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Javier stands a bit to the side as I sit on the bench, holding my phone tight in my hand.

I feel like the worst person on earth.

"Thayne...", I mutter and bite my lower lip. I have no idea how to apologize.

"Why didn't you text me?", he asks.

After him having overheard what I had said to Carleigh - who had put her phone on speaker - I hung up and called him on his phone.

"I know this might be the shittiest excuse ever, but I knew that texting you would make me want to come back. And I needed a timeout."

Thayne huffs a laugh "And that's why you leave unannounced, tell nobody and have the media find out."

"Thayne, I'm really sorry. I know I was stupid. I know I should have told you. But what did I do instead? I just left, like the coward I am," I sigh and rub my eyes. Somehow, this conversation made me wide awake.

"You're not a coward," Thayne mumbles and this time I huff a laugh "Am I not? The only thing I'm possibly good at is running away. I promised Yuna I would stay for a month or two. What did I do? Not even a month after I arrived I run off to Canada. I just shouldn't make any promises."

"Y/N, don't say that. You are not a coward. You should continue to make promises, slip-ups happen. Hell, I slip-up on promises a lot, too. It's human."

I smile a little and look up at the sky, trying to blink the tears away.

"Thayne, you are too kind to me."

Thayne giggles softly on the other end of the line and says "Don't get me wrong, I'm still mad and I think I have all the rights to be mad. But I know when you're sad, even if it's through the phone and I don't like to see...well, now it's hear you sad."

"I honestly don't deserve you."

"I should be the one saying that I don't deserve you."

I laugh softly and wipe a tear away with the edge of my sleeve. What did I do to deserve him?

"I'll be staying with Brian and Jun-hwan for a week or two and then we will see how my future looks here. Then I'll come visit you back home," I say. I don't want to tell him that I'll come visit him in a week already. Serves for a better surprise.

"And if you end up staying in Toronto permanently as that Junuan's choreographer?", Thayne asks and I can't help but laugh at his try to pronounce Jun-hwan's name.

"Thayne, repeat after me please. Jun-", "Jun-", "hwan." "uan?"

I laugh "No, with an 'h' and a 'w'. Hwan. Try again."


"Yes! Now all you have to do is set those two together and you get Jun-hwan."


I groan in frustration, but chuckle softly, to which Thayne laughs and quietly says "I got you to laugh."

I nod to myself and smile a little "Yeah, you did."

We remain in silence like this and as I gaze at the stars, I can't help but wonder.

"Are the stars you can see in New York as beautiful as they are here in Toronto?"

Thayne chuckles lowly and remains silent for a moment, before he replies "I don't know. I think they would be even more beautiful to look at if you were here by my side."

I can't help the blush that creeps up my cheeks at his cheesy compliment.

"Y/N?", Thayne then asks after I've been silent for what I think is a good minute.

"Yeah?", I ask and close my eyes for a moment, imagining what it would be like to stand by his side now.

"I miss you."

I smile at that "I miss you too. I'm so sorry that we didn't get to celebrate New Years together."

I can see Thayne waving this off before my inner eye as he says "No need to worry, we still have a couple of New Years Eve's we can spend together, should we still be in the same area by then."

"For a moment I thought you were going to say 'If we should still be friends by then.'"

"What would you have said if I did say that?"

I respond without missing a beat "I would say 'What a stupid hypothetical future. Of course we'll still be friends by then.'"

Maybe even more, I add in my thoughts.

Thayne and I remain silent for a minute more, until he finally breaks the silence and says "I have to go. The other's won't wait on me forever. Promise me we'll write."

"I promise."

Without wanting to draw this out even further, we hang up.

I can't wait for this week to be over.

sorry for the short chapter. I low-key overslept my one year wattpad anniversary so what better way to celebrate than with mass updates? I want to thank all of you. in this past year I reached milestones I thought impossible. thanks to you, my readers and followers, I am almost at 500 followers. my stories grow with numbers I never thought possible, all thanks to you. I love waking up and finding out someone new fell in love with one of my stories, i love seeing new comments, I love all of you for your support.

thanks and with much love, lexi

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