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Things after that article surfaced were difficult.

Journalists stood outside the rink the next morning when I arrived with the boys, obviously waiting for us. Or rather, waiting for me.

I took Yuzuru's and Jun-hwan's hands, wanting to pull them to the side so we could head in through the backdoor, but that wasn't going to happen when one of the journalists spotted us, cameras immediately flashing.

I pulled my scarf up a little more to hide my face. I didn't want to talk about this. The article really crossed the line and I wasn't willing to let the public get what they wanted. Then again, I was letting myself get oppressed by them by reacting like this. I was kind of letting them push their beliefs and opinions on me like this, saying nothing. But I didn't care. I wasn't in the mood of talking to the journalists about this and that was that.

Some called for me by my last name, others using my first name as they came rushing towards us.

Yuzuru and Jun-hwan stuck close to me, doing their best to get inside with me while dodging the reporters. Cameras kept going off and I felt like a deer stuck in the headlights of a truck. And I felt bad for dragging the boys into this as well.

"Are you really dating Thayne Jasperson?"

Yuzuru pulls me closer as I duck my head.

"Isn't it difficult to date him when he lives in New York and you in Toronto?"

We can see the door.

"How long have you known each other?"

We're getting closer. Behind the doors I can see employees of the rink, making sure nobody gets in. They spot us and I can see that they're about to unlock the door.

"How long have you been dating?"

We're almost there. Almost there.

"Isn't he too old for you?"

And that's it. At those words, I freeze on the spot. Yuzuru and Jun-hwan halt, a little confused, but they know what could've set me off.

"Do you think this relationship is good for you?"

"You don't have to do this," Yuzuru murmurs, concern lying in his gaze. We're so close to freedom.

"Don't you think this age gap is going to ruin everything?"

I spin around faster than I thought I would and glare at the journalists as I spit "This relationship is none of your concerns. You don't have the right to know since when, nor do you have the right to snoop in our private life. We are humans, too, and not just things to satisfy the public's need for gossip! Assail me all you want, I will not answer any questions about this subject. Now leave before I file a restraining order against all of you!"

My heart is in my throat as silence falls over us, before the cameras start flashing again. Yuzuru gently grabs my hand and pulls me towards the entrance of the rink, the employees letting us in and locking the door right after.

I let out a long breath and head right down the hall towards the changing rooms to my locker. I shove my bag into the locker and grab my skates, my shoes lying in their place now. I quickly pull the skates on and tie them tightly, before I lock my locker and head out to get to the rink. 

I'm the first. Yuzuru and Jun-hwan must be taking their time. And Brian isn't coming in until nine anyways. We're half an hour early, but I don't mind. That means that I get some time to skate a little for myself and maybe also start figuring things out for Jun-hwan and his programs next season.

I pull the guards off and place them on the bench next to the gate, before I step out onto the ice and skate around the rink for a couple of times.

As I go, I can't help but think about what the journalists might do now. Did they leave? Are they still waiting outside? Did they film my outburst or record it in any way? Will this be posted somewhere? Will it be posted everywhere?

I can't help but slowly get worked up about this. And I only know one release, but I know I can't do it. At least, not yet, that's what the doctor's said. But the temptation is big, and no one is here. I'm alone.

A small jump or two wouldn't hurt, right? I mean, I've been able to put more and more weight on my knee, so maybe I could already try a single or double. I don't think I'll try the quad sal right away, but if a single or double goes well, I might try a triple.

I glance around and find that I'm still the only one here.

So I go for it.

I advance, gradually picking up my speed until it's just right. 

Half a rotation.

I stretch me right leg back, before I dig the toe pick into the ice and push myself up.

I have enough height for one rotation.

Still up, a second one follows.

I push in a third and I feel like I could try a fourth. I still have enough height. If I'm quick, a fourth will fit in.

So I go for it.

And when I land, I can't believe that, after three months of jumping-break, I got back to jumping the quad salchow right of the bat. I do struggle with the landing a little, barely missing a double footed landing, but I make it.

The slight twinge in my knee is ignored as I hear someone yell "What do you think you're doing?"

I turn to face Yuzuru as he just steps onto the ice, looking somewhat like a mother about to scold her child.

I only grin childishly "Did you see that?"

"Yes, I did, now you get off the ice, let me see your knee!"

I laugh softly "Oh come on, I'm fine. Nothing hurts. I'm alive."

"And I'm the King of Canada."


"No, off the ice. You know what we said about jumping!"

"Take it slow?"

"Exactly. And that does not include jumping a quad first thing after months of rest! You could've hurt yourself."

"Well, I didn't. I guess all the rope skipping payed off."

Yuzuru only sighs while I giggle and let him shush me off the ice.

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