Chapter 29: It's a process, not everything will be okay (pt. 1)

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A/n: This Double chapter was requested by XxAshtonJamesxX ! Yep, I know a lot of you wanted this. And I was planning this for a while. Now it's finally time for Rhys to come out. Will ARMY accept him? Will they hate him? What will interviewers do after they get the news? Will Rhys be made an official LGBTQ+ advocate? Predict what will happen, it might amaze you. Now then, onto the long awaited chapter! And sorry it took so long, I've just gotten back to school and have been swamped with work.

3rd Person POV:

The Kpop group had yet to awake.
Today was a slightly relaxed day.
No cameras.
No practice.
No concept writing.
Not really anything,
Aside from a fansign they had later in the afternoon.
Singularity had just been released,
And the fans had been raving about it.
Constantly making memes comparing it to Serendipity and Euphoria.
Serendipity would the sun,
Singularity would be the moon...
The list went on.
Small snores emitted from Rhys' bed.
The youngest was laid there along with the thick lipped Jimin, who had his arms wrapped snuggly around Rhys' waist.
Rhys, burrowing his face into Jimin's chest.
Mr. Mochi, hummed slightly as he awoke.
Eyes pinching together at the new found light.
Looking down he saw his dongsaeng cuddled up to him, to which brought a smile to his face.
This feeling was blissful, yearned to be unbroken.
Yet alas, smack! Came Tae and Jungkook through the door.
They both immediately pouted.
"Awe, no fair! He always cuddles you!" Taehyung whined.
"Yeah! And I barely got any time with him last night!" Screamed Jungkook.
This had woke the sleeping teen. "What the fuck, why are you guys so loud?" Rhys grumbled, clearly still wanting to be in slumber.
The yelling halted as the three gasped.
Silence fell among them.
That was until Tae intervened.
Like a switch of a light, Rhys jumped out of Jimin's arms and dashed toward V.
And with that, the two ran out of the room and down the hall.
Rhys' POV:

I ran through the hall, running after V.
I swear to god if Jin heard I cursed...I'd have to give up my phone.
And lord, I love my phone.
Speaking of that actually, it seems like these days I keep getting more and more comments of my gender.
People debating through videos on my features, how my voice is slightly higher than the others, how my hips hold a feminine shape, all that's jazz.
At this point I'm just irritated at it.
Let me be who I wanna be, don't comment about it.
But alas, that wouldn't ever happen.
Comments are a part of life, you must learn to deflect the harsh ones and smile about the good ones.
Aside from that little mind explanation, I had caught up to Tae.
My hand gripped the back of his shirt, halting the taller male to a stop.
"Tell Jin and I swear to god you won't see Yeontan ever again." I spoke monotoned.
He gasped. "What are gonna do with my dog?"
I smirked. "Steal him for my own and make him love me more than you."
Once again V gasped. "You monster!"
I let go of his shirt, we were now standing in the living room.
" gonna tell Jin-hyung?"
V quickly shook his head.
I beamed in victory. "Good."
Glancing over at the clock on the wall, it read 9:00 am.
And as if on cue, the others slowly dragged themselves through the hall.
All except for Suga, who was probably trying to sleep as much as he could.
Giggling slightly at the thought, I turned to Namjoon.
"Good morning, how was your sleep?" I questioned.
He smiled. "It was good, you and Taehyung kinda woke me up a bit earlier though."
I pouted, mumbling a sorry before walking back to my room to get changed.
I yanked my binder on, a wheeze being let out in the process.
Perhaps I needed to get a new one soon....but for now it'll work.
I just need to monitor it a lot more than usual, otherwise I could bruise a rib or puncture a lung.
Not on my watch!
I slipped on my undergarments, along with a pair of jeans and a lavender colored sweater.
It was comfy, yet still casual for the day.
Today we had another fansign.
God, we've been holding a lot lately.
This time the fansign was for the upcoming release of Fake Love, which people seem to be screeching about.
Fake Love is probably one of my favorites so far actually.
There was so much meaning placed behind it.
Heck I even had a portion where I stood in a room of broken mirrors....long story short I cut my foot, but it was well worth it!
Strolling back out of my humble abode, I was hugged from behind.
Looking over my shoulder, I saw Yoongi.
Still in his pajamas, glasses on, and sleepiness written all over his face.
"Why do you guys have to be so loud?" He mumbled.
Rolling my eyes I responded, "To wake you up of course."
This earned my a smack on the back.
"You brat." Suga groaned, snuggling his face into my sweater.
Smirking, I took a note from Taehyung. "I may be a brat, but you know you love me~!"
He sighed. "That I do, that I do."
I blanked out for a second.
I've just now realized, I barely make my bed. Ever. Has anyone ever read about me making my be-
"Rhys, are we ever gonna go to the kitchen to get food or are we just gonna stand here and starve to death?" Yoongi's voice pulled me from my unrelated thoughts.
Blinking a multitude of times, I pulled him with me to the dining area.
Jin made simple miso soup and tamagoyaki for breakfast today.
Tamagoyaki is better know as a Japanese omelet, which is pretty good if you ask me and Dai. (A/n: it's hella good. My grandma makes the best ones!)
I sat beside Jungkook and Yoongi swiftly sat in my other side.
Placing two omelets on my plate, I nibbles those down and ate my soup.
Though it being quite warm, it was still refreshing to have it in the least to me it is.
Jin smiled at me, knowing I ate more than usual.
If I were being realistic I would've only ate one and had half the soup.
But I was on a roll today, I hope that doesn't change. (A/n: just you wait....sooooonnn~)
Soon enough everyone had finished.
We remained seated for a few minutes discussing today's schedule.
"So today we have a fansign at 12 pm, practice from 3-6 pm, and recordings at 7pm." Our leader informed us.
I would consider this a busier day.
Usually it was either a fansign, or practice and recordings, but today was both mashed together. And I knew some our rap line wouldn't be sleeping tonight.
"Right now it's 10 am so you have about an hour of time to kill."
And with that we all vacated to doing our own things.
I went back to my room.
Made my bed for once.
And laid down.
Soon after, Jungkook joined me.
He laid down beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close.
"You've been spending more time with Jimin than me, it makes me sad." He whispered into my ear.
"It's only because you keep playing your games, you never pay attention to what I'm saying when you play those." I countered defensively.
To be honest, I've been wanting to spend some time with Kookie....but he never gave me the chance to.
"What about if I stop playing video games for a week and we can cuddle and watch movies together?"
I chuckled at his childish request, but nodded happily.
"Of course, that sounds like a great idea."
A comforting quietness blanketed us.
The only things you could hear were our breathing.
That was until I thought of something again.
"Hey Jungkook-hyung?"
"Should I come out to the fans?"

A/n: Holy crap it's almost been a month. I'm so sorry!! I hope you enjoy this part one of the double chapter! Apologies for any spelling and grammatical errors! And as always! I hope you stay tuned for the chapters to come!

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