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Months have passed and the media had slowly let go of Thayne and I. Since we lived a couple hundred kilometers away, there wasn't much gossip they could get anyway. So we finally got off their radar.

I was currently watching Jun-hwan skate, going through a choreography we had come up with, when my phone started to ring.


"I'm pretty sure I know who it is that I'm calling."

Yuzuru looks at me worriedly, probably because I'm as red as a tomato.

"I'm sorry, it's a habit. I didn't look who's calling before I answered. Jun-hwan is skating a choreography I've come up with, so I guess I've been a bit preoccupied," I apologize, earning a laugh from the other end of the line.

"It's fine, don't worry. I've been calling to ask when you wanted to come over."

That's right, Evgeni and I haven't really come up with a date for me to fly to Russia, so we could practice the dance for the ice show. That's when I remembered the news I had for him.

"Evgeni, there's something I have to tell you..."

Jun-hwan now joined Yuzuru beside me and looked at me with a tilted head.

"What's up? You don't sound happy, to be honest."

"We might have to cancel that duet of ours."

The boys shot me sympathetic glances, before they both skated off again, as if to give me some sort of privacy again.

"What happened?"

I bit my lip awkwardly and glanced down at my leg. Well, this is the thanks I get for not taking it slow, I guess. Can't change it now anyways.

"I had a little throwback in my healing progress. Did a wrong move and now I get to wear my brace again. I don't think I can make it in time for the ice show."

I could hear Evgeni let out a low sigh on the other end of the line, probably wondering what to do now.

"But hey, didn't Boyang Jin skate to the same song this season? You could go ahead and ask him if he wants to join you," I suggest, watching Jun-hwan jump a triple-triple combination. When he turns his head in my direction afterwards, I hold a thumbs up and smile softly, making him smile in return.

"I did think about it."

"Then go ahead and ask him. We can repeat this some other time, but I think I just went too fast for my body to handle at the moment and that it's best if I just tune it down a notch."

"I guess I will. I hope you get better soon, I really want to skate with you one day."

I couldn't help the awkward blush at his words and smile softly "I did too. We'll talk soon, right?"

"Yeah. Until then."

With that, we hung up and I called Jun-hwan and Yuzuru over to me.

The two boys raced over to me, Yuzuru being here first as he had been closer to me to begin with.

I suppose Brian will kill me for this, but hey, you only live once, right?

"D'you two want to come to New York with me?"

This is my second time seeing the entire musical and this time I didn't bother with hiding the tears, as I only had Jun-hwan and Yuzuru with me. I was surprised Brian even let me take these dorks with me, but when I promised I'd make sure they'd at least eat a little healthy, he was okay with letting us go for a week.

How could he say no to a cripple?

Okay, no, bad time to roast myself.

As the musical came to an end, I was a sobbing mess, Yuzuru and Jun-hwan a little teary eyes. I think when Pippa gasped, realizing that she as Eliza had told Alexander's story, a tear escaped from Jun-hwan's eye, but I wouldn't tease. I'm not better.

We waited for a little after it all ended, since Carleigh promised me she would quickly get us to come backstage.

And speak of the devil, there he approaches.

Carleigh grinned like a madman as she jumped at me, hugging me tightly, nearly suffocating me. Jun-hwan and Yuzuru stayed behind me, almost looking around awkwardly, before they both had a heart attack when Carleigh also hugged them.

I giggled at their faces as Carleigh pulled back and said "I heard a lot about you, thanks for taking care of this idiot."


Now it was their turn to laugh at me.

Carleigh grinned at me apologetically and then looked at my face "Okay, you look great, come meet your Prince Charming!"

I grinned in return, honestly excited to see Thayne again. It's been almost four months since we've last seen each other in person and I didn't tell him I'd be coming, makes for a better surprise.

As Carleigh led us backstage, she said quietly "Okay, Thayne knows of nothing. I told everyone else to keep their mouths shut."

"What did you promise them in return?", I asked, my only guess being-

"I'd buy them all a round of Starbucks."

Knew it.

Finally we entered the stage, where the cast was gathered with some other fans or VIP's who got the chance to meet them now.

My eyes flew around the stage, searching for Thayne.

I found him quick. He was currently in a conversation with Andrew and Betsy, the latter noticing me and beginning to grin. She then tapped Thayne's shoulder and pointed in my direction once she had his attention.

Thayne looked my way and his eyes widened when he saw me. 

Oh god, he actually looked like he was about to cry.

Thayne crossed the stage in long, quick strides, heading a straight line my way.

Carleigh already had her phone pulled out to film or take pictures or whatever, like she somehow always does when Thayne and I were involved.

When Thayne finally reached me, he wrapped me into a tight hug and picked me up, spinning me around, before he set me down and pressed his lips against mine. I placed my hands on the sides of his face, feeling tears hit my fingers and honestly, I felt like crying again too. It's just been too long since we last saw each other.

Thayne pressed multiple kisses onto my lips, before he moved to my check and then just buried his head in my neck, holding me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his back, holding him just as tight. I could feel him sobbing and whelp, there go my tears.

I bury my face in his hair, crying along with him, ecstatic.

Finally, I'm back in his arms.

i lived bitches

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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