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"Remember, we're doing baby steps!", Javier says with a grin, holding both of my hands in his own.

I swear I'm about to cry.

Let me recap. Two weeks ago the doctor said, due to my knee acting up, I shouldn't put too much pressure on it. Now he said that I can go without crutches and even step onto the ice. I'm not allowed to do anything extreme, but this is enough for me, just the feeling of the ice beneath my feet makes me happy.

And now Javier is holding my hands and is carefully pulling me across the ice with him.

Yuzuru and Jun-hwan follow us, Yuzuru having decided to document this moment with his phone. 

Brian is watching from the sidelines, okay with me low-key blowing up his practice schedule at the moment.

"How does it feel, noona?", Jun-hwan asks and I grin brightly at the boy "I feel like Bambi but it feels great nevertheless."

The boys laugh at my words and Javier switches from skating backwards to now skating by my side, holding my right hand with his right and laying his left hand on my back, ushering me to move a little further by myself without having him dragging me.

"You're doing great, Y/N," Javier mumbles, his breath hitting my air, burning hot against the ice cold temperatures of the rink.

"How about we head to the side," Javier then says loudly, to which I shake my head "No, I want to go another round."

The boys laugh once again and Javier shakes his head "You're like a little kid."

"Excuse yourself!", I shoot back. Javier, in response, now lets go of me and skates off, leaving me to struggle by myself.

I frown after him and cross my arms in front of my chest, leaning my weight onto my good knee a little.

"Should I help you?", Jun-hwan asks and I shake my head "No, I can do this," before I carefully push myself off on my own.

It feels weird to put a lot more pressure on my knee, now that I don't have crutches anymore, nor do I have Javier at my side, ready to help me, should I stumble.

I set one foot before the other carefully and push myself forward, ignoring the twinge of pain in my knee.

I let out a squeal when all of a sudden I feel a pair of hands on my hips and almost stumble, the hands holding me tight while the boys break into laughter once more. 

I can hear Javier's laugh right beside my ear as he pulls me close to him, mumbling "I think it's really time for you to leave the ice."

"But I'm doing good!", I protest, to which Javier replies "I can see that, but you know what the doctor said. Not too much pressure. We're doing baby steps."

I sigh and pout, letting him pull me over to the side softly, careful not to pressure my right side too much. His hands still hold onto my hips when we reach the side and Brian holds out a hand to help me off the ice and onto non-slippery ground.

I let Brian lead me to the bench and let out a sigh of contentment when I sit down, happy about this small break.

Javier grins as he leans against the railing of the rink "Baby steps, Y/N. Baby steps."

I blush a little and roll my eyes, already hearing the slight sarcasm inches tease without him having to give me any hints about it. Javier loves to remind me a lot when he's using sarcasm, thinking I don't understand it. He always seems to forget that I'm fluent in sarcasm.

"Don't worry, we'll get you back in shape soon enough. For now, just focus on strengthening your leg and getting used to walk without any help," Brian suggests and I nod.

"You can take my bottle if you want," Javier offers, nodding his chin towards his water bottle that is standing beside me, huddled with Jun-hwan and Yuzuru's bottles.

"No thanks," I say, but his warning gaze just tells me to take the bottle. If I down it, I down it, so to say.

Under his hawk-like gaze I finally reach for his water bottle and open the cap to take a sip, making Javier smile boyishly.

I roll my eyes slightly at his small childish antics, but can't help the small smile that tugs at the corner of my lips.

And again, I feel that spark.

And again, I am terrified.

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