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Megan, Sarah and I had just landed back home in New York.

So far there've been way too many petitions started to get me on various shows, such as Ellen, The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon or The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. I've also gotten calls from Yuna or of course my family to congratulate me.

The thing that made my life so far though had been when Evgeny Plyushchenko had posted a picture on Instagram of him and I back at the Sochi Olympics posing together during the Gala at the end of the games. He captioned it with "Congratulations @y/n.rippon to rewriting figure skating history! Can't wait to see what you bring us in the future."

The reason why that comment meant so much to me is because I absolutely love Evgeny. His skating is so breathtaking and he inspires me a lot. I've chosen my current song for the free program to be Tango Amore by Edvin Marton because Evgeny skated to it way back in 2010 and the music just inspired me right away, gave me ideas for how to perform to it.

And now I rewrote figure skating history with that song.

Anyways, back to where I actually am.

Sarah, Megan and I just got our bags and we're making our way out of the airport, when a group of people caught my eye.

Of course there are a lot of groups around here, but definitely no groups holding a sign that said "Thayne's girlfriend".

I stop dead in my tracks and really ask myself why I am even friends with these people.

I start to blush like a madwoman and let go of my bag to hide my face behind my hands. Why are they so embarrassing?

I would've dropped to the floor to curl into a ball of embarrassment, if someone wouldn't have wrapped their arms around me and began to rock me back and forth slightly.

The familiar cologne that fills my knows tells me instantly who it is.

I uncover my face and wrap my arms around Thayne's neck, who whispers "Congratulations," over and over into my ear. I can't overhear his smile, to which I have to smile too, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

I've only been away for a week and I already missed Thayne like crazy. Wow, I think I must be turning crazy.

It feels like forever as we lie in each other's arms, him constantly whispering "Congratulations," into my ear. I don't mind the repetition. Just hearing his voice in person again makes me really happy.

When we finally pull away, Thayne's smile is so bright that I think I'm going blind for a moment. His smile quickly falters though and his hands come up to caress my cheeks as he asks "What's wrong?"

I realize he's not solely caressing my cheeks – he's wiping away my tears.

I laugh softly and my cheeks warm slightly "Nothing. I'm just way too overjoyed that I actually did it."

Thayne's smile returns and he leans down to kiss my temple "You did great out there."

Our moment of reunion gets destroyed by Oak shoving Thayne aside and Carleigh saying "Thanks Oak," before throwing herself at me and nearly yelling into my ear "Congrats on achieving your goal!"

We nearly fall over but I managed to regain balance last minute and laugh along with Carleigh and the rest of the people who decided to tag along to get me from the airport. Those were Oak, Thayne (obviously), Carleigh, Sydney, Anthony and Jasmine. I'm overwhelmed that they even came at all to get me. I thought only Thayne would come.

After Carleigh let go of me, Jasmine hugged me tightly, also saying "Congrats on making it!" Sydney, Anthony and Oak hug me as well after that, the latter also lifting me off the ground as he did so.

Megan and Sarah stood by the side, smiling at the scene. If I'm being honest, I think they're also happy that I finally found some friends nearby. Like proud mothers.

Thayne's arm lays around my shoulder as Jasmine announces "We are now heading to my place to get you," a finger pointed at me "dressed up nicely and then we'll head to the club to party the shit out of the night!"

We laugh together and I roll my eyes grinning "And here I was hoping to get some rest to out-sleep my jet lag."

Carleigh shook her head grinning "Nope honey, you're gonna party with us. No getting out of this one, we've got everything planned out already."

I sigh and when I glance over my shoulder to look for my coaches and ask them if they could help me out of this mess of a situation, I find them already gone. Whelp, there goes my hope for rescue.

So I turn back to the others and say "Let's get this party started!"

Stick To The Stuff You Know || Thayne Jasperson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now