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That evening I had exchanged numbers with Carleigh and Oak, don't ask how Oak's number landed in my phone because I don't know either but my fangirl heart is fine with it. Oh, and I got a picture with Phillipa.

We were all about to leave, when I actually managed to gather my courage and had asked Phillipa if I could get a picture with her. She'd responded "Yeah sure!", and made Thayne take the picture.

Since it was kinda late and since we were kind of headed in the same direction, Thayne said he'd join me on my way home. I found it sweet that he was so kind to accompany me.

"You know, I think you left a lasting impression on all of them," Thayne said after a short while in silence.

"How come you think that?", I asked, a little confused, to which Thayne replied "They were all mesmerized by the performance they saw from you. And the things you explained and how passionate you were, I think they found a liking towards you. At least I know for sure that Pippa, Oak and Carleigh have."

I froze in my steps when he mentioned Phillipa. Thayne stopped and turned back to me, tilting his head slightly "Is everything alright?"

"You just said that Phillipa took a liking towards me already," I said and Thayne chuckled "Yeah, I did." "How can you tell?"

"I don't know, it's just some instinct I have," he grinned.

I nodded and wanted to reply, when I felt my phone vibrate violently in my pocket, meaning I got a call. There's only one person who it could be and I can't help but smile as I pull out my phone. I mumble a small "Excuse me," to Thayne and then answer the phone "Yuna!"

A chuckle comes from the other end of the line "Hey Y/N, how are you?"

"I'm great, perfect even, and you?", I reply with a big grin, continuing to walk, while Thayne gapes at me like a fish. Probably because I'm speaking in Korean.

On the phone is Yuna Kim. We've been friends ever since way back, deepening that friendship for sure back in 2010 in Vancouver. It should be around midday in Korea, I think. It's hard to make phone calls because of the time zones, but I always enjoy hearing from her.

"I'm doing good. How's your quad coming along?", Yuna asked and I think my grin grew even more, if that's even possible.

"It's doing great, I landed it cleanly today for the first time, without a wobble!", I almost squealed, solely because I was just so excited about it. I'll be the second woman, after Miki Ando, to land that quad sal in competition.

"Oh my god, that's amazing! Congrats! Can we FaceTime tomorrow during practice? I need to see it!", Yuna asked excitedly and I immediately shot back "Definitely! Coach won't have a problem with that, I'm sure. And I improved on my bent-leg camel spin!"

I heard Yuna laugh "You definitely have to show me that tomorrow."

"I will. I gotta go though, I'm walking home with a new friend of mine who's staring at me like I just grew a second head."

Yuna laughed once more, obviously getting what I mean. Because he probably did not expect me to be so fluent in Korean.

"Alright, alright. Get back to your friend and don't forget to get your good night of sleep!", Yuna said with a strict tone that resembled a mom, making me chuckle and reply "Yes ma'am. We'll talk tomorrow?"


And so we hung up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and smiled innocently at Thayne.

"You just...what just happened?", Thayne asked in disbelief, making me laugh. He looked completely blown away, which made him look quite adorable.

"I just spoke to a friend of mine in Korea," I simply reply the moment I calm down just a little.

"That's...wow. You're fluent in Korean?", he asked with big eyes.

I nodded "Yeah, kind of. Yuna is the only Korean contact I have, really, so my Korean gets kinda rusty if we don't talk for a while. And since time zones are bitches, it's kind of hard for us to stay in contact 24/7."

Thayne nodded in understanding and then smiled "You never cease to surprise me, Y/N Rippon."

I grinned brightly back at him and replied "I try to make myself as interesting as possible."

I have an announcement

Yuna is a queen and she deserved gold in Sochi 2014 Olympics

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Yuna is a queen and she deserved gold in Sochi 2014 Olympics. Thx for ur attention

And I'm writing a four hour long exam tomorrow so if you don't hear from me in the following week I probably died, RIP me

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