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I'm on the ice.

My feet glide across the rink effortlessly.

Music is in my ears.

Everything is good.

I skate a program I don't think I've ever skated before. But I just move along with the music without a problem, as if my legs are just guiding me through it, as if they know just what to do.

I move across the ice, fluid and elegant. My sole focus lies on the music and on this moment. I wish it doesn't end.

But when it does end, I realize I'm not alone.

Blades move towards me, the sound just a tad heavier than my light movements and seconds later I hear his voice.

"That was amazing."

I turn around and can't help the smile that tugs at my lips when I look up at him.

"Thank you."

He grins sheepishly and takes my hands in his.

"Dance with me?"

Who am I to say no to this offer? Who am I to say no to him? I grin in return and let him pull me along.

We stumble from time to time, but he's getting more and more secure on the ice and I can't help but laugh at his sweet attempts every now and then to spin me out and back in. He fails most of the time, but that's okay. He's not a professional. But it's perfect enough for me.

He's perfect enough for me.

As we rather clumsily cross the ice, I enjoy our closeness to the full extent. In his arms I feel secure, despite the fact that we might topple over any second now.

Thayne spins me out and back into his arms. And then, neither of us continue. We just stand still, staring at the other.

I never realized how beautiful his chocolate brown eyes were until standing this close to him.

Our noses bump against each other and we both let out a soft giggle.

Thayne's arms wrap themselves further around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest, so that not even an inch of space is between us.

"You are gorgeous," Thayne breathed, nudging my nose with his once more.

I smile back at him in return and reply "So are you."

Thayne huffs a soft chuckle and I almost expect a comeback, but he keeps quiet. All he does is hold me to his chest and stare.

And then, without a warning, our lips meet.

The kiss is gentle at first, soft and loving, before I muster a little more confidence and deepen the kiss, much to Thayne's surprise as well as his delight.

His arms around me tighten as I trail my hands up his shoulders, his neck and into the tufts of his hair, burying my fingers in his scalp and tug slightly, eliciting a moan.

We kiss as long as Mother Nature allows us to, until she's drawn all air that had been left out our lungs, then we finally part from each other.

We stare at the other in silence and lean our foreheads against the others.

This moment should never end.


I smile brightly as Brian Orser walks into the rink, his protege in tow. Cha Jun-hwan is as adorable as ever, we have met a couple of times the past years.

I hug Brian and give Jun-hwan a smile, who smiles back as he pulls off his skate guards and heads out onto the ice.

"How are you doing?", Brian asks, sitting down beside me to join me in watching the few other figure skaters that have gathered for the official practice already. Beside Jun-hwan, An Geon-hyeong and Choi Da-bin have already arrived. Practice doesn't start for half an hour, but who's to blame these skaters for showing up earlier.

I shrug and watch Geon attempt a triple lutz. When he lands it, his coach nods approvingly from the side.

"I guess, considering the circumstances, I'm doing okay," I say and glance at my knee shortly, before turning my attention back to the skaters and adding "How about you?"

"I'm doing good."

I can sense his question before it comes and so I say "I don't know."

Brian chuckles beside me "You don't even know what I was about to ask."

I shoot him a small grin in response "I've got a feeling."

He grins back at me, before he then says what I actually have guessed "Do you want to come back to Canada with me?"

I sigh lowly and chew on my lower lip. I don't know why I should come back, that's the one thing I can't guess.

"Jun-hwan needs a second choreographer and, as rude as this may sound, since you can't compete anyways for the rest of this season and maybe the next, I had hoped I could ask you to come back with us," Brian says.

"Don't worry, it's not rude. It's my own fault anyways," I shrug and lean back, watching as Da-bin goes through her spin sequence.

"And I've been thinking, when you get better, I could start coaching you again."

Now he's got my interest.

Brian was my coach when I had just started skating. He coached me for a couple of seasons, before I found my way with Sarah and Megan. After my official breakup with my coaches went viral, Brian had been one of the first to ask if I'm okay. Even after we went our own ways years back, we still have a good connection to the other and that's what I treasure.

"I'll let you think it through. We've got a couple of days left before we leave anyways," Brian smiles and gets up to go to the side of the rink where Jun-hwan has just stopped to catch a breather for a moment.

I let his offer linger in my mind for a couple of moments. Then, I go to join him at the side and listen to him talk to Jun-hwan for a minute or two, before I throw in a comment here or there on improvements he could make.

 Then, I go to join him at the side and listen to him talk to Jun-hwan for a minute or two, before I throw in a comment here or there on improvements he could make

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look at my cute new son cha jun-hwan

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