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did anyone notice that every book has a new cover and that I tried to theme match them?

Javier watches fondly as Y/N skates around the rink. 

Her work in rehab for her knee has been progressing unbelievably fast, considering how ruined her knee was due to previous injuries from years ago. And here she is, moving over the ice on her own, as if she had never left it.

Of course, she is only allowed to do things that don't put too much pressure on her knee, like jumps, and she's only allowed a limited amount of spins, but that's still amazing enough, with her surgery having been not even three months ago.

Javier's standing by the side together with Yuzuru, watching Y/N chase after Jun-hwan, who looks actually a tad frightened when he realizes how much faster Y/N is getting, now practically sprinting after him.

"You like her," Yuzuru tuned up beside Javier, who let out a low laugh "And you're stating the obvious."

Javier decided he would be open about this. No use in hiding, if Yuzuru can read him like a book anyway.

That's the thing about Yuzuru, he's just good at reading you. No exceptions.

"You do know that she's got a lot to deal with at the moment."

"I know. But she's recovering well," Javier replies with a grin as Jun-hwan stumbles and falls, Y/N's bright laugh filling the rink, the poor boy joining in. In between laughter Y/N said something Javier didn't understand - probably Korean, as Jun-hwan replied.

"That is not what I mean," Yuzuru states, pulling Javier's attention to him.

"What do you mean? Care to elaborate?"

Yuzuru watches Javier for a few seconds, obviously considering on how to word this, before he finally says "Her heart belongs to someone else already."

Javier huffs a laugh "You mean that actor she appeared on the news with? She said it herself, those were only rumors, and they haven't even seen each other since she left the US."

Yuzuru sighs softly "Javi, that's not what I mean. They aren't out to each other yet with their feelings. They're both still hiding them, or not realizing them."

Javier looks back at Yuzuru and raises a brow "And what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to tone it down, for her sake and for yours. You can't forget that you are not the reason as to why Y/N is here with us. She's here for Jun-hwan, he's her main focus, not you."

Javier sighs and glances back at the ice, watching Y/N as she now twirled around, before raising a leg as if to go into a spin, then coming to a stop and looking at Jun-hwan, calling out yet again something that Javier couldn't understand. 

"And what if I don't want to? What if I can't? Yuzuru, I think you are forgetting that I live with her. I have no choice but to see her every day and hear her laugh, her voice every day."

"Then Y/N will move in with Jun-hwan and I. We have enough space for her, nothing will be cramped, and she can spend more time getting to know Jun-hwan," Yuzuru suggests, to which Javier quickly shakes his head "No. We already settled everything, I gave her a room of her own, we want to share our rent, we-"

"You're already too possessive. I think you need to part from her for a bit," Yuzuru interrupts him and gives him no time to respond, before he's already calling out "Y/N, can you come over?"

Y/N and Jun-hwan look over at Yuzuru and back each other, before Y/N suddenly broke into a sprint, leaving a startled Jun-hwan behind, who's quick to follow. Y/N is still the first to reach the boys by the side, smiling brightly as she asks "What's up?"

"Would you like to move in with Jun-hwan and I? We have enough room, Javi told me it's a little bit of a struggle with your current living situation," Yuzuru said with an encouraging smile.

Y/N glanced from Jun-hwan to Yuzuru and back, before returning her gaze to Jun-hwan with a grin and saying something in Korean, to which the younger boy grew slightly flustered.

With a laugh, Y/N focussed back on Yuzuru and said "Yeah sure."

Javier found himself freezing slightly. 

Y/N had decided this without asking him, without considering what he would feel.

Did she not like his presence?

Why didn't she even look at him while deciding?

Why didn't she consider him?


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