Chapter 25: You say I'm broken? Look at yourselves! (Pt. 2)

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A/n: Part 2! Yeet! D_and_P_trash1 also wanted to see another fansign! So guess what? This while will have a fansign merged into it! I'm really excited to finish this two parter, I was hyped to type it! Anyways, as per usual I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Rhys' POV:

By the time the others got home, which looked to be afternoon time, I calmed down a bit.
I was still angry at Yoongi.
I didn't want to see him at the moment.
However, I did want to see Taehyung.
The poor guy was scared to death, and half of it was my fault.
Currently seated on the couch, I witnessed the rest walk in.
My eyes quickly found their way to Tae and the rest of the maknae line.
All of which were dead silent and looked to be traumatized in a way.
I could feel my maternal instincts kick in just gazing at them.
The hyung line, not including Yoongi, had almost the opposite look.
They were irritated and glaring straight at Suga.
Now Suga...Suga was blank. In deep focus.
What was he thinking about?
"Rhys, how are you feeling?" Jin asked, his tone fluctuating between concerned and frustrated as he strolled in slipping off his shoes.
Sighing softly, I put on a fake smile. "Fine. I'm doing fine."
"That's good." It seemed Jin needed some time to cool down too.
And before I knew it, the oldest vacated the area.
Soon enough the 'grin' was wiped off my lips.
My pupils now facing the other 6.
"Remember, we have a fansign at 4:30 tonight." Namjoon sent a small head tilt my way before leaving.
To which I gave a thumbs up.
I could barely catch Yoongi's mouth begin to open before he spoke, "Rhys, I-"
Swiftly I held my hand up, halting him. "I don't want to hear it."
The older gave me a solemn look before giving up on conversation and exiting.
Hoseok looked out of his element.
That's all I need to say, to describe his serious face.
Standing up, I knew what he wanted to do.
J-Hope walked to me and pulled my tiny figure into a heartfelt embrace.
"You can talk to me if you need to." He mumbled into my ear.
"I'll think about it." I responded and released him, only to have him leave too.
All that was left, was the maknae line.
They still wore their anxious expressions.
"You guys okay?" I questioned, looking them up and down.
What shocked me most was Jimin strolling up to me.
The mochi boy lifted his hand, and allowed his palm to make contact with my cheek. That hurt, since it was the one I punched earlier.
"What were you thinking?! Do you know what would've happened if Yoongi actually decided to fight you!?"
My eyes softened. He was just worried.
It was evident on his features that he'd been crying.
Without as second thought, I wrapped my arms around Jimin. "There's no need to be worrying about that right now."
"Yes there is! How could you be so stupid!" Chim-Chim screamed his pent up madness into my shoulder.
I let him.
He needed this.
Moving my eyes up, I see Jungkook and Tae still frozen.
Still holding Jimin, I say: "How about we all go talk in my room? I'll make some tea so you can calm down."
The three boys agreed, wanting to stop their terrible nerves.
Letting go of the brunette (a/n: I had to fix this portion because at this point of the story Euphoria was released and their hair is brown now...sorry!) male, I hurried to the kitchen.
Thus, beginning to steep the jasmine brew.
3rd Person POV:

Rhys stared into space as he made the calming drink.
Guilt washing over him like a sea of water.
He didn't want to express his feelings of madness in front of the others.
He had always been the one crying, the weak one, the one who couldn't last a day without being depressed.
He knew it was time to break that character flaw.
It was time to live up to his stage name.
Aegis meaning, a shield, a protector, a warrior, a savior.
Rhys couldn't be that, if he was the one needing protection.
Maternal instincts were a start.
Though it may conflict him both gender wise and mentally, it was a way of being there.
Having mother-like aspects show ways of caring, and protecting, yet still being calm and warm at the same time.
He wanted this.
To be there for those in need.
To be there for the others.
To be there for Bangtan.
And now, Now was his time to mature from that crybaby boy...and be the shield he wanted to be.
The whistle of a kettle broke his thoughts.
Pouring the contents into four mugs and placing them on a tray, he went to his room where Jungkook, V, and Jimin had already seated.
Passing out the warm liquid to the three shaken members, Rhys grabbed the last one for himself and set the tray aside.
Out of the three men, you could classify how each one was feeling by their expressions.
Jimin appeared to be conflicted with everything, his brows furrowed and mouth pressed into a line.
Taehyung looked like he was about to weep, his eyes tearing up and lips quivering.
And lastly, Jungkook.
Jungkook looked anxious beyond belief, he has always been more dominant with Rhys, so seeing him in such a submissive state perplexed the younger to some degree.
He was fidgety and his doe like eyes continued their part in constantly glancing in random directions.
Rhys simply stared at them, wondering who he should talk to first.
It would be easier to just talk in general to all of them, he supposed.
Letting out a breath of air, the maknae began. "I understand why you're all acting this way...I messed up. I shouldn't have done what I did."
"You could've gotten seriously hurt. And why would you punch yourself to get us to react to you? That's insane." Jimin grumbled.
Rhys knew the 95-liner wasn't mad at him.
He just was frustrated with everything going on.
"I agree with Jimin-hyung. What you did was scared me." Tae admitted.
Aegis nodded in agreement. "And I'm sorry I frightened you...that's not what I wanted to achieve. But you all have acted weird lately, and I needed a reason why." Rubbing his thumb against the hot surface of the mug. "Finding out the reason is over something so easily avoided, it kind of got me angry."
This confused the three.
"Why?" Tae asked out of pure innocence.
Rhys decided it was time to set his tea down, he needed to move his hands to comfort.
"I have dealt with these comments the entire time I've been here with you all. And it's easy to tell that you've overcome these things before too. So why aren't you overcoming it now?" After a silence,
It became aware to Rhys, that Jungkook had yet to speak.
The 97 liner sat there, staring into his tea...the drink hadn't done him any good.
The younger took the mug away from him, setting it away.
"Jungkook-hyung, are you okay?"
The offender gazed up at Aegis, vulnerability glazing his pupils. "N-no..." he mumbled.
Opening his arms for a hug, Jungkook accepted it.
Jungkook's POV:

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