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happy belated birthday to cha jun-hwan. he turned 17 last Sunday but I haven't been able to update until now

ps: read note at the end of this

"Miss Rippon, what brought you here?"

"Miss Rippon, how is your knee?"

"Miss Rippon, is it true that you're going to skate next season?"

I cast a glance towards Jun-hwan beside me, whose nerves slowly seem to calm down, now that the focus has gone off of him, making me smile softly.

Brian lays a hand on Jun-hwan's shoulder to continue walking with him and nods my way, as if to say "Go answer them."

I watch the two of them walk off and turn towards the small swarm of reporters that has decided to tag along with me.

"Miss Rippon, may we ask some questions?", one of the reporters asks and I nod, smiling towards them as politely as I can, considering the jet lag. I don't think I'll ever get used to switching time zones.

"Sure, go ahead."

"How is your knee? We've seen videos of you online together with Javier Fernandez and Jun-hwan Cha, skating with them, how come?"

I chuckle softly at the mix of two questions and reply "My knee is healing well. Rehab is going smooth and I'm allowed to slowly ease myself back into practice. Though I'm not yet allowed to do jumps or too complicated spins. But we're getting there."

"Why were you accompanying Brian Orser and his skater just now?"

"I'm taking my rehab in Toronto after picking up on an offer Brian made."

"What kind of offer?"

"The offer to become Jun-hwan's choreograph."

Figure skater Y/N Rippon has found a new profession.

Thayne frowned a little - letting out a small yawn as he had just woken up - at the headline that popped up on his twitter timeline, but of course, since Y/N was mentioned, he had to click onto the link.

Figure skater Y/N Rippon drops competitions

Y/N Rippon (21) is known for her breathtaking skating performances, one-upping herself each and every time she skates. She awed figure skating enthusiasts with a quadruple Salchow during the Grand Prix Series at the Cup of China and the Grand Prix Final and proved the world she is to be reckoned with.

But she let everyone hold their breaths as she tore her ACL in her right knee during the free skate at the Grand Prix Final, only revealing any hint of injury just after her program was finished.

After that incident, Rippon flew out to South Korea to live alongside her best friend, fellow skater and mentor Yuna Kim (25). That was the last we have officially heard of her, until videos appeared online last week, showing that Rippon is now stationed in Canada, Toronto to be precise, in company with Javier Fernandez (24), Yuzuru Hanyu (21) and others.

Videos coursed the web of Rippon skating together with Fernandez and the community was quick to jump to the thought of Rippon slowly beginning to ease herself back into practice to be able to compete next season.

As the 2016 Winter Youth Olympics get going, we come across Rippon, who accompanied Brian Orser (54) and South Korean figure skater Junhwan Cha (14) and got to pull her aside for a small interview.

ISU: How is your knee doing?

Rippon: My knee is healing well. Rehab is going smooth and I'm allowed to slowly ease myself back into practice. Though I'm not yet allowed to do jumps or too complicated spins. But we're getting there.

ISU: What brought you to the Youth Olympics?

Rippon: I'm here because of Junhwan.

ISU: Junhwan Cha who skates under Brian Orser?

Rippon: Yes, we came to an agreement a while ago.

ISU: What kind of agreement?

Rippon:  I will be sitting out the coming season to walk through rehab in peace and get to my old strength under Brian's coaching and alongside that, I will be working as Junhwan's choreographer.

ISU: Will the job of a choreographer be more permanent or will you return to competitive skating?

Rippon: Considering how well my knee will proceed to heal and cooperate with me in the next months, I will decide how I will continue. But, at the time being, I can't and won't rule it out.

Y/N Rippon, choreographer of South Korea's Junhwan Cha. Who would've thought that Rippon would think about working for someone else on and off the ice?

For now, all we can say is that we will have an eventful season of 2016/17 to look forward to, now that a rising junior has a talented skater like Y/N Rippon at his side.

Thayne smiled a little at how they talked about Y/N, a picture attached to the article of Y/N standing at the side of the rink beside an older man who Thayne assumed to be Brian Orser, a young boy standing on the other side of the railing on the ice, who he thought to be that skater Jun-hwan.

The sight of Y/N just made him happy and a little sad as well. He missed her greatly. In the past few days they haven't been able to talk a lot because of her switching time zones and being busy with her new job.

He missed Y/N a lot, but he had an idea how to change this.

A surprise visit to Canada.

y'all don't want this

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