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y'all this story is a mess I apologize. pls feel free to yell at me in the comments.

"No, no, no, birthday girl, you get away from the stove!", Yuzuru almost screeched, sprinting into the kitchen to shove me aside and take over the making of our breakfast.

"But-," I begin to protest, but Yuzuru only shakes his head "Nope, no complaining. You go sit down, Jun and I will get everything done."

I let out a sigh and mumble a "Yes dad," to which Yuzuru laughs, while I then head to sit down.

Jun-hwan skids into the kitchen and sends a blinding smile my way, almost tackling me in a hug as he yells "Happy Birthday," in Korean, to which I smile bright in return "Thank you, Jun."

Jun-hwan then joins Yuzuru in finishing the breakfast I started to make, while I can only sit at the table and pout as the boys set the table and prepare everything.

"You know, you weren't supposed to be up yet," Yuzuru states, shooting a judging glance my way, to which I just shrug in return "I couldn't really sleep so I thought I could get up and make breakfast for us."

"I thought we agreed on you doing nothing today?", he says rather than asks and I honestly feel like the victim here beneath a judge's eye.

"But who's going to train Jun?", I retort.

Jun-hwan in return raises his hand and says "That's what Brian is there for."

"You know exactly that that's not what I mean!"

The boys laugh at that and finally come to join me, serving the breakfast I had started.

"I don't understand what your problem is," I mumble beneath my breath as we then begin to eat.


"Oh hell no."

Yuzuru felt free to cover my eyes with a blindfold, but I know ice when I feel it, even underneath my winter boots.

"Oh no no no no no, get me off the ice right now misters!"

Yuzuru and Jun-hwan laugh as they guide me across the ice, both holding either of my hands tp make sure I stay safe.

"No can do, I'm sorry," Yuzuru apologizes, but I know from the grin I can hear in his voice, that he isn't sincere at all.

"Liar liar, pants on fire," I mutter, making the two of them laugh again.

I almost trip when something hard hits my knee and I can hear something skidding across the ice slightly.

"Sit down here, noona," Jun-hwan says and carefully guides me to sit down on the chair - the hard thing that just hit my knee, or that I kicked away on accident.

I sit down and their hands leave me. Then I hear them leaving, snickering quietly.

I move my hands up to the blindfold, but my hands are grabbed by someone before I could reach the soft material covering my eyes.

Goosebumps run down my spine and my disorientation adds to the excitement of what was going on.

I don't even know what's going on, to be precise, but I guess it's something exciting. At least I hope it is something exciting.

The hands that hold mine are familiar, I know their touch and a small smile tugs at the corners of my lips. 

I know these hands.

"Can I take off the blindfold?", I ask as the pair of hands holding mine still won't let loose.

A disagreeing hum tunes up from behind me and I frown a little, the small smile turning into a little pout, to which a soft laugh follows the hum.

"Why can't I take them off?", I then ask, but I don't get an answer.

Seems like he wants to keep me in the dark for a little while longer. As if I didn't already know who was standing there with me, but I didn't want to spoil the surprise for me, so I wouldn't act up on it yet.

For a while I just sit there, with him holding my hands to prevent me from grasping the blindfold. I guess Jun-hwan and Yuzuru left to get something that took a little longer.

I don't know how long I sat there, when I could finally hear a door being opened and steps followed that sound, walking through the hall. I smile a little in anticipation of what was to come.

In the distance I hear hushed voices talking, though I don't know who's talking or how many voices are there.

Finally I feel some movement.

One of his hands grab both of mine, while I feel the other on my cheek, gently turning my face to the side.

A deep voice rumbles "Happy birthday," and is followed by a pair of lips pressing against mine.

The steps and hushed voices turn silent.

"What the fuck Javier?!"

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