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"So you've been skating for how long again?", Thayne asked as we walked side by side to Starbucks.

"Fourteen years," I grinned and Thayne's eyes widened "And you've already been to the Olympics twice?!"

I nodded and looked ahead at the Starbucks sign I could see in the distance. "If I practice harder and if I don't get any major injuries, I can go for a third time. But this time, I plan to get gold."

Thayne stared at me, astonished. "Wow. I admire your ambition. How often do you practice?"

I thought for a few seconds, before replying "On the ice, about 24 hours a week and off the ice, around 16 hours a week. So, two hours off ice and three and three quarters on ice every day. Except for Saturday's and Sunday's, there I don't have any off ice practice so I just add those hours to my ice time."

"Yup, that's it. It's decided. Y/N, you are officially my sports role model," Thayne said, making me laugh "What do you mean?"

"You're so dedicated to your sport, I admire that. To work so hard every day and barely catch a break, that's just amazing. If you continue working hard like that, you'll definitely get that Olympic gold."

I smiled at his response and just couldn't help the slight blush at his compliment "Thank you. I really love figure skating. It's like a completely different world. I can show myself to the world and be someone completely else if I want to."

A couple of seconds pass in silence, until I ask "What's your job?"

"I sing and dance as a profession," Thayne said and I replied "Oooh, that sounds nice. What's your current job though?"

Thayne holds the door to Starbucks open for me and I quickly hush inside, mumbling a quiet "Thank you," as I pass him. Inside, I turn around to face him again, awaiting an answer.

"Oh, nothing too special. I just star in a musical, is all," Thayne replied, shrugging his shoulders slightly as if he meant to say that it's nothing special.

As I was about to ask what musical, a voice called "Thayne! There you are!"

I turned towards the source of the voice and found the same small group of people from the last time I met Thayne. This time though, there was a person in particular I recognized right away. Phillipa Soo.

She was talking quietly with a woman with short blonde hair. I swear, I'm having a heart attack. Oh my god, that is Phillipa Soo. The Phillipa Soo. Oh my god. Oh my god!

Thayne walks towards the group and talks with the same dark haired woman from last week while I stay frozen to my spot, inwardly fangirling like there was no tomorrow.

Finally I realized though why Thayne's voice had always sounded so familiar to me. I've got his song stuck on replay for the whole past week. He is Samuel Seabury!

Thayne returned to where I stood and waved his hand in front of my face, as if to get me to snap out of my trance.

I look back up at him with wide eyes and whisper "That's Phillipa Soo," as if I couldn't realize I was standing in the same room as her.

Thayne chuckled and grinned brightly "Yeah, that's her. We can sit with them, they're fine with you joining us. But, uh, only if you like, of course. If you just want it to be me and you, then it's fine, they won't be mad or something."

The way he was trying to explain himself made him even cuter than he looked.

"I wouldn't mind sitting with them," I said and smiled up at Thayne, who just grinned back and then turned around to see what Starbucks had to offer – even though he already knew what he'd get.

"What do you want? My treat," Thayne said and then looked back at me.

"Uh, I'll just take a normal hot chocolate," I said and then watched as he went off to order.

I jumped slightly when I felt a someone tap my shoulder. The dark haired woman from last week stood there and smiled at me "Hi, I'm Carleigh. Why don't you come sit with us while Thayne gets your order?"

The thought of sitting at the same table like Phillipa Soo made my fangirl heart stop for a moment. Slowly I nodded and smiled "Yeah, I can do that. I'm Y/N, by the way."

Carleigh smiled a little brighter and said "It's nice to meet you, come with me."

Carleigh led me to the table with her and coughed to grab everyone's attention. With everyone's gazes on me, I suddenly felt small. I don't know why, but out of every moment and situation I've encountered, now I had to feel anxious. I was used to skate in front of thousands, damn it, and I get anxious in front of ten, maybe?

"Everyone, this is Thayne's girlfriend, Y/N," Carleigh announced with a big grin, making the ones present laugh, especially when Thayne popped up from beside me and said "Stop lying, Y/N is not my girlfriend. I'm sorry for them, they're a little stupid sometimes," Thayne flashed me an apologetic smile and I shook my head "No, no, don't worry. It's nice to meet you all," I say that to his friends.

Thayne motioned for me to sit and then they all began introducing themselves.

I knew Carleigh already, then we have Sydney, Andrew, Sasha, the short haired blonde Betsy who Phillipa had talked to, the goddess herself, a dude with a name I cannot ever pronounce so he told me to call him Oak, Ephraim and Jon.

They all just went to chatting with each other like everything was normal.

Carleigh leaned over the table a little and grinned at me "You're a figure skater?"

I nodded and she added "That's so cool. It's more difficult than it looks, isn't it?"

I smile a little. This is definitely something I won't have any problems talking about.

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