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"Thayne, you coming with us for the after-show-coffee round?", Carleigh yelled from down the hall. Thayne poked his head out of the male ensemble room and glanced at the small group that had already gathered, all of them ready to leave.

Thayne grinned and nodded, calling back "Is that even a question? Who's paying?"

Okieriete raised his hand "I am." He did not sound amused. That's what you get for losing rock-paper-scissors against Carleigh. Carleigh had bought the coffee yesterday and it had become a tradition that the payer challenges a random person the following day in a match of rock-paper-scissors and the loser ends up as the payer.

Thayne jumped into his shoes, grabbing his jacket and running out of the room towards the group down the hall, yelling "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

The group laughed at his behavior. Thayne could swear he heard Andrew say "This kid doesn't even need coffee, why do we invite him?" Thayne snickered to himself. He didn't have a clue where his energy came from, probably from the thought of getting coffee and cookies.

He spent the walk to Starbucks walking beside Sydney and Sasha, talking with the duo about random stuff that just found itself immersed into the conversation.

Arriving at Starbucks, Thayne relished in the smell of the coffee and, of course, the smell of cookies. He loved cookies. He lived for cookies. It was common knowledge among the cast, so they never took cookies with them, because he would end up stealing them anyways.

Just after they arrived, a woman caught his eye as she jumped from her seat the moment her name was called. She obviously looked like she just came back from the gym or whatever place she trained at, Thayne could tell by her clothes and the way her h/c hair was pulled back. Then again, it was pulled back way too tight, making him speculate that she did a sport where she couldn't use hair in her face.

She rushed to the counter and out of the shop and, as Thayne noticed mere seconds later, without her bag. He nudged Sydney's arm, as a sign that he'd be right back, and went to take her bag, before rushing out of the shop to find her.

Thayne glanced left and right and found her as she was about to make her way around the corner.

Quickly he rushed to catch up the couple of steps parting them and laid a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She jumped slightly, making him smile a little. Whoops.

"You forgot your bag."

She glanced down at herself, probably looking for her bag, before realizing it was in his hands. Then she blushed in embarrassment – which was probably the cutest reaction Thayne had ever seen. That tiny blush was adorable.

Thayne chuckled and asked "Long day?", wondering where she left her head to make her forget her bag.

The woman nodded as she took her bag from him "Yeah, kind of. Thank you for this, I think I would've ended up freaking out when I got home and realized I forgot it..."

"Don't worry. I'm glad I noticed it already, otherwise I probably would've ended up running around like crazy, looking for you and trying to get it back to you. I don't think anyone else would've done that," Thayne said and she nodded again "Yeah, they probably would've just taken my bag with them. Although I don't think they can start a lot with a pair of skates."

"You skate?", he asked, his eyes widening a little along with his smile.

The woman in return also began to grin a little "Yeah. I'm a single figure skater. Pairing up with someone isn't really my thing, I can't put that much trust in someone else like they all do."

Thayne chuckled, definitely understanding her reason. To be honest, he would be too much of a coward to be able to throw a partner or carry them with one hand only. He held out his hand with a bright smile and said "I'm Thayne."

"Y/N," she relied and shook his hand. He liked the name. It fit to her.

Just as Thayne wanted to say something, he heard Carleigh's voice call out "Thayne, what do you want? Remember, Oak is paying, so go crazy."

He looked back at her and replied "Same as usual." Carleigh rolled her eyes and said "I said go crazy!", but then she grinned, winking at him, before returning to the others inside so she could put up his order.

Thayne couldn't help to blush slightly as he noticed that suggestiveness in her tone and wink. Damn you, Carleigh.

"I think you should get back to your friends," Y/N said and Thayne glanced back at her, chuckling awkwardly, "Yeah, I think I should. It was nice meeting you though, Y/N."

"It was nice to meet you, too, Thayne."

As Y/N turns away to leave, Thayne remaining on his spot for a second longer, before turning towards the Starbucks and rejoining his friends.

"Has our little Thayne gotten someone's number?", Carleigh asked with a suggestive smirk the moment Thayne stands with them again.

Thayne blushes in embarrassment and shook his head "No, I was simply being nice and brought her her bag."

"Did you tell her your name?", Sasha asked and Thayne frowned "I said I'm Thayne, she said she's Y/N and I know she's a figure skater. And that is probably more than I actually wanted to tell all of you because I know I won't ever hear the end of this."

"Of you having failed to get a cute girl's number?", Sydney asked with a grin and Thayne nodded "Exactly."

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