Chapter 30: It's a process, not everything will be okay. (pt. 2)

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A/n: This double chapter was requested by @XxAshtonJamesxX! Yay! Part two where the shit gets real....oooffer mcdoofer. Rhys is gonna come out and who knows what will happen next? Remember to those who are coming out or in the works of it, coming out is a process. It's never gonna be easy, there will be a lot of confusion and possibly regret, but that's never a reason to give up. I came out to some people on accident, when I wasn't ready to tell them yet, but with time they've grown to accept me. That just shows how time heals certain wounds, not all the way of course, but enough to where it becomes bearable. If you're ever struggling with this and need someone to talk to my messages are always open on here, or if you would prefer to talk to a professional call the following number: 1-888-843-4564. Now then, onto the chapter. Apologies on how long this took, I have been a huge procrastinator recently.

Rhys' POV:

My eyes felt dry as I blinked them open,
I must've fallen asleep with Jungkook.
This was more sleep then I am used to being honest, which meant I'd probably not fall asleep tonight.
Don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.
A warm arm was draped around my waist, small grumbles emitted from the older's mouth.
I smiled, I may be younger than Jungkook but sometimes he acted like such a baby....and it was adorable to say the least.
The limb moved from my side to his eyes, said 'baby' had awoken.
"Good morning sunshine." I smirked at his now slight bedhead.
Jungkook sat up. "I thought that was Hoseok-hyung's nickname."
I chuckled. "It is, but the word seemed perfect for my sarcasm at this moment."
"What do you mean sarcasm?"
"Go to the bathroom and look at your hair."
With that sentence the bunny immediately ran to the lavatory.
"WHAT THE HE-" He started.
"That better not be what I think it is." Came Jin's voice sternly.
"Heckle." The ex-maknae said. "I was gonna say heckle."
I could feel the satisfaction in Seokjin's mind. "Good boy."
Water ran through the faucet as Mr. Coconut tried to fix whatever black magic was used on his follicles.
During this time I got up and went to the kitchen.
The clock read 11:30 pm; it was time to go.
"GUYS WE GOT THIRTY MINUTES TO BE AT THE FANSIGN!" I screeched, jumping for my shoes.
Guess what pals? I wasn't wearing sneakers for once in my life.
I wore ankle high leather shoes that had a slight heel, but it wasn't too drastic.
My hair stood slightly poofy, which led to Hoseok-hyung smoothing it down for me.
I smiled at him thankfully, "Thank you Hobi-hyung."
"Anytime dongsaeng!" He cheerfully chirped shimmying away. I wish he was this carefree all the time.
"Downstairs everyone! In the van!" Namjoon called from the doorway before he exited.
I sighed softly, relaxing, then going to the vehicle.
I sat near a window for once, seated comfortably between Yoongi and the door.
He never really talked much in the car, just grunted and snorted occasionally at what another member said.
I then thought back to my comment I brought up to Jungkook yesterday.
"Guys, should I tell the fans I'm trans?" I abruptly asked, making everyone aside from Jungkook choke on air.
"Are you sure you're ready?" Questioned Seokjin, almost cooing me like a mother.
Namjoon piped up next with a: "I support whatever decision you feel is right."
Then Tae: "I think it's a great idea! So long as you're happy!"
Hoseok: "If you want to, then go for it!"
Jimin: "I'm all for it, I think it's a good idea."
Then finally, Yoongi.
He gave a serious look, placing a hand on my arm. "Will you be okay with the backlash you're going to get?"
Mimicking his gaze, I nodded.
It was my time to do this.
I didn't care what people would say.
If I had to take a break from the public, I would.
But it will be my decision to do this.
No one would stop me.
Mr. Bang never said I had to keep this secret, but I did out of fear.
Today I would be courageous.
"Yeah," I spoke. "It's time."


