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Skate America had ended with me getting silver. I hadn't jumped the quad out of certain reasons, had only jumped a triple salchow, much to my coaches's dismay and my anger at myself.

I was mad at myself for backing out. Sure, I hadn't felt that good during the warm up, but I at least should've tried to jump the quad, because that would've still given me points, even if I had messed up. But, being the chicken I am, I backed out.

And so, here we are, my Coach Sarah, my choreographer Megan and I, at the airport in Milwaukee, waiting for our flight.

As I sat leaned back in my seat, my phone starts to ring and I immediately knew who it could be. Only, that I was wrong.

"Y/N Rippon, what the ever living hell was that?"

There's only one person in the world who would be mad at my performance. Adam. The loveliest brother in the world.

I sighed and smiled a little "Hello to you too, Ads."

But that's not all of it. In the background I could hear someone yelling "Yeah, what the hell was that Y/N?"

"And hello to you as well, Ty," I say and shake my head sighing. What a great way to spend time than to have your two older brothers call? At least it's not the whole bunch. We Rippons are literally an army, I have six siblings. Six! I still can't believe what my parents thought when they decided to have seven little monsters in their home.

"Didn't you say you'd jump a quad?", Adam asked, which Tyler backed up with "You promised you'd jump a quad!"

I rolled my eyes. Tyler always stuck to Adam and never to his poor little sister. "I'm sorry, your majesties, but I had my reasons as to why I backed out."

"Explain. We have time," Adam said and I sighed her again. That's another thing with him, he is way too persistent sometimes. At least when it comes to me, I don't know about Ashley. Maybe he's a little softer on her. Then again, they're best friends, I think he's just as horrible to her as he is to me.

"I didn't feel good during the warm up and when it came to performing, I just backed out. But hey, I added a triple toe after the triple salchow so I at least had that evened out."

"That still doesn't justify why you didn't jump the quad," Adam said with a rather strict tone "You've been working way too hard to back down now."

I nod to myself and remain silent for a couple of seconds to think.

I think back to the moment Thayne called me after the short program and as soon as I was able to get onto my phone. He's been so encouraging and also so in awe at my performance, even though he's already seen it a couple of times in person. His excitement and also kind of childish behavior still made me smile thinking about it now.

We've also been texting about my quad back out and he's been nothing but encouraging, just like after my short program. He talked me through it, saying that things like this tend to happen and that I'll be better next time. And if I'm being honest, his encouragement helped pick up my mood a lot.

"Hey N/N, mom says hi, by the way," Adam pulled me out of my thoughts, making me smile at the mentioning of our mother.

"Tell her I said hi back," I reply and I hear Tyler yelling my words in the background.

"You know, I'm still mad at you for going home to mom when clearly I want to be there too," I then complain and can practically hear Adam grin as he responds "Well, not my fault you've got a competition. See this as punishment for not even trying to do the quad."

I click my tongue in annoyance and hear my brothers laugh. Sarah taps me on the shoulder and I know that our flight is coming up, so I say "Boys, I've got to go. I'll talk to you soon."

"Yeah we definitely will. I can tell that Ash is enraged at your failing performance," Adam said, making me groan "Please spare me o heavenly gods."

My brothers laugh once more and then yell their goodbyes before I can hang up on them for good.

"You okay?", Megan asked me quietly as I got up from my chair and winced slightly. Thank the gods Sarah isn't nearby.

I nodded and replied "Yup, totally fine. Let's get this flight over with." I make my way to follow Sarah, but Megan grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop.

"Listen, I know you don't want to hear this, but as your choreographer and second coach I advise you to take a break with that knee and rest. Sarah will notice one day and I will not be the one saving your ass," Megan quietly spoke, glancing at me sternly.

Megan knew of my knee problems, because I took a wrong step during our ballet lesson once and she immediately noticed the limp accompanied by it, as I horribly had tried to save myself back into whatever choreography I was running through.

She swore not to tell Sarah – even though she usually would – either because I pleaded to the part where I begged on my knees, my forehead pressed to the ground, for her to not tell. Or because of I don't know what reason. Either way, I'm glad she's kept it to herself so far.

"I know. I'll be fine. I promise," is all I say, before I finally follow Sarah to go board our flight back home.

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