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I'm so glad I didn't wear a lot of makeup because I am the literal description of a mess. I'm kind of thankful Beyoncé and Jay Z sat next to me, because that kind of motivated me to keep it short a little with the tears, but I managed well enough.

After the show, I immediately head backstage to find the cast. My eyes were still shining and I had very obvious tear stains on my cheek, so it was no wonder that Carleigh laughed at me the moment she spotted me.

Carleigh hugged me tight as I said "That was so amazing!" She pulled away and wiped the tears away with her thumbs, some crusted mascara and then says "You're good to see your man." I hit her arm for it.

I glance through the crowd and soon find Thayne, who's currently talking with some ensemble members. I don't even need to tap his shoulder to get his attention, Andrew does that for me. Andrew grabbed Thayne's shoulders and turned him around to face me and then pushed him forward, making the guys laugh, me as well.

Thayne stumbled to a stop before me and looked speechless, looking me up and down, before he says "You look beautiful in that dress."

Carleigh looks like she wants to say something, judging the frown on her face, but I cut her off by replying "Thanks. Your performance was amazing."

Thayne smiles and I think I can see a hint of a blush on his cheeks. Well, I guess I'm blushing too, so no judging.

"I can't believe I had Farmer Refuted playing on repeat for weeks and didn't recognize you the moment we met," I add and Thayne laughs, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

We don't know what else to say to each other at the moment, so I only lean forward and kiss his cheek, whispering a "Thank you," before I head to the other cast members, leaving dumbfounded Thayne behind.

I ignore Carleigh's suggestive smirk while I'm at it.

I make a round, talking to each cast member as soon as they were available. When I got to Groffsauce, I said "I love you as King George, but when you stared at me, I thought I would shit my pants."

Groffsauce started laughing and asked "I stared at you?"

"Yes! You totally did!", I'm probably gaping like a fish. How could he not remember?

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I just stare randomly into the audience. I didn't know you would be one of my targets," he just couldn't stop laughing. 

Little as-

Oh my god. Beyoncé and Jay Z have arrived. I feel like a lot of people conveniently end my train of thoughts.

Groff also looked like he was dying on the inside, so I am very glad to not be the only one right now.

I slowly back off, but decide to end up in hearing range. Curiosity is a wondrous thing.

"You were the king?", holy mother of Jesus her voice is butter to my soul.

Groff, struck as ever, blinked a couple of times and nodded "Yeah."

I see Phillipa nearby and already plan to head over to her, when Beyoncé says "I'm gonna steal your walk. I love your walk."

I think Groff is dying more than a dead person right now.

"Hey, you okay?", a voice pops up beside me, making me jump slightly and put a hand to my heart "Jesus, Thayne!"

Thayne cackles and grins brightly at me "Would the fine lady allow me to take a picture with her?"

I giggle "I always knew you were smooth, but you always seem to be able to top yourself." Thayne laughs along with me and then replied "I'm a natural. Now, if the lady would turn just a little to the right, there we will see a photographer named Carleigh who is awaiting the perfect moment to take a picture of us."

I roll my eyes, making him giggle. "You need not sound so posh, dear sir," I say and Thayne loses it.

"Get yourselves together, I don't have time all day," I don't even see Carleigh, as I haven't turned yet, but I swear that I can hear her rolling her eyes. This woman, seriously. Why did we end up as friends?

I turn to the right, just like Thayne had said, and smile sweetly at Carleigh "Better?"

This time I see her rolling her eyes, which makes me grin. Seriously. I am somewhat glad though, having a friend like Carleigh has it's benefits. I'm just still searching for most of them.

Thayne calms down from his laughter and stands up straight next to me.

"Now, please stand a little closer...", we move closer to the other, our arms brush against each other "Good, now please look like you know each other and not like some fangirling strangers who just met their idols for the first time." I swear to god.

Thayne moves closer and wraps his arm around my waist, mumbling a quiet "You okay with this?", in my ear, to which I nod. His concern is adorable, warming my heart.

Carleigh behind the camera grins, mischief shining in her eyes, and yells "Perfect."

Suddenly, as she's taking a series of pictures, flower petals start raining down on Thayne and I.

We frown at each other and then look behind us. Oak stands there, with his flower-girl-basket and is throwing those flowers at us with an innocent smile on his face.

Despite the two of us blushing, we still end up laughing about it and looking back at Carleigh.

"Seriously?", I ask and she nods "Give's it a romantic flair, fitting for a couple."

"We aren't a couple."

"You even manage to say that sentence at the same time, you sure about that?", Carleigh raises an eyebrow at us and hands Thayne his phone back "I sent the pictures into our group chat, by the way." She winks at him and then scurries off before we can say anything else.

Stick To The Stuff You Know || Thayne Jasperson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now