3rd Person POV:

By now the members were seated at the tables provided on stage.
Rhys' hands twitched with anxiety as he prepared for the boldest move he'd pull in his life.
The thing was....he wasn't sure if he should do it right away, or even if he should do it at all.
Rhys was beginning to have second thoughts.
The fansign began, as people started to walk toward the idols.
Each with a smile on their face.
There was one specific fan that caught Rhys' eye though.
The teen had a masculine figure and a chiseled face, but wore a skirt, high heels, a wig, and makeup.
They were trans, specifically male to female.
Rhys smiled in sympathy, he knew the struggle and the courage it took to dress like what you want in public.
The transgender fan approached Rhys, a grin on her face she introduced herself: "My name's Ashely, it's an honor to meet you!" And Ashely bowed.
Rhys' POV:

I chuckled at her politeness and pat her head.
"It's awesome to meet you Ashely. You're a beautiful young lady."
Immediately she lit up, her face with pure joy.
Then to one of curiosity. "Is it alright if I ask a personal question, Rhys-oppa?"
I tilted my head at the "personal" part, but agreed.
In barely a whisper Ashley spoke: "Are you trans?" Though it was quiet, my mic still got it displayed through the speakers.
The members paused what they were doing and stared at me for a response.
I went frigid in my seat, Namjoon and Hobi who sat beside me notice this and stared at me with concern.
It was now or never.
Mustering all of my bravery, I spoke "I am."
Gasps were echoed across the area.
But I just grinned like my life depended on it.
Ashley beamed at me with a newfound relation. "You're so brave oppa!" She cheered.
I laughed a bit, before signing her papers and taking a picture with here.
She then left.
And I knew I had to give an explanation to what just happened.
I glanced at Namjoon.
He knew what I wanted to do, and told everyone to stop and listen.
Pulling my mic off the small stand, I stood up and held it to my mouth.
"From what you just heard, I know you're either proud, disgusted, or afraid I'm gonna 'infect' you with my trans-ness." I took a gulp of air. "But I'm not."
Moving my hand to my chest, I looked at the crowd of fans. "I'm not a sickness. I'm not infected. I'm not a sin. I'm not wrong for being me!"
I continued the conversation. "The Rhys you see today has been put through a million types of hurt, a million types of stress, anxiety, you name it!"
Dropping my hand, I sighed. "All because I wanted to be myself."
"I would like you all to know something. Whether you hate my guts right now, are grossed out by me, or are happy that I did this...."
"It is not criminal to be an individual!"
"Be who you are! Love Yourself! Live in the moment! Do not let a minute go to waste!"
Out of nowhere my throat closed up a bit, my eyes watered.
I chocked on a sob. "Cause the more you hide, the more of an empty shell you become."
After hearing my cry, Hobi stood up and placed a hand on my arm, the others circling around me as well.
"I don't want anyone to live through this." I wept. "It hurts."
Sniffling I said, "I see some disgusted faces in the crowd."
My eyes trained on an obviously repulsed woman.
"It is now that I ask you, when did you have to fight to be considered normal?"
No one said a word.
"When did you go through constant panic attacks because you weren't accepted by society today?"
Again not a word.
I chuckled. "Look at yourselves!" "Don't you feel bad?"
This got a few nods.
More tears flooded out of my sockets, this really made me emotional....
And with that I passed the mic to Namjoon.
Hoseok's POV:

Rhys turned around and sobbed into my shirt.
His stress and relief exiting his system.
I was proud of him.
Everyone in the group was.
Namjoon wore a smile as he elaborated on the situation to the fans.
Jin beaming like a proud mother.
Yoongi flashing a gummy grin, which always made us laugh.
Jimin clapping so hard I was afraid his smol hands would fly off.
Taehyung chanting some alien thing while dancing a happy dance.
And Jungkook joining Tae in the celebratory ritual.
Rhys soon calmed, he face swamped with joy and relaxation.
This burden has finally left him.
But we all knew what was to come next.
Something we didn't want to ever happen again.
It was inevitable as much as it saddened me to say.
But we'd be here.
Rhys wouldn't be getting hurt this time.
"Hey, Hobi-hyung?" A light toned voice called me from my thoughts.
"Yes Rhys-ah?"
"I won't care about the hate this time, ya know?"
This caught me off-guard. "Huh?"
"I'm being me, and I'm proud of it. What's there to fix?" He stated gaily.
I smiled. "I guess you're right."
I guess Rhys wouldn't need as much help this time around.
It's easy to forget how far he's come.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT chapter! I apologize for the small hiatus, that was my own doing. Let's just say: depression comes in waves and I got hit with a storm surge. But I'm back now. And better than I was! Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors! I hope you stayed tuned for the chapters to come!

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