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"Do you really think this is a good idea?", I raised my brows at Thayne, who only smiled brightly at me and said "I talked with them, don't worry."

"And they were all okay with this?"

Thayne put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me with a serious glint in his eyes "Yes, they are. Now stop worrying, you've already met half of them. It's not like they'll jump at you and murder you or something."

I sighed in response, making him laugh. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into the Richard Rodgers theatre.

I don't know why I let myself be dragged into this, but somehow Thayne managed to persuade me into joining him to rehearsal for Hamilton this afternoon. And here we are.

Thayne lead us backstage, down a couple of halls and into a room, which I know as the green room from all the stories and videos Carleigh tends to send me when Thayne talks about me or watches some old performance of mine to kill time.

In the green room, half the cast was already gathered, talking and laughing. Thayne looked at me and smiled "I'll be right back," and ran off.

This fu-

"Y/N!", I heard Carleigh call my name and pull me out of my internal cursing of Thayne for leaving me behind like that.

I smiled at Carleigh as she hugged me and asked "How've you been?" "I've been fine, what about you?" "I'm fine myself. I'm so glad you agreed to come watch us tonight! You'll love the show!"

As she said 'tonight' I can't help but frown a little. Just then, Carleigh's face dropped a little, as if she realized she'd said something wrong, but she quickly shook it off and smiled brightly again as she said "Let me introduce you to the rest who you don't know!"

Though it didn't stop me from assuming that they've got something planned behind my back, I just nod and follow Carleigh around the room as she introduced me to those who I didn't know. Which is basically over half of the cast.

After a couple of people, I finally came around to meeting the mastermind behind all of this. I swear my heart just stopped.

"Lin, this is Y/N, Thayne's girlfriend," Carleigh said. She's said this to everyone and every time I had replied "I am not his girlfriend," but this time I'm just fangirling too hard on the inside to be able to respond.

"I've heard a lot about you," Lin said with a smile and shook my hand. I was blinking a couple of times to realize this was actually happening, before I smiled back and said "I hope only the best."

Lin laughed "Nothing but the best. Thayne tends to talk a lot, if he's not eating."

"Hey, I heard that!", I heard Thayne yell from the back of the room, making us laugh. "You were meant to!", Lin yells back and I swear I'm gonna start crying with laughter any second now.

Thayne came back over to us and said "Don't listen to his lies, Y/N." I giggled and replied "I'm pretty sure he's telling the truth."

Just like that, Thayne looked like he's been struck in the heart. He looked at me with disbelief filling his eyes, shock and betrayal flickering across his features. In all honesty, he looked like a gaping fish that was just pulled out of the water.

I cooed and patted his cheek "I'm sorry, Thayne. Of course he's telling lies."

Thayne still didn't look like recovering anytime soon and so an idea popped into my head and I began to grin a little. A light tint of red flushed my cheeks, barely noticeable.

And so I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

Thayne immediately seemed to come alive again, becoming a blushing mess. Carleigh and Lin laughed at that, Carleigh saying "Good one, Y/N!"

After some more moments of laughter, Carleigh continued to take me around the room to meet the others who I haven't met yet and to greet those who I have. Phillipa greeted me with a hug, at which I almost fainted in her arms. Renée and Jasmine also greeted me with a hug, saying how great it is to finally meet me and how Phillipa had already told them a lot about you. I did end up meeting Phillipa with the usual Starbucks crew a couple of times after or first encounter, so I do believe she had a couple of tales to tell them.

When I finally met everyone, it was back to me talking with Thayne, Carleigh and a couple of the other ensemble members.

"Hey, Y/N, I have something I wanted to give to you...", Thayne suddenly began, and turned fully towards me, making me frown slightly. I knew something was up, ever since Carleigh's slip up earlier.

Thayne smiled brightly at me as he then pulled something out from behind his back. I only stared at him with disbelief written all across my face.

A ticket. To see Hamilton. Tonight.

"No way," I breathed and my eyes kept jumping from the ticket in his hands back up to his eyes and back down again.

Thayne only grinned and nodded "You're seeing Hamilton tonight."

I shook my head at him "You're joking."

In the background I could hear Lin yell "He's not joking, that's a real one!"

I looked back up at Thayne and I swear to God, I could cry.

Oh my, I am crying.

Thayne laughed softly as he saw the tears and the bright smile form on my face, before I then tackled him in a hug.

I've been trying to get a ticket for ages, but since it's so booked, I only found the first tickets — where I have the time to go — for March next year.

"You're ridiculous!", I said and Thayne laughed as I squeezed him to death in my hug.

"I know."

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