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feel free to yell at me in the comments :)

Time flew by faster than expected and now here I stand on Spanish ice, about to perform my long program and, hopefully, win the Grand Prix Final in Barcelona.

Sarah and Megan weren't with me, both of them sat in the audience. During the short program, Megan had been there with me, but today she apparently shared Sarah's protest to not join me. As if they want to make me feel bad and regret my decision to perform. But I know that I have to do this, that this is my chance.

"Apparently, Rippon had an argument with her coaches, which is why she's alone at the rink side. Fellow skaters Asada and Wagner are there as moral support," the commentator says and Carleigh shushes at the others to finally silence down. They had all come to the theatre earlier today so they could watch Y/N perform together on the TV and not on Thayne's phone screen.

Thayne frowned at the screen. He knew, or at least could guess, why Y/N's coaches wouldn't join her at the rink side.

"Will Rippon finally achieve what she's fought years and years for?"

Thayne could only hope so.

"Don't worry, you'll be amazing," Mao says and squeezes my hands. I nod and shoot her a smile "Thanks."

"Presenting the United States of America," the announcer began and I take a deep breath, squeezing Mao's hands one more time, do my handshake with Ashley and skate out onto the ice. Let's get this party started.

The moment I find my beginning posture for this skate, the music starts. The music pulls me through the choreographic sequences and the jumping passes here in there with ease and I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

I don't think I've ever skated this good, nor did I ever feel this good while skating. But that's good. Sarah and Megan hopefully in what a good shape I actually am.

I thread through each step with fluency and the final quarter of the song approaches, along with my final jump and my final enemy.

The quad salchow.

During practice this morning I felt good doing it, I didn't fall and I didn't do a double footed landing or anything else that could corrupt the scoring for the quad.

I'm gonna show the world that my quad at the Cup of China wasn't just luck.

I rotate, take a deep breath and dig my toe pick into the ice. I take off.

One revolution. Two revolutions. Three. Four.

As I land, the crowd cheers loudly, drowning out the crack that rings in my ears.

As always, Thayne is completely engrossed into the program. The others shared his excitement when Y/N landed a jump, gave their comments here and there and were all awaiting the moment of glory.

Y/N's quad.

Thayne held his breath with Y/N and jumped from his seat when Y/N successfully landed the quad. A bright smile sat on his face and the cast cheered along with him. She did it. With this flawless program she had to win this final.

That would be the only reasonable outcome.

I don't know how I managed to finish this program.

I don't know how I manage to stand on my right leg, when slowly the adrenaline makes way for excruciating pain.

I start to feel it the moment I take my bows and as I make my way to the side to get to the kiss and cry, I almost collapse on ice. I feel sick.

Ashley and Mao notice something's up and catch me the moment I'm off the ice and break down. They both wrap their arms around me and hold me up.

"What's wrong?", Ashley asks, but that question is unnecessary, considering how I lean all my weight towards my left side and onto her, trying to ignore the pain in my right leg that makes me think of throwing up any minute now.

"We need to get you to a paramedic," Ashley then says and Mao already goes to call for one, but I shake my head "No. Get me to the bench. I need to know my scores."

"Y/N," Ashley begins, but I'm as persistent as my brother and she knows it, since they live together, so she only starts to lead me towards the bench of the kiss and cry, two paramedics following us as we go.

When I sit down, Mao immediately hands me a water bottle and the paramedics stand by the side, making sure I'm fine from afar, until they can take care of me when I received my scores.

Ashley sits down beside me and takes my hand in hers, giving me the support my coaches should be giving me.

The water bottle in my hand is empty by the time my scores are finally announced.

"Y/N Rippon from the United States of America receives a score of 153.18 points, earning a total score of 227,75 points, putting her in first place."

If my tears are out of joy or out of pain, I don't know.

All I remember is the joy of winning, the screams of an excited audience, and then, eventually, passing out from the excruciatingly large amount of pain that finally overthrew every inch of adrenaline left in my body and sent me into the dark.

To say Thayne almost had a heart attack would put it mildly.

When he saw Y/N faint on TV, he almost would've fainted as well.

He didn't know what was going on. The cameras had only shown Ashley and Mao supporting Y/N when she got off the ice before moving on to playback scenes. And now, Y/N passed out and he had no clue what was wrong.

Until a thought overcame him that would also have almost made him pass out.

Her knee.

It must have finally cracked.

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