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"Earth to Y/N, are you present?", Javier waves his hand in front of my face, almost slapping me in the process.

I blink a couple of times, before glancing down at my coffee in my hands and taking a sip, to which Javier cheers "She's alive!"

I roll my eyes at his childish antics, but can't help a small smile that tugs at the corners of my lips.

"And what were you dreaming of this beautiful morning?", he sing songs, poking my cheek for his entertainment.

"Not of you, if that's what you were wondering," I retort, making Javier pout "And here I definitely thought you were dreaming of me."

"I think you'll have to try harder for that," Yuzuru states and I honestly don't know if that was supposed to be encouraging Javier or not. I think Javier took it as encouragement, just to my dismay.

"I definitely will. Jun-hwan!", Javier yells, before practically sprinting across the ice and startling the poor boy, who fell onto his butt.

I sigh and shake my head "I sometimes feel like I'm his mother or something."

Yuzuru laughs "I apologize for him."

I grin "No need to apologize. I know how he is. He's just in need of attention I don't think I can give him."

Yuzuru, being way too smart for his own good sometimes, immediately catches onto what I am talking about, his smile softening a little "He'll come around to that. I know he will."

"This has been going on for two years now, Yuzuru. I may be slow sometimes, but I'm not that oblivious. Over the past two years since I started to notice it, we have never lived close to another and only met during competitions or skating shows and I think that's only shown how serious he is about this," I mumble, watching Javier as he talks to Jun-hwan.

Yuzuru hums beside me, watching the boys along with me.

"And now that I share his apartment, it's anything but easier. I feel bad," I finish, resting the tip of my coffee cup against my lower lip and take in a deep breath. The smell of freshly made coffee wafts out of the small opening and into my nose, warming me.

"You should tell him," Yuzuru proposes and I shake my head softly "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm scared of ruining our friendship..."

Yuzuru turns his head slightly to glance at me, scanning my features, before he says "There's something more to this."

I press my lips to a thin line, watching Jun-hwan as he attempts a quad, landing with a slight wobble, but landing it nevertheless.

"Good one, Jun-hwan!", I call over, which earns me a smile from the young boy. I don't know if his ears are red from the cold or if he's blushing. Either way, this kid is too adorable and I don't regret taking this job, not one bit.

"There is something more to this, am I right?", Yuzuru asks quietly, carefully, as Javier skates past us.

I take a sip of my coffee to buy myself some time, but I know I can't run away from Yuzuru's question, especially with him looking at me that judging.

Finally I heave a low sigh, my voice coming out barely as a whisper "I feel like there's a spark of something inside me and that scares me."

Yuzuru shoots me a fond smile and lays a hand on my shoulder "Just take your time with this, okay? If you need to talk, I'll be there."

And then he skates off, leaving me alone with my confused thoughts until Brian finally arrives to join me by the side of the rink.


"How's Canada treating you?", Thayne asks through the phone, putting a smile on my face in an instance - though a sad one.

"Canada is treating me good," I reply softly, hoping Javier doesn't burn our dinner.

I had excused myself into the guest room so I could talk to Thayne. Javier had ended up cleaning out a small room he'd used for storage and had furnished it with a bed and small closet so I could have my own space, since it turned out I would stay with him for a longer amount of time. We decided to share the rent.

"That's great," Thayne replies. I can already sense what he's about to say.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, fidgeting with the edge of the blanket that laid sprawled on my bed. I hadn't made my bed this morning, I had been too lazy to do that, so my blanket is currently the depiction of my life - a mess.

"Don't worry about it," Thayne says, but I can hear the disappointment in his voice, though the amount of it is small.

"But I am. I promised you all I would come visit you two weeks after I'd settled in. Now I said I can't come because my knee is being problematic and a doctor recommended I stay and avoid any kind of turbulences. I don't know when I'm able to come home for a bit and you're sad because of me," I say with a sigh.

Thayne doesn't respond for a moment to this and I don't need him. We both know that my last words were true.

"Y/N, please don't feel guilty. Your knee and your health in general have top priority. If you aren't feeling well then please stay in Toronto and only come when you're truly doing good."

If only I could tell you that my knee isn't the only thing that troubles me.

"Don't be sad, okay? Smile," Thayne adds, as if he's able to read my mind. The thought actually puts a small smile on my lips and I reply "Sometimes I'm convinced you're psychic."

Thayne laughs "You tell me that a lot."

"Well, that's because you give me too many opportunities to say that."

I can almost hear Thayne smile as he says "I try my best."

"Y/N, dinner is ready!", I hear Javier yell, so I say to Thayne "I should get going. Dinner is ready."

"Then I don't want to hold you back."

I don't know what else to say. I have no idea how to end the call.

"Get better soon, okay? Or I will have to come to Canada to visit you first. Although I doubt that Lin will give me some time off."

I giggle softly "I will."

"Enjoy dinner."

And after a couple of seconds of silence, we both hang up.

i apologize for the wait. did you enjoy the chapter? more importantly, do you understand what just happened? *insert lenny face*

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