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can we take a moment to talk about those smol beans at the top named jun-hwan and yuzuru? you can clearly tell who is the more mature one and who's the child stuck in an adult's body. anyways, 

i was actually searching for a pic of thayne, typed 'thayne jasperson' into the google search bar and you won't believe it but the cover of this story actually showed up I'm shooketh

i was actually searching for a pic of thayne, typed 'thayne jasperson' into the google search bar and you won't believe it but the cover of this story actually showed up I'm shooketh

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I'm not lying I'm serious

s   h   o   o   k

and pls forget that I forgot to post this on thayne's birthday two days ago happy belated birthday you ray of sunshine

Oh god oh god oh god.

I take deep breaths as I stand at the New York airport.

My week in Toronto went great and Brian and I decided to come to terms regarding my contract and the official statement that I'm now part of Team Orser again - I might let him coach me should I be able to skate again - and want to figure everything out after I return from my trip home.

Through a couple of long talks, we agreed that I would move in with Yuzuru and Jun-hwan, since they have more space in their apartment that they shared than Javier has. I will return to Toronto in a while with some more belongings and then we'll see how that goes. I hope my Japanese isn't embarrassing, because every knowledge I had over Japanese flew out the window over time. At least I'm able to communicate with Jun-hwan without problems.

Anyways, back to the present.

Managing luggage with crutches is not easy, let me tell you that. 

"Hey, do you need help?", a voice tunes up beside me, startling me.

When I look up, I come face to face with a grinning Carleigh.

I actually forgot that I told her I was coming. Good job, Y/N.

Carleigh grins as she hugs me tight "It's so good to have you back!"

I smile sheepishly "I don't know for how long though."

"I'm just gonna ignore that you said that and will enjoy this sweet moment of reunion before your future boyfriend takes you away from me for ever," Carleigh says with a laugh, to which I frown in return "What do you mean, future boyfriend?"

Carleigh pulls away from the hug and shoots me a deadpan look "Girl, you know who I'm talking about."

I blink a couple of times, trying to figure out what she meant, only to have her shrug it off with a groan "Let's just get your bag into the car and get to the theater."

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