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Friendly reminder to myself: never party with these guys ever again.

My head feels like it's being attacked by a giant lawnmower. In hindsight, I believe I didn't drink that much, but my head tells me otherwise.

I groan slightly as I sit up on the couch, taking a moment to figure out where I am. When I remember where I am, I let myself drop back onto the couch again and sigh.

Right. We crashed at Oaks place after we left the club, because his place was closer to the club and we weren't willing to pay cabs to get us all to our own homes.

I bury my face into the cushions and let out another groan, as if it would help to make the headache go away. I can't remember the last time I had such a hangover. Then again, I'm only 21 years old and I don't have enough friends to get wasted with on a daily basis or something.

Just as I was about to doze off again, I feel something push down the cushion of the couch slightly and graze my waist.

I jump at the sudden touch and to my luck, end up falling off the couch. A shriek isn't the exact way I would describe the sound I've just heard, but then again, it does sound a lot like a shriek – just manly.

I wince at the sound, too loud in my ears, and push myself off the floor a little to see who I've just landed on.

"Good morning to you too," Thayne whined and rubbed his head. Therefore I assume I'm not the only one with a massive hangover.

I stare at Thayne a little dumbfounded "Why are you on the ground?"

Thayne stares back at me and thought for a moment. I notice how his glance would go astray, losing my eyes every few seconds for a little, before he focuses on my eyes again and says "I don't know."

I nearly choke on a stifled giggle and sit up beside him, my right leg draped over his legs. Thayne sits up and leans his back against the couch – all the while moving so my legs don't leave his.

We stare at each other in silence for a moment, before I glance at the time on my phone display. How the fuck did we only sleep four hours?

As if those thoughts triggered it, I yawn slightly and mumble "Well, I'm going back to sleep." I push myself up to stand and plop down onto the couch again. I realize now it's been pulled out, obviously, since the back ledge is nonexistent. And just as quick do I realize that Thayne and I probably shared the couch and either he rolled off on his own or I pushed him over.

Either ways, as I lay down again, I pat the space beside me and mumble "Sleep. Ground uncomfortable."

I've already closed my eyes, so I only hear him move and feel him as he pushes the cushions of the couch in when he lies down beside me on the couch. I scoot over a little, already half asleep, when his arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me back into his chest.

I don't object and only cuddle close, enjoying the warmth and fall asleep even faster.

I later wake up to giggling.

By now I had turned around in my sleep and had wrapped my arms around Thayne, our legs entangled and my face buried in the crook of his neck.

Damn those giggles. I easily could've slept the entire day like this.

The giggles don't stop, so I move my head a little to see where it's coming from. Janthony and Carleigh stand in the doorframe, Anthony quickly waving his hand out into the hallway, probably to get Oak or Sydney to move their butts faster.

I want to move away, but Thayne's grip tightens and I hear his deep voice mumble "Ignore them."

I saw the opportunity.

I took it.

"Congrats to you lieutenant colonel."

Thayne bursts out into giggles and grin brightly. Finally he lets go and we both sit up. Then we both glare into the direction of the door.

Anthony bursts out into loud laughter and runs to hide in the hallway, Jasmine and Carleigh giggle relentlessly as they stare at one of their phones together.

Thayne and I roll our eyes at each other and both get to our feet, heading to the doorway so we could get to the kitchen. For once – why for once, our thoughts are the same a lot of times – we both have the same thing on our mind. And that is food.

As we push past the two, Thayne pulls his phone out to check what the girls did.

They had sent a picture of Thayne and I cuddling like that into their cast group chat.

Stick To The Stuff You Know || Thayne Jasperson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now