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picture at the top is drawn by me
i messed up on the face and skin tone a little, the skin tone should be a little brighter and the face less fucked up but yeah
since this is a x reader, this is only a rough outline of what Y/N looks like (middle tone skin, greenish brown eyes and dark hair) you can look like whatever u want tho
this is just what I have in mind (with a little lighter skin tone)

"On the ice, representing the United States Of America, Y/N Rippon!"

"Everybody, shut up! Thayne wants to watch his girlfriend!", Carleigh yelled through the green room. It was about an hour till their show started and those who were long ready with preparing were gathered in the green room.

"Come on Carleigh, she isn't my girlfriend!", Thayne protested, keeping his eyes glued to the screen of his phone, which he had put on maximum volume, the livestream of Skate America on.

As Y/N skated onto the ice, the crowd cheered loudly. Thayne guessed it was because she was skating at 'home' and the crowd is usually louder when a skater is from the country where they're performing.

"Rippon is the last to skate in the ladies event tonight. She is skating to Farewell No. 2 by Shigeru Umebayashi."

Thayne watched with curiosity glinting in his eyes as Y/N came to a stop in the middle, flexed her arms a little, before laying both her hands over her heart, digging her right toe pick into the ice and turning her head to the side. The pink of the costume actually flattered her figure, Thayne thought to himself.

"She looks cute," Jon commented, snatching the chair from beside Thayne and sitting down next to him, leaning in a little so he could catch more detail from the little screen.

"You already said that after you met her," Thayne shot back and Jon grinned "Oh come on, it's a compliment meant for that choice of costume. I think the color looks good on her." I think so too.

The music started and with it, Y/N began to move across the ice.

Thayne watched with the others in silence as Y/N followed a choreography which he'd seen just a couple of weeks ago, when he'd visited her at the rink to give her his number.

The commentators announced every jump, Y/N jumped each one with grace and no problems at all and it only made Thayne admire her even more. Skating at home must be a real pressure, so to skate so cleanly and beautiful all together was probably the hardest thing a skater can do. Not to mention other really big international competitions, but those were on a whole other level.

When her skate was over, Thayne couldn't help but grin, especially when he saw Y/N smile as bright as she did, waving to the crowd and bowing.

"That was marvelous," Jonathan whispered in awe from behind Thayne. Only now did Thayne notice it was dead silent in the green room and almost everyone had gathered behind him to watch.

"What a phenomenal performance. A great start into this season's Grand Prix, I'll tell you that," the male commentator spoke and, as the skate was reviewed on screen, as in all her jumps and spins were played again in slow motion, the female commentator said "Comparing this version of her here to what we've seen at the U.S. International Figure Skating Classic a month ago, it's like she is a whole new person." "Yeah, I agree."

"Her transitions were as smooth as they've  never before been for this program, and she's been skating to this song since the middle of last season."

Thayne didn't notice how he began to tap his foot ever so slightly on the ground – impatience. His impatience was growing. He wanted to know what score Y/N had.

So far, Thayne hasn't been able to grasp that much of how figure skating worked, but that didn't mean he couldn't be impatient. He knew that Y/N's reaction would for sure explain him if the score she received was good or not.

"The scores for Y/N Rippon from the United States of America."

The camera focused on Y/N, who had pressed her lips to a thin line, her brows furrowed slightly, her eyes focused on the screen. Thayne could tell that the suspense was killing her inwardly as well.

"Y/N Rippon has earned a total score of 69.83 points, putting her currently in second place."

The crowd cheered and Thayne smiled even brighter when he saw Y/N let out a relieved gasp, smiling as bright as he knew, and hug her coach and choreographer tightly at the same time.

The camera switched to the ice and the ranking was shown. Just a little over a point kept Y/N behind Evgenia Medvedeva from Russia.

"Hey Thayne, when you call her, tell her congratulations!", Carleigh said with a grin and patted Thayne's shoulder.

How did she know he wanted to call Y/N?

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