess of an 18 year old in the area before him.
Rhys was laying on his floor, face covered in tears, body shaking slightly.
"Rhys..." Mumbled Seokjin worriedly before he scooped up the younger in his arms.
Aegis didn't struggle against the hold, it was like he'd worn himself out.
"Wh-What do you want Jin-hyung?"
Sitting atop the gray sheeted mattress, the eldest member brought Rhys' head to his chest and secured his arms around him.
"I wanted to apologize for what I did to you, and to Tsu."
Aegis let out a quizzical noise at the mention of his noona.
Jin rubbed circles on Rhys' back. "I started a fight I shouldn't have. I called you things I wish to take back." He paused to take a deep breath. "And I made you speak against Tsu in her final moments."
Sniffles could be heard from the 18 year old to which Seokjin embraced him tighter.
"I should've never gotten angry at you. Just because you responded to the situation your Noona was in so vaguely, didn't mean I needed to get so irritated."
Jin rubbed his chin into Rhys' hair. "And I should've known better than to use the fact she was your loved one against what her actions were. She isn't above the law and I knew that."
"But she's dead now so it doesn't-." Rhys croaked into his hyung's abdomen before being halted.
"Whatever was against her may not matter now, but what I did still does. It hurt you, and I'm not okay with that."
Pulling away from the smaller figure, Jin held Rhys' shoulders.
"I am so sorry for what I did. I don't expect you to ever forgive me. But I want you to know that I'm here, the others are here, and we're ready to talk to you when you are ready."
Aegis' mouth curled into a small, barely noticeable smile. "I'm sorry too Jin-hyung....and I forgive you"
Jin reflected that minuscule beam. "Don't be." That beam soon switched to a playful grin. "But I don't forgive you just yet."
"Wah? How can I make you forgive me then?"
Jin tapped his lips. "Kiss."
Rhys rolled his eyes and shoved Seokjin off the bed. "Isn't it a little soon to be making those jokes?"
With a chuckle Jin nodded, "Yeah, hehe. I should probably go back to my room now huh?"
"Hm. Yeah, that'd be a good idea."
Worldwide Handsome made his way back to the entrance of the room.
"Okay, goodnig—Hmph!"
Seokjin was cut off by a quick peck on his mouth.
Rhys bounced back and ushered Jin out the door, the younger had a small bit of his devilish behavior back.
"Glad to see you feeling a little better." Was what the 92-liner ended with before exiting into the hallway.
Aegis stared up at his ceiling and opened his lips. "Jin-hyung kept his promise Noona. He's taking good care of me....I hope you're watching too...Wherever you are."

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, though it was kind of rushed! Apologies for any spelling or grammatical errors! I hope you all stay tuned for the chapters to come!

